Module 3 Flashcards
Reasons for passing a signal at danger x 11
1 Defective or disconnected signal
2 Contingency permissive working, to enter an occupied section to enter a station
3 movement to start ahead of a signal that cannot be cleared
4 elec train towards isolated elec section
5 when overlap of the next section is occupied
6 to access a station when line is blocked to protect staff
7 to examine a line once divided train has moved
8 assist or evac a failed train
9 to remove a portion of a train
10 as required during slw single line working
11 on single/bi direct line in oper when working pilot in operation
Defective equipment
Report Immediately x. 14
Air suspension
BIL bodyside indicator light
Cab window 80mm
Driving controls
EBS emerg bypass switc
SDO selective door op
TIS track interlock switc
Train radio GSMR
Warning horn
Necessary items needed
Full uniform
Glasses x 2
EP Master key
T Carriage key
BR1B key
Formation reminder
Diagram, schedule card
ESW NR3190 ticket
RT3185 forms
License x 2 , ID , key card
What must a conductor driver need to know
How to apply emergency brakes
Where emergency equipment is kept
How to shut down train in an emergency
Driver handing over x 5
Number of coaches
Train defects
Reason for any delay
Any other info
Swap keys
Failure of both tail lights in service
Advise signaller
Portable light organised from KICC asap
Marker light failure
Advise signaller ASAP
Continue normally
Headlight both failed
1 Call signaller
2 Continue when authorised
3 Max 20mph
4 Horn frequently
And then Either will happen
1 Out of service
2 repaired
3 portable headlight provided
Wrong direction move
Train illumination
When authorised by signaller and in driving end
Less than 1/4 mile ?
Driver change ends
Leave lights
More than 1/4 mile ?
Driver change ends
Change both end lights
Wrong direction move to assist a train.?
White lights both ends
Rear lights from berthing point (one or two)
One light not working can enter service
Two lights not working cannot enter service
Headlight not working from depot
Do not enter service unless portable one available , if at maintenance depot you must get repaired
Use of horn low tone
Whistle board low tone
Shunting low tone
Working on outside of a train
Contact signaller for authority
Request line block and electrical switch off
Before going trackside you must :
Get clear assurance on tracks affected
Signaller to read back all details and confirm
If line blocked the signaller must give you an AUTHORITY NUMBER
(Do not consider line blocked without it)
When line block no longer needed read back AUTHORITY NUMBER back to signaller
Loss of control or unable to control train you must x 4
Alert anyone if possible by:
Use hazard lights
Sound horn (long blasts high tone)
Display red light at front
Contact signaller asap by any means possible
Examination of line
Need clear understanding of between which two points and to travel at a speed you can see to be clear and able to stop
If over track or signal defect max 20 mph
In tunnel max 10 mph
If competent person available they should accompany you in tunnel, fog or falling snow
If looking for a person and in tunnel fog or falling snow YOU MUST be accompanied
Over rail bridge max 5mph
If travelling over a bridge you need authorisation
If detonator explodes x 2
At signal box or red hand signal displayed = do not proceed until authorised
At any other place = stop , proceed at caution until you reach obstructed or hand signal
Obstruction on the line if where & what do you do
Eg cow bull or other animals within boundary fence or near the line
Contact signaller
Alert driver on approaching trains
If no communication available lay TCOCs and detonators 2km @20 yards apart
Adjacent line blocked x4
Contact signaller
Turn on hazard lights
Sound the horn
If no comms available travel 2kms and lay emergency protection whilst trying to contact signaller
Information needed b4 passing a signal at danger 6 + 3
Confirm train ID
Confirm signal to be passed at danger
Why am I
At what speed
How far
If route indicator , confirm route
1 once you have a clear understanding
2 DDS to forward
3 reset DRA
4 press train stop override button (lasts 20 seconds)
5 If tunnel give long blast
6 take power
7 proceed at caution being prepared to stop short of any obstructions
8 pass over points at no more than 20 mph
Once at location instructed,proceed as per line speed