Module 13d Flashcards
What is a defined contribution plan?
Employeer agrees to make a defined contribution to a pension plan as determined by the provision of the plan. (401k)
What is a defined Benefit plan?
employer agrees to provide a benefit at retirement that is devined or fixed by a formula (uses a Actuary to determine the amount)
What is pension expense?
The net amount of the following factors: 1) Service cost 2) Interest on projected benefit obligation 3) return on plan assets 4) Amortization of unrecognized prior service cost or credit. 5) effect of gains and losses
What is service Costs?
PV of benefits attributed by the pension benefit formula to employee service during the current period (must take future salary levels into consideration).
What is the interest on the projected benefit obligation(PBO)?
it is the increased in the amount of the PBO due to the passage of time.
How do you calculate the interest component of the PBO?
You take the beginning PBO * The settlement rate the actuary is using
What is the actual return on plan assets?
difference in the fair value of the plan assets at the beginning and the end of the period adjusted for contributions made to the plan, and benefit payments made by the plan during the period
What is the formula for the actual return?
End Bal at FV + Benefits paid - Beg balance - Employer contributions
What is the result of a negative actual return?
You would add it to Pension expense
What is the result of a positive actual return?
You would deduct it from pension expense
What are prior service costs?
retroactive adjustments that are granted to recognize services rendered in previous periods
The amount of the unrecognized prior service cost that would be amortized over future periods as a resulf of an amendment is determined by?
Subtracting the after amendment projected PBO from the before amendment
When are prior services costs most likely incurred?
When plans are ammended after that are put into place
What is the method of amortizing prior service costs?
You use the straight-line basis over the average remaining service period
What is the gain of loss portion of Pension expense?
It is the difference between the actual and expected return on plan assets
In a disclosure you have to reconcile the beginning PBO to ending PBO what is that formula?
Beginning PBO + service costs + Interest Cost +-prior service cost +-actuary gain/loss - benefits paid
How do you determine if the PBO is under or over funded?
You take the beginning PBO - Service costs - Interest Costs + Benefits paid to get the Ending PBO that you compare with the FMV of plan assets at period end date
What are the major differences between pensions and health care benefits?
Pensions are generally funded, have a well defined and level dollar amount, are payable monthly, and too retiree and surviving spouse. Health care benefits, are not funded, vary greatly, an benefit more than just the retiree and spouse. They are paid as needed and it it difficult to predict the costs
Does the accumulated benefit obligation have anything to do with future compensation levels?
How do you calculate the amount of pension liability that should be shown?
Take the PBO - FV of plan assets
What is the differences to calculate the projected benefit obligation for IFRS?
GAAP uses Benefits-years-of service. IFRS uses projcted benefit credit method
Does IFRS use accumulated benefit obliation?
No it is called accrued benefit obligation
What is the extra component of pension cost that is not used under Gaap?
Effects of curtailments and settlements
what is the discount rate used for GAAP and IFRS?
GAAP uses the settlement rate, IFRS uses a rate determined by the market yields at the end of the reporting period
Must IFRS immediately recognize all actuarial gains/losses?
Yes, After Jan 1, 2013
Does IFRS allow you to net pension assets and liabilities?
Yes, if there is a leagally enforceable right ot use the assets of one plan to settle the obligations of another plan
If the plan is overfunded, where is the overfunded portion presented on the balance sheet?
It is presented as a noncurrent asset.
Is the discount rate used to calcualte the PBO determined by 1) The expected return on plan assets, or 2) the actual return on plan assets.
Neither it is the implicit rate at which the pension benefit could be settled
If the plan is underfunded, where do you record the amount on the balance sheet?
You record either a current liability, a noncurrent liability, or both.