Module 23 Flashcards
What two hormones does the kidney produce?
Renin and Erythropoetin
This is the outer layer of dense fibrous connective tissue that anchors the kidneys and adrenal gland to surrounding structures
Renal Fascia
A fatty mass that surrounds the kidney and cushions it against blows
Perirenal fat capsule
This layer of the kidney is a transparent layer that prevents the kidneys from getting infected by surrounding regions
Fibrous capsule
What nerve supplies action to the kidneys
What is the renal corpuscle made of?
Glomerulus and its Glomerular capsule
This part of the nephron functions in reabsorption and secretion and is confined to the cortex
Which segment of the loop of Henle is freely permeable to water?
Decending limb
Which part of the nephron functions more in secretion than reabsorption, but is still confined to the cortex
These receive filtrate from many nephrons, they fuse together to deliver urine through the papillae into mini calyces
Collecting ducts
This cell of the collecting duct is known for maintaining the acid base balance of the body
Intercalated cells
This cell of the collecting ducts helps maintain the bodies water and salt balance
Principal cells
What is important in creating concentrated urine?
Juxtamedullary Nephrons
Why is blood pressure in the golmerulus high?
Because afferent arterioles are larger in diameter than efferent
High resistance in afferent and efferent arterioles cause blood pressure to ____
Resistance in afferent arterioles ______ glomerulos
Resistance in efferent arterioles _____ hydrostatic pressure in peritubular capillaries
There is one per neuron, important in the regulation of filtrate formation and blood pressure
Juxtaglomerular Appartatus (JGA)
These cells of the JGA are enlarged smooth muscle cells of the arteriole, they secrete renin and act as mechanorecptors that sense blood pressure
Granular Cells
These JGA cells are Tall, densely packed cells of the ascending limb that act as chemoreceptors that sense NaCl content of filtrate
Macula Densa
These cells of the JGA are interconnected with gap junctions that may pass signals between macula dense and granular cells
Extraglomerular mesangial cells
This is a porous membrane between the blood and the capsular space
Filtration membrane
The filtration membrane consists of: Fenestrated _______ of the glomerular capillaries
The filtration membrane consists of: _____ membrane of the glomerular capsule that has podocytes and filtration slits
The filtration membrane consists of: Gel-like _______ membrane fused with two other layers
The filtration membrane allows passage of water and solutes but prevents filtration of ___
This cell of the filtration membrane engulfs and degrades macromolecules and can contract to change the total surface available for filrtration
Golmerular mesangial cells
Primary site for glucose and amino acid reabsorption
The major substance reabsorbed here is water by osmosis
Desending Limb of Henle
Sodium is reabsorbed in this region
Ascending limb of Henle
Sodium and water are reabsorbed under hormonal influence in this region
This is a mechanism of urine formation that is a passive mechanical process driven by hydrostatic pressure
Glomerular Filtration
The _______ is a very efficient filter because its membrane is very permeable and has large surface area