Module 2.2: Personality Flashcards
Define Personality
The characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, that impact how people see themselves, others, and the world around them. It drives how we feel, how we think, what we want, and how we behave.
List the 4 Characteristics of Personality
1) Internal – It is an inherent quality within individuals.
2) Different – Each person possesses a distinctive and individualized personality.
3) Stable – While traits may vary in intensity, the core of one’s personality remains relatively stable over time.
4) Consistent –Behaviour tends to exhibit consistency across diverse situations.
Define the ‘Id’
An irrational, emotional, impulsive part of the mind, that pushes people to act on their impulses and seek instant gratification.
The id is found in the unconscious
Define the ‘Ego’
The rational part of the mind that considers all perspectives, and weighs the pros and cons of a course of action.
The ego has more long-term perspective than the id.
Define the ‘Super-Ego’
The moral part of the mind that seeks to follow rules, social norms, and personal value. It pushes people to act in accordance with their values & ideals.
Refusing to acknowledge something.
Pushing something completely out of mind so you don’t have to think about it, until you eventually forget about it.
Reaction Formation
Convincing yourself the opposite of what is actually true, to avoid showing your true feelings.
Attributing an unwanted trait or thought to someone else.
A threatening experience sends us back to a simpler time, when we felt happier or calmer.
Freud believed that the mouth area reminds us of when we were very young. The first area that is stimulated when we were children was the mouth area. According to Freud people who smoke use this as a defense mechanism, to self-soothe, go back to their childhood and push their adult responsibilities away.
Redirecting an unwanted impulse toward something more acceptable. The anger is displaced from one person to another.
Coming up with a logical, rational (but false) explanation for a shameful thought or action.
Failure to progress through each of Freud’s 5, psycho-sexual stages of development (due to frustration or over-gratification) will lead to fixation.
Fixation is a lingering process to pleasure-seeking energies at an early psycho-sexual stage, during which conflicts were unresolved.
Oral Stage (Birth to 18 months)
At this age, children are mainly stimulated by the mouth area.
They may experience problems due to forceful weaning or being underfed.
Fixation at the Oral Stage can lead to,
(a) Oral Receptive Character - Adult is overly trusting and very dependent on others
(b) Oral Aggressive Character - Adult is overly-dominating, independent and aggressive.
Adults who are fixated at the oral stage will typically use the mouth to self-soothe (biting fingernails, sucking thumb, smoking)
Anal Stage (18 months - 3.5 years)
This is the age when toilet training occurs, and the anal area is the main source of stimulation.
Fixation at the anal stage may lead to,
(a) Anal Receptive Personality - Adult is very generous and giving
(b) Anal Retentive Personality - Adult is mean, stubborn, and obsessively tidy.