Module 3 Revision Flashcards
What is Revelation?
Revelation is the continuing and dynamic process by which God communicates personally with people.
The process by which God has led his generation to Know God is Revelation. Revelation is not a primary body of facts or truth, rather God personally connecting and revealing himself to humanity.
The principle meaning of Revelation is the self communication of God and the principle purpose is to enable people to share in God’s love and life.
What is nature?
The qualities or characteristics of something
What is the definition of ‘nature’ in relation to ‘religious belief’?
Nature can be defined as the the qualities or characteristics of something.
Religious beliefs offer particular insights and understandings about life.
- the nature of religious belief an be explained as to HOW the belief itself is being offered,shown or expressed to believers; which is through a variety of teachings and practices.
What is the most important religious belief to Catholics?
Jesus Christ is the fullness of God’s Self-revelation
Why are catholic beliefs important?
Christianity is based upon a number of important religious beliefs.
All these beliefs point towards and speak about God and God’s activity in the world.
Two important and related areas of Christian belief and concern the nature of God’s revelation and Jesus.
What is a covenant?
A covenant is an (contract) agreement between God and his people, in which God makes promises to his people and, usually, requires certain conduct from them.
A sign in agreement with the covenant is the sealing of blood ( Passover X with young lamb blood, Jesus blood while sacrificing himself)
What does the term ‘Religious Teaching’ mean and how does this teaching relate to a religious belief?
Religious teaching is the guidance and information given to people on how to respond to belief. (Scriptures, Documents, Prayer, Oral Speeches).
It a type of nature (characteristic way of expression) to show how/ remind/ teach the knowledge gathered, practiced and understood on a particular religious belief/s which believers find particular insights and understandings about life.
Examples of Catholic Social Teachings
- Respect for human dignity; everyone is made in the image and likeness of God, thus need to be treated with respect and genuine love as they are worthy/entitled for nothing less.
- Stewardship; being trustees of creation and protecting, supporting and loving the creation which God gifted us.
- Common Good; giving genuine those whom need help, and being genuinely happy for their flourishment .
Explain how God’s Self Revolution is Ongoing in The lives of Christians
Even though God’s Self Revelation is Completely revealed in Jesus Christ, It is still ongoing in Christian life through the power of the Holy Spirit.
It can be seen through sacraments including
Baptism- God reveals himself to the individual as he invites them to his family, and personally restores the broken relationship with him via the original sin
Reconciliation- god provides salvation to the ones who repent and restores relationship with them physically by using priests as a vessel to dialogue his voice to the individual.
Holy communion (as a sacrament or expression in church) - the Holy Spirit which rests in the bread and wine representing Jesus’s blood and body reminds us of the self revelation of God and the guides us to be more godly and live a genuine good life to relate with God himself.
Through personal mysteries - Goodness in other, beauty in creation and personal mystery when god comes in contact with you and changes your Meaning and purpose in life to guide you to him.
Conscience- a secret, sacred sanctuary found in the inner spiritual core of man, where in the depths the dialogue of God can be heard.
Explain Jesus Christ is the fullness of God’s Self Revelation
Jesus Christ is the fullness of God’s self revelation is a specific belief its self.
He revealed he was the son of God, he is part God himself, saviour and messiah.
He revealed and proclaimed the restored kingdom of God.
By becoming man and God at the same time he made it in practice to be possible for everyone to freely relate closely to God.
He revealed that God is TRINITARIAN once again - There are three persons in one God; Father Son and the Holy Spirit. Which is a central mystery to Christian faith and life.
He created an everlasting covenant with all through two new commandments (short forming 10 commandments).
‘Love your God will all soul, heart and mind.’
‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself’
This was revealed through his life, sealed through his crucifixion and the fulfilment was climaxed through the resurrection of Jesus.
The process was recorded in the New Testament (Books of the Apostles Mathew, Mark, Luke and John.) under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Explain How God’s self-revelation begins with creation
God’s Self-Revelation begins with creation, by reaching out to humanity to reveal himself/herself.
Can be seen the Old Testament creation stories in Genesis 1:20 and in the New Testament; St Paul letter to Romans 1:26.
On the Sixth day after creating everything, God created mankind to experience be stewards of his creation and experience his unconditional Love.
If the basic human question is ‘Who am I?’ Then it is only right for God to help to teach and follow up on that question as he made us in the image and likeness of himself.
He revealed himself to Adam and Eve and Showed them is creator and that he is Good.
People can recognise the existence of the God the creator when they reflect on the created world.
He also revealed through this that he is TRINITARIAN meaning God can only fulfil himself as he is so great and nothing can replace him as he is perfect. Fulfilled through Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Explain How God’s Revelation Continued Through Salvation History.
God revealed his unconditional love to God’s people over time and stages ( Abraham, Moses ect).
The process by which God has led his generation to Know God is Revelation. Revelation is not a primary body of facts or truth, rather God personally connecting and revealing himself to humanity.
The principle meaning of Revelation is the self communication of God and the principle purpose is to enable people to share in God’s love and life.
Due to the fact that human nature makes humans stray away from God easily, God continually had to reveal himself to his people, Forgive them and Provide them salvation so they may come back and experience his unconditional love.
The First Testament of the Bibles says This can be seen from the every beginning from Adam and Eve (Disobedience At Garden Of Eden), To Noah (Destruction To Bad People), To Abraham and his descendants (Isaac, Jacob, Joseph etc..)
Holy Spirit can be seen working through salvation history by inspiring prophets like David, Isaiah, Elijah, Elisha, Zachariah, Jeremiah, Samuel, Daniel, Micah, Malachi, Joel, Joshua etc.. to write about God, His previous revelations and the coming fulfilling revelation via his son.
What are the three main features of the Belief ‘Jesus Christ is the fullness of God’s Self-revelation?
- God’s self-revelation begins with creation.
- God’s Revelation Continued Through Salvation History.
- Jesus Christ is the fullness of God’s Self Revelation
How to relate with God through Jesus
Through Jesus, God ‘makes a home’ in people and gradually transforms the person so that they relect more and more the love and goodness created by God.
This belief in Jesus as the fulfilment of God’s Self Revelation is found through the Life of the church (expressed in the church)
Through the sacrament of Reconciliation.
Throughout salvation history and revelation of Jesus Christ as divine- God’s main aim was to reconnect the relationship between man and God, make his creation be good like him (made in the image and likeness of God)
- Examination of conscience - reflection of past attitudes, actions, thoughts and words - to feel sorrow - contrition
- Restore Relationships (God, Church, others and creation, self);
What informs this belief?
This belief is informed by the scriptures and tradition (passing of sacred rituals, celebration and leadership blessed with spiritual gifts of Jesus via the Holy Spirit) of the Catholic Church