module 20 Flashcards
Said that man is a social being.
- This means that human beings are naturally directed into forming groups because of their need for subsistence.
Need society for the attainment of their optimum happiness and where they can work and enjoy their lives.
- As embodied subjects are born in a pre-existing social condition.
Human Beings
- Allows the individual members to flourish and live a good life.
- Allows human beings to be moral and practice human virtue.
Characterized by having limited forms of production, limited division of labor, and limited social stratification.
Pre-Industrial Society
Longest running type of society, it occupies 90% of human history.
- Use of simple tools to hunt animals and gather vegetation is the feature of this society.
Hunting and Gathering Society
- Human beings consisted of small groups, did not establish permanent houses, and were very dependent on the natural resources and features of the environment.
- Domestication of fire is considered the greatest advancement of this society.
Hunting and Gathering Society
- Characterized by domestication of animals and cultivation of plants.
- Human beings used hand tools to cultivate crops.
Horticultural and Pastoral Society
- Produced more goods which allowed them to do other things and started trading with other societies.
- Inequality started to appear as some people acquired more possession than others.
Horticultural and Pastoral Society
- Characterized by development of new materials and methods for cultivating plants and animals.
- Yield to more products and food supply.
Agrarian Society
- Accumulation of wealth and property becomes the priority.
- Slavery emerges as a result of social stratification.
Agrarian Society
- Followed the pre-industrial society.
- Provided more and better opportunities.
- Technologies were developed that harnessed new forms of energy.
- Fields of specialization were also developed.
Industrial Society
- Free public education was established which escalated literacy.
- Ease of speed and travel and communication dramatically increased.
- Health practices were enhanced.
Industrial Society
- Organization of governments was improved as formal systems and structure were established.
- Invention of the steam engine marked the arrival of this society.
- Increased mechanization (railroads, production of automobile, electrical, telephone, and petroleum industries) brought tremendous changes.
Industrial Society
- Followed the industrial society.
- Characterized by its orientation towards knowledge and service.
Post-Industrial Society
- Education and technology become very important in this society.
- Human relationships are now mostly mediated by computers.
Post-Industrial Society