Module 3 Flashcards
What is the speakers voice?
- Volume
- Rate
- Pitch
- Vocal variety
- Articulation
- Dialect
- Pauses
- Pronunciation
What does volume means?
- Loudness and softness
- You need to adjust your volume passed on( acoustic of the room, level of the background noise, and size of the audience)
What does pitch means?
- Highness and lowness
- Inflections: changes in the pitch or the tone of the speakers, it reveal whether you are (asking questions and making statements)( you are being sincere or sarcastic)
- Monotone: a constant pitch or tone of voice.
What does rate means?
- Speed at which a person speaks.
- The rate of the speech depends on several things:
# the vocal attribute of the speaker.
# the mood she_he trying to create.
# the composition of the audience.
# the nature of the occasion.
Pauses means?
- Momentary breaks in the vocal delivery of speech.
- Signal the end of a thought unit. Give idea time to sink in, and lend a dramatic impact to a statement.
- Don’t make vocalized pauses. When the speaker fill the silence between words with vocalizations such as (uh)(er)(um)
Vocal variety?
Changes in the speakers( volume, pitch, rate, pauses)
To give the voice variety and expressiveness.
- The accepted standard sound and rhythm for words in a given language.
- If you have doubt about the proper pronunciation of a certain word check the dictionary.
- The physical production of a particular speech sounds.
What is sloppy articulation?
- The failure to form a particular speech sound crisply and distinctly. Which is one of the several causes of mispronunciation. But you can articulate a word sharply and still mispronounce it.
What is dialect?
- Variety of a language distinguished by variations of ( accents, grammar, vocabulary).
- Linguist have concluded that not dialect is inherently better or worse than another.
- Heavy use of any dialect- regional or ethnic- can be troublesome when the audience does not share that dialect.
Dynamics of oral communication?
- Oral communication include (1. Real time presentations, video presentations, interviews) accompanying visual aids such as handouts and power-points.
What is the key to a good oral communication?
1- message
How should be the substance of the presentations?
The substance of the presentation should be relevant to the audience ad the goals of the presentation.
Dynamics of oral communication?
- Preparation
- Organization
- Delivery
What is the starting point of a good oral communication?
Self-awareness’s person who is aware of his strength anf weaknesses can put a required efforts to improve oral communication skills.
What is another vital aspect of agood communication?
A person might know the subject and yet not communicate adequately if he lack of confidence.
Is the path to effectiveness.
Can keep the audience engaged by asking questions and soliciting opinions on the subject matter or topic|ideas.
Who are the most effective speakers?
1, who use their natural gestures and idiosyncrasies to their best advantage.
2. Trying to mimic the delivery of others is self-defeating.
Characteristics of effective speech deIivery?
- Speak clearly
- Speak loudly enough
- Use the space
- Make eye contact
- Have a strong presence
- Use effective gestures.
Long side the other characteristics of effective speech delivery?
- Audience analysis
2.creative and effective introduction
# organize your main points
# make your speech easy to understand - Concluding;
# signal the end of the speech
# summarize the points
# call to action
Audience analysis:
- What do they have in common: age.interest.ethnicity.gender.
- Do they know as much s you about your topic? Or you will introduce them to new points.
- Why there are listening to you? What they are looking for?
- What tone will be most effective in conveying your message?
- What might offend and alienate them?
Creating an effective introduction?
- Get their attention otherwise it’s called the hook.
- Other methods of getting audiences attention:
# relate the topic to the audience…..
# state the importance
#startle the audience
# arouse the curiosity
# question..
# begin with a quotation
# tell a story..
How to create effective intro?
More about the introduction»»
- Reveal the topic of your speech
- Establish your credibility and goodwill
- Preview the body of the speech.
Organize your main ideas;
Chronological order ( time place)
Special order
Causal order
Problem-solution order
Topic order
Make your speech easy to understand:
- Reapet crucial points and buzzwords
- Incorporate previews and summaries into the speech
_ verbal clues
_ for example first…
- Signal the end of the speech
- Summarize the points
- Call to action
What are other ways to conclude effectively?
- End with quotation
- Make a dramatic statement
- Refer to the intro