Module 2: The Physical World Flashcards
the short-term changes in the air for a given place and time
a region’s average weather conditions over a long period
Factors that affect climate
how close a place is to the equator - usually the closer the equator the warmer it is
Factors that affect climate
how high the land is above the sea level - usually the higher the elevation, the cooler it is
Factors that affect climate
hot water and air rises, cool water and air sinks - this creates currents that move heat around our planet
ocean/wind currents
Factors that affect climate
this can increase precipitation and affect the temperature depending where the water is and how big it is
closeness to large bodies of water
Factors that affect climate
mountains can change how much rain or sun you get, the north side of a mountain usually has a different climate than the south side
Type of Climate
high temperatures and precipitation (can be all year or rainy season)
tropical climate
Type of Climate
very little precipitation; usually high temperatures but can be cool at night or in the winter depending on location
dry climate
Type of Climate
moderate (medium) temperatures and amounts of rainfall; usually have all four seasons
temperate climate
Type of Climate
low temperatures and very little precipitation
polar climate
Type of Climate
temperature and precipitation varies greatly depending on elevation
highland climate
type of resource
any material in nature that people use and value
natural resource
type of resource
resource Earth replaces naturally
(water, soil, wind, sun, animals)
renewable resource
type of resource
resources that cannot be replaced
(coal, oil)
non-renewable resources
non-renewable resources that formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals
(coal, petroleum, and natural gas)
fossil fuel
renewable energy source
the production of electricity from water power
(also wind power, solar power)
hydroelectric power
type of resource
non-renewable resource used to make…
(metals, salt, rocks, gemstones)
mineral resources
How do resources affect people’s lives?
- affects needs and choices
- can cause conflict
How do resources affect a country’s wealth?
- many resources = strong economy
- few resources = weak economy
What are some pros of fossil fuels?
- reliable energy source
- plentiful
- good for producing energy
What are some cons of fossil fuels?
- pollutes the air
- harms the land (oil spills)
- will eventually run out
What are some pros of renewable energy?
- will not run out
- better for the environment
What are some cons of renewable energy?
- not available everywhere
- costly