Module 3 Flashcards
I want (fem.) a map of Cairo please (masc.).
3ayza KHarīTa lil-qāhira lau samaHt.
We have a book with all the information about hotels and restaurants and the ancient sites.
3andina kitāb fī kull il-ma3lumāt 3an il-‘utillāt, w-il-maTā3im, w-il’amākin il-‘asariyya.
And how much is this book?
wa-bikām il-kitāb da?
Just 10 pounds.
b-3ashara gineih bas.
Ok! I want (fem.) one please (masc.).
māshy! 3ayza wāHid lau samaHt.
Here you (fem.) go the book and the map with it as a gift.
itfaDDali il-kitāb w-ma3āh il-kharīTa hideyya.
A thousand thanks!
alf shukr!
Good morning! Can I help you?
SabāH il-kheir! ayy(a) KH’idma?
I want (masc.) to send this package to America, please (fem.).
3āyiz ab3at iT-Tard dah li-amrīka, lau samaHti
One second, I’ll just weigh the package.
sānya waHda, bas awzin iT-Tard.
How much (does it weigh)?
‘add eih?
Two kilos, so the charge will be ninety pounds.
itnein kīlo, fa-l-Hisāb haikūn tis3ein gineih.
Anything else?
ayy(a) KHidma tanya?
I want (fem.) medicine for a headache, please (masc.).
3ayza dawa li-S-Sudā3, min faDlak.
Do you (fem.) have any other complaints?
betishtiki min Hāga tanya
Also, my stomach is hurting me (with pain) and I’m (fem.) a bit tired.
kamān, mi3aditi wa-g3āni w-ta3bāna shwayya.
Take (fem.) this medicine three times a day.
KHodi id-dawa da talat marrāt f-il-yūm.
Also, don’t forget (fem.) you must drink (fem.) lots of water.
kaman, ma-tinsīsh lāzem tishrabi mayya katīr.
to forget (he forgets)
to complain (he complains)
I really miss my parents.
‘ahli waHashūni awi.
You (masc.) can call them if you (masc.) want.
mumkin tittiSil bī-hum iza Habbeit.
Can I use the internet?
mumkin ‘asta3mil il-internet?
Sure! Go ahead (masc.).
akīd! itfaDDal.