Module 21 Flashcards
What is the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)?
Standard setting organization that has the authority to establish standards of financial reporting for all units of state and local governments.
What is the hierarchy of GASB pronouncements?
- Officially established accounting principles – GASB Statements and Interpretations.
- GASB Technical bulletins and AICPA Industry Audit and Accounting Guides and Statements of Position cleared by the GASB.
- AICPA Practice Bulletins cleared by the GASB and consensus positions of groups of accountants organized by the GASB.
- Implementation guides published by the GASB staff and practices that are widely recognized and prevalent.
GASB Concepts statement no. 1 establishes what?
the objectives of general purpose external financial reporting by state and local governmental entities and applies to both governmental-type and business-type activities
Objectives for Financial Reporting?
The nature of the governmental environment affects the financial reporting of governmental-type activities. The governmental environment is characterized by representative forms of government with separation of powers, a prevalence of intergovernmental revenues, and services that are provided to taxpayers. The budget is very significant in accounting for government-type activities because it expresses public policy, funding intent, and provides control over government expenditures. Control over revenues and expenditures is also provided by the use of fund accounting.
Concepts Statement No. 1 identifies three primary users of the external state and local governmental financial reports.
1- The citizenry
2- Legislative and oversight bodies,
3- Investors and Creditors
What are Service Efforts and Accomplishments Reporting? (SEA Reporting)
The objective of SEA reporting is to provide more complete information about a governmental entity’s performance than can be provided by traditional financial statements and schedules. Such information is necessary for assessing accountability and making informed decisions.
Ideally a governmental entity should (1) establish and communicate clear, relevant goals and objectives, set measurable targets for accomplishments, and develop and report indicators that measure its progress. The elements of SEA reporting include measures of service effort, measures of service accomplishments, and narrative or explanatory information.
What are the communication methods in general-purpose financial reports?
GASB Concepts statement No. 3 provides a conceptual basis for selecting communication methods to present items of information within general-purpose external reports that contain financial statements. The alternative methods of communication include recognition in the basic financial statements, disclosures in notes to the basic financial statements, presentation as required supplementary information, and presentation as supplementary information.
5 elements of the Statement of Position?
1) Assets - Resources with present service capacity that the government presently controls
2) Liabilities - Present obligations to sacrifice resources that the government has little or no discretion to avoid.
3) Deferred Outflow or resources - a consumption of net assets by the government that is applicable to a future reporting period. This is similar to an assets (Prepaid Asset ) Regular Debit Balance
4) Deferred inflow of resources - an acquisition of net assets by the government that is applicable to a future reporting period. This is similar to a liability (Unearned revenue ) Regular Credit Balance.
5) Net position - The residual of all other elements presented in a statement of financial position
2 Elements of the resource flows statement?
1) Outflow of resources - a consumption of net assets by the government that is applicable to the reporting period (Debit Balance)
2) Inflow of resources - an acquisition of net assets by the government that is applicable to the reporting period (Credit Balance)
Governmental accounting focuses on two types of accountability. What are they?
1) Operational Accountability - demonstrated by government-wide financial statements which illustrate how effective and efficient the organization has been at using its resources and the resources available to meet its future obligations
2) Fiscal accountability - illustrated by fund financial statements which show the organizations compliance with laws and regulations affecting its spending activities.
What are the minimum requirements for basic financial statements and required supplemental information
1) Management Discussion and Analysis
2) Government-Wide Financial Statements (Statement of net Position, and Statement of Activities.
3) Fund Financial Statement
Governmental Funds (Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in fund balances)
Proprietary Funds (Statement of Net position, Statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in fund net position, Statement of Cash flows)
Fiduciary Funds ( Statement of fiduciary Net Position, Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position)
4) Notes to the financial statements
5) Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position.
In addition to general purpose financial general-purpose governments may choose to provide certain other supplementary information including combining statements for non major funds. What is the report called that contains additional information?
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) contains 3 major sections.
First, An introductory sections, letter of transmittal, organization chart, and list of principle officials.
Second, A financial sections would be prepared including an auditor’s report. The required information, and other supplementary information listed above.
Third, a statistical sections, which would include a number of schedules such as a net position by component, changes in net position, revenue capacity, debt capacity, and demographic and economic statistics.
What are Special-purpose governments?
Park districts, tollway authorities, school districts, and sanitation districts.
What is a primary government? a component unit?
A Primary government is either (1) a state government, (2) a general-purpose local government or (3) a special purpose local government that has a separately elected governing body.
A Component unit - is a legally separate organization for which the elected officials of a primary government are financially accountable.
Component units should be blended with the primary government figures in the following circumstances?
1) The governing body of the component unit is substantially the same as that of the primary government and (1) there is a financial benefit or burden relationship between the primary government and the component unit, or (2) the management of the primary government has operational responsibility for the component unit.
2) The component unit provides services entirely or almost entirely, for the primary government or for the benefit of the primary government.
3) The component unit’s total debt outstanding, including leases, is expected to be repaid entirely or almost entirely by the primary government.
If these criteria are not met, they are ‘discretely presented’
What does MD&A include?
- a brief discussion of the financial statements
- condensed financial information from the government-wide financial statements and individual fund statements.
- An analysis of significant variations between the original budget, final budget, and actual results for the year.
- A description of significant capital assets and long-term debt activity for the year.
- A discussion by governments that use the modified approach to report infrastructure assets regarding the conditions of these capital assets and changes from prior year
- A description of any known facts, decisions, or conditions that would have a significant effect on the government’s financail position or results of operations
What do Government-wide statements include?
They include the statement of net position and the statement of activities. Prepared on the accrual basis of accounting
The statement of Net position is the following formula?
Assets + Deferred Outflows of resources - Liabilities - Deferred inflows of resources = net position
What are some examples of deferred outflows of resources (Debits)?
- Grant expenditures paid in advance of meeting timing requirements
- Deferred amounts from refunding of debt
- Cost to acquire rights to future revenues
- Deferred loss from sale and leaseback
- Negative fair value of government hedge of a future transaction.
What are examples of deferred inflows of resources (Credits)?
- Grant amounts received in advance of meeting timing requirements
- Deferred amounts from refunding debt
- Proceeds from sale of future revenues
- Deferred gain from a sale-leaseback transaction
- Positive fair value of government hedge of a future transaction
- Advance of revenue from imposed non exchange transactions
Full accrual accounting is to be used on the statement of net position, including the recording and depreciation of fixed assets, including infrastructures.
Capital assets generally are presented in the asset section of the statement of net position net of related depreciation. Net position is broken down into three categories (1) Net investment in capital assets, (2) restricted, and (3) unrestricted.
What is the net investment in capital assets?
it is computed by taking the value of capital assets, less accumulated depreciation, less the debt associated with the acquisition or improvement of those assets or the related debt should also be included in this component of net position.
What does the term ‘restricted’ mean?
(a) externally imposed by creditors, grantors, contributors, or laws ore regulations of other governments, and (b) imposed by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation.
What does the term ‘unrestricted’ mean?
Unrestricted net position is the ‘plug’ figure , computed by taking the total net position and subtracting the net investment in capital assets and the restricted net position.
The columns in the statement of net position are separated into columns. What are they?
1- Governmental Activities - Those that are financed primarily through taxes and other non-exchange transactions
2- Business-type activities - are those normally financed primarily through user charges
3- total primary government -
4- Component units -
What does the statement of activities do?
It reports revenues and expenses on the full accrual basis. It is a consolidated statement in that the inter-fund transactions are not eliminated
How are expenses and revenues reported on the statement of activities?
Expenses are reported by function. Revenues are also reported on the accrual basis and may be exchange revenues or non-exchange revenues
Exchange Revenues - Reported when goods or services are transferred for a payment of equal value
What is an extraordinary item?
Those that are both unusual in nature and infrequent in occurrence.
What is Special items?
Those events within the control of management that are either unusual in nature or infrequent in occurrence.
How is depreciation expenses for general infrastructure assets?
depreciation expenses should not be allocated but shown as an expense of that function that normally is used for capital outlay or as a separate line.
A government may chose to use a modified approach for recording eligible infrastructure assets. Under the modified approach eligible infrastructure assets are not required to be depreciated as long as the following two requirements are met;
(1) the government manages the eligible infrastructure assets using an asset management structure
(2) The government documents that the eligible infrastructure assets are being preserved approximately at a condition level established and disclosed by the government
GASB No. 68 Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pensions provides guidance?
when a state or local government has an employee pension plan administered through a trust or equivalent arrangement with the following characteristics;
- Contributions from employers and non-employers contributing entities to the pension plan and the related earnings are irrevocable
- Pensions plan assets are dedicated to providing pensions to plan members in accordance with the benefit terms
- Pension plans are legally protected from the creditors of employers and the pension plan administrators.
How is net pension liability measured?
as a portion of the actuarial present value of projected benefit payments attributable to past periods of employee services minus the pension plans’s fiduciary net position. the net pension liability should be measured as of a date which should be no earlier than the end of the employer’s prior fiscal period.
In developing the net pension liability the entity should use the following guidance;
1) T he selection of all assumptions should be in conformity with actuarial standards of practices issued by the actuarial standards board.
2) The PBO should include all benefits to be provided to current active and inactive employees through the pension plan in accordance with the benefit term and any additional-legal agreements to provide benefits including automatic or substantially automatic post-employment benefit changes and cost-of-living adjustments
3) The discount rate should be the single rate that reflects (a) the long-term expected rate of return on the pension plan investments expected to be used to finance the payment of benefits to the extent that the pension plan’s fiduciary net position is projected to be sufficient to make the projected benefit payments and the pension plan assets are expected to be invested to achieve that return or (b) the yield or index rate for 20 yr, tax-exempt general obligation municipal bonds with an average rating of AA/Aa or higher to the extent the conditions in (a) are not met
4) The entry age actuarial cost method should be used to attribute the actuarial present value of projected benefit payments of each employee to periods
What must be recorded if the government has a cost-sharing defined benefit plan?
It must record a liability and expense equal to its proportionate share of the collective net pension liability and expense for the plan.
What must be recorded if the government has a defined contribution plan?
Pension expense should be accrued equal to the amount of contributions or credits to employees accounts that are defined by the benefit terms as attributable to current period service, net of forfeited amounts that are removed from employee’s accounts.
In addition to government-wide statements, governmental accounting standards required a # of fund financial statements. Most governments use fund accounting internally and prepare the government-wide statements with a worksheet adjustment from this fund accounting base
A Fund is defined by the GASB as?
A fiscal and accounting entity with ta self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and other financial resources, together with all related liabilities and residual equities and balances, and changes therein, which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations
Under GASB standards there are 11 fund types which are classified into three general categories?
1) Governmental Funds (modified accrual basis)
- General
- Special revenue
- Debt Services
- Capital projects
- Permanent
2) Proprietary Funds (Accrual)
- Internal service
- Enterprise
3) Fiduciary Funds (Accrual)
- Agency
- Pension and other employee benefit trust funds
- Investment trust funds
- Private-purpose trust funds
how are Fixed assets and long-term debt treated on fund financial statements?
They are not reported in the fund financial statements for governmental funds. They are only reported on the government-wide financial statements.