MODULE 3 Flashcards
Trait theory
emphasis on personality and traits that distinguish leaders
emergence of leader not success of leaders
Behavioral theory
learnable traits that differentiate leaders from non leaders
Task + leadership
situational trait
emphasizes adaptability and change of leadership depending on the situation
Path Goal theory
leaders style, employee needs, and work environment
Behavioral Leadership styles
impoverished: low concern for task and people
sweatshop: high concern for task low concern for people
country club: high concern for people and low concern for task
status quo: medium concern for both
fully: high for both
Situational leadership
paternal model: releasing control as employees become more trained
D1: Directing (low comp high motivation)
D2: Coaching (medium comp, low motivation)
D3: Supporting Medium comp and variable commitment
D4: Delegating (high comp high motivation)
advantage of situational
marketplace approval
leader flexibility
unique needs of employees are showcased
Path goal theory
based on contingency model
Skill and experience
high: supportive
low: directive
Task structure
non-routine: direction
routine: participative
Locus of control
internal: participative
external supportive
Team dynamics
Low cohesion: supportive
dysfunction: directive
Power signals
confidence competence
too high: intimidation, abrasiveness