Module 3: Regeneration Flashcards
Define regeneration and reproduction
Compare artificial vs natural regeneration
Compare reforestation and afforestation
What are 5 key goals of any regeneration strategy and how are they attained?
What are 4 categories or origins for reproduction?
What is the natural reproduction triangle? Describe its parts
What 3 factors affect variation in seed supply for regeneration?
What is required for regeneration from seed dispersal, and what 5 main factors influence dispersal to the regeneration site?
How does species affect seed dispersal and what are some examples of dispersal distances from our region?
Describe/draw a basic seed bank “budget”
Seed rain - any seed getting to the ground by any means
Predation - happens on ground or before seed falls
Dormant seed bank - any seeds not actively growing
What 3 factors related to the seed bed affect a seed’s ability to germinate?
How do light (wind dispersed) seeds differ from larger heavier seeds in their ideal seed bed conditions?
How do these species’ seeds get dispersed?
How does shade tolerance affect survival of established seedlings?
What are 5 common characteristics of even-aged stands?
What are 4 common characteristics of uneven-aged stands?
How do diameter distribution curves compare between even-aged and uneven-aged stands?
What are the fundamental differences in defining an even-aged stand vs an uneven-aged stand? What’s the difference in time periods for removal of mature trees?
Describe a basic timeline (x = rotation, y = biomass) of silvicultural practices across a rotation in an even-aged system
Describe a basic timeline (x = rotation, y = biomass) of silvicultural practices across a rotation in an uneven-aged system
What are general characteristics of a two-aged system? How many times is regeneration established over a rotation?
Classify these regeneration methods as even-aged, uneven-aged, or two-aged
deferment harvest
reserve shelterwood
leave-tree systems
Define clearcutting. What is the origin of regeneration after this treatment? How does a silvicultural clearcut differ from a commercial clearcut?
What are 8 ways that clearcutting changes the microenvironment?
Describe the edge effect from clearcutting with regards to moisture and shading
Name 3 alternate clearcutting arrangements. What are 4 reasons you might choose one of these?
What is block clearcutting? What are size limitations based upon for this approach?
Describe alternate and progressive strip clearcutting. What factors influence the width of the strips?
Describe patch clearcutting. How is patch size chosen?
In a patch clearcut, how do gap size, aspect, and slope affect light availability?
Describe how light availability spatially varies in a patch clearcut due to edge effects.
Why would you consider scarification, slash residue, or mechanical/chemical vegetative control for site prep?
What are 9 advantages of clearcutting with natural regeneration?
What are 7 shortcomings of clearcutting with natural regeneration?
What are 6 non-timber considerations when using even-aged methods?
What is coppice silviculture and what is it typically used for?
What are 3 general coppice principles with regards to stump height, age/size, and timing?
What are 5 advantages to using coppice silviculture?
What is coppice with standards?
Define the seed tree method. What is its reproduction source?
When are seed trees removed? What type of stand is produced by the seed tree method? What types of trees does it work/not work well for? What’s its advantage with regards to area size constraints?
When must regeneration be established in the seed tree method? Why? What kind of conditions are created on the site following a seed tree cut?
What 4 general factors determine the number and spacing of trees in the seed tree method?
What are 7 specie-specific considerations for number and spacing of seed trees?
What are 4 major characteristics to consider for quality leave trees?