MODULE 3- Development Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence Flashcards
developmental transition from childhood to adulthood
stages of healthy adolescent development
-physical growth
-body image
-peer group
-identity development
12-14 ages
early adolescence
15-16 ages
middle adolescence
17-19 ages
late adolescence
puberty- rapid growth period
secondary sexual characteristics appear
physical growth (early)
concrete thoughts dominate - “here and now”
cause and effect rs is underdeveloped
stronger “self” than social awareness
intellectual/cognition (early)
challenge authority
wide mood swings
things of childhood rejected
argumentative and disobedient
autonomy (early)
preoccupation of physical changes and critical of appearance
anxieties about secondary sexual characteristic changes
peers as standard for normal appearance
body image (early)
Serves as developmental purpose
Intense friendship with same sex
Contact with opposite sex in groups
peer group early)
“Am I normal?”
* Daydreaming
* Vocational goals change frequently
* Begin to develop own value system
* Emerging sexual feelings and
sexual exploration
* Imaginary audience
* Desire for privacy
* Magnify own problems “no one
identity development(early)
- Secondary sexual characteristic
advanced - 95% of adult height reached
physical growth (middle)
- Growth in abstract thoughts; reverts
to concrete thoughts when stressed - Cause- effect relationship better
understood - Very self-absorbed
intellectual (middle)
Conflict with family predominates
due to ambivalence about emerging
autonomy (middle)
- Less concern about physical
changes but more concerned about
personal attractiveness - Excessive physical activities
alternating with lethargy
body image (middle)