Module 3 Flashcards
What structure(s) is(are) located in the peripheral nervous system?
Nerves and Ganglia
There are voltage-gated _____ channels located on the axons.
sodium and potassium
Which type of neuron can conduct input to the CNS?
Sensory neurons
When a neuron receives a stimulatory signal (excited), the membrane potential will _____, and this process is called ______.
increase; depolarization
Once a stimulus is strong enough to make the membrane potential on the axon change from -70mV to -55mV, _____ will happen
an action potential
An action potential will conduct faster in _____ neurons
In both central and peripheral nervous tissue, you will be able to find 2 kinds of cells. They are ____
neurons and glia (supporting cells)
You may find acons mainly in which matter of the brain?
White matter
Membrane potentials of a neuron can change upon receiving stimulations
What are 3 major parts of a neuron?
Dendrites, axon, cell body (soma)
You can voluntarily control all of your motor neurons.
The nervous system in the human body is composed of
Which type of glial cells form neurilemma>
Schwann cells
Which type of neuron is completely located in the CNS?
Most synapses involve the release of neurotransmitter from the ______
axon’s terminal boutons
The neurotransmitter is referred to as a ______ binding to its receptor
The chemical being released from the pre-synaptic neuron is called _____. It was stored in ____ before they were released.
neurotransmitter; synaptic vesicles
When 2 neurons need to communicate, there’s a structure in between them called _____
The cell that sends the signal/neurotransmitter is the
pre-synaptic neuron
The space in between the two communicating cells
synaptic cleft
the cell that receives the signal/neurotransmitter
post-synaptic neuron
This is located on the post-synaptic membrane
This is located in the pre-synaptic neuron
synaptic vesicles
The second cell (signal receiving) in a synapse can be
a muscular cell, a gland, or a neuron