Module 2 Study Guide Flashcards


Describe the sexual health assessment for women WITHOUT sexual concerns.


○ Positive tone, rapport, remain dressed, eye level
○ Monitor verbal and nonverbal responses
○ Move from least to most sensitive topics
○ Elicit responses about values, attitudes, and beliefs - How did you learn about sex?
○ Focus on behaviors and practices more than assumption building topics like orientation labels
○ CDC recommends asking about the 5 Ps - Partners, Practices, Protection from STIs, and Prevention of pregnancy
○ Intimate partner violence
○ Examples of open-ended questions p. 202 Box 10-2

★ Physical exam
○ Only needed if indicated by history or chief complaint
○ Sometimes needed for treatment goals or referral
○ Some reasons for further assessment
■ Medical factors
■ Adolescents - puberty related physical changes, sexual activity, proactive teaching
■ Pregnant and postpartum women
■ Midlife women
■ Older women
■ Cultural influences

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Describe the sexual health assessment for women WITH sexual concerns.


★ Purpose - identify all possible biological and psychosocial sources of the concern
★ Special notes/make sure to
○ Determine if this concern
■ Primary - lifelong
■ Secondary - emerged after a period of normal sexual function
■ Situational - specific to certain circumstances
■ Generalized - across all circumstances - masturbation, intercourse, manual stimulation, etc
○ Determine relationship stressors - intimate partner violence

★ History
○ Comprehensive health history
○ Surgeries that could affect vascular or neuro function of the genital tract or other erogenous areas
○ Injuries to the pelvis, genital structures, spine or brain
○ Chronic illnesses
○ Medications - list on p383 Box 16-1
○ Allergies - latex
○ Sexual orientation
○ Prior abuse or trauma - physical, emotional, or sexual, assault
■ s/s of depression, PTSD, OCD
○ Lifestyle - diet, exercise, stress, coping mechanisms, body image
○ Illicit drugs, ETOH, and tobacco
○ Risk factor screening - multiple partners, contraception use, STIs,
○ Cultural and religious beliefs - consider about tx
○ Sometimes all that is needed is reassurance that what she is experiencing is normal
○ May need to review anatomy and sexual function
○ Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) can be helpful
○ Open-ended question examples p. 384 box 16-2

★ Physical exam
○ Height, weight, vital signs
○ Potential health conditions like underlying DM or hypertension
○ Neuro and vascular systems
○ Pelvic exam - if indicated, always with shared decision making

★ Diagnosis and treatment
○ Clinical indication, not as a standard
○ Tests to consider
■ Fasting glucose
■ Lipid profile
■ Prolactin
○ Women presenting with sexual pain
■ Vaginal pH and microscopy of vag secretions with NS and 10% KOH
○ Controversial - measurement of androgen levels - no FDA approved tx for “low”

★ Differential diagnosis
○ Start by categorizing concern into one of the three DSM-V categories
■ Sexual interest/arousal disorder
■ Orgasmic disorder
■ Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder
○ Use Hx, physical exam, and lab tests to decide if the source of dysfunction is psychological, physical or combination

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What is normal sexual function? What isn’t?


★ In order for an alteration in sexual function to be a dysfunction, the woman must perceive her symptoms as distressing, otherwise, it is just an alteration
○ In other words, a dx of sexual dysfunction requires that a woman perceive her symptoms as distressing

★ Sexual function is “normal” based on the woman’s individual perceptions and values, it is difficult to “define”. Here are some definitions of sexual health that might help.
○ Sexual health is a state of well-being in relation to sexuality across the lifespan that involves physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual dimensions
○ Sexual health is an inextricable element of human health and is based on positive, equitable, and respectful approach to sexuality, relationships, and reproduction that is free of coercion, fear, discrimination, stigma, shame, and violence.
○ Sexual health includes the ability to understand the benefits, risks, and responsibilities of sexual behavior; the prevention of disease and other adverse outcomes; and the possibility of fulfilling sexual relationships.
○ Sexual health is impacted by socioeconomic and cultural contexts (including policies, practices, and services) that support healthy outcomes for individuals and their communities

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Identify life stages that can affect sexual response and function.


○ Adolescence
○ Pregnancy and lactation
○ Midlife 40-60 yo
○ Postmenopause
○ Older women 65+

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Identify medical conditions that can affect sexual response and function.


○ Surgeries - especially those that could affect the vascular or neurologic function of the genital tract and other erogenous areas (breasts)
○ Past injuries to the pelvis, genital structures, spine, and brain
○ Chronic illnesses
■ Thyroid disease
■ Diabetes
■ Hypertension
■ Certain Cancers
■ Chronic pain
■ Hyperprolactinemia
■ Cognitive disorders
■ Heart disease
○ Pregnancy, birth, lactation history

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Identify medications that can affect sexual response and function.


○ Latex allergies
○ Amphetamines
○ Anticonvulsants
○ Antidepressants
○ Antihypertensives and other cardiovascular agents, digoxin, lipid-lowering agents
○ Antiulcer drugs
○ Benzos
○ Combined estrogen and progestin contraceptives
○ GnRH agonists
○ Histamine receptor blockers
○ Hormone therapy - both estrogen and progesterone
○ Opioid pain meds
○ Psychotropics
○ Substances: ETOH, amphetamines, cocaine, heroin, marijuana

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Describe the assessment for the following condition: Female sexual interest/arousal disorder (Hypoactive sexual desire disorder)


★ Assessment
○ Duration of symptoms and factors surrounding them - have you always felt this way or is it a change in level of desire?
○ Look for negative factors - sexual assault, conflicts in relationships, pain with intercourse, financial stress, small kids need care at night, opposing work schedules
○ Frequency of sexual activity - there may be different expectations among partners
○ Has the change in desire → change in frequency?
■ Does she have sex even when she doesn’t want to?
■ Belief she has no choice - may need to address issues of power and control before it can be determined if he sexual concern has a physical basis
○ If she does not initiate, does she still enjoy sex when partner initiates? NORMAL
○ Explore any changes that may alter satisfaction with relationship - does she orgasm? If not, this may decrease motivation for future sexual encounters
○ Negatives outweigh positives? May → low motivation
○ Hormonal changes with menopause - overall aren’t a major contributor for most women
■ Other factors like hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, weight gain, vag dryness, painful intercourse
○ Inability to get pregnant - stress of ART tx
○ Associated symptoms indicate a physical problem?
■ Fatigue - thyroid or sleep disorders
■ Chronic med condition that makes sex painful - arthritis, back pain
○ Sexual interest disorder is related to thyroid, epilepsy, and renal disease
○ Medications or symptoms that affect hormone levels - combined oral contraceptives, GnRH agonists, antiestrogens, hysterectomy, and oophorectomy
○ Androgen insufficiency - no clear consensus on testing and replacement - insufficiency can be diagnosed by history alone and therapy initiated without lab testing

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Describe the Characteristics/Diagnosis for the following condition: Female sexual interest/arousal disorder (Hypoactive sexual desire disorder)


★ Characteristics/Diagnosis
○ Complete lack of or significant reduction in sexual interest or arousal associated with three or more of the following symptoms
■ Absence or reduction of interest in sex
■ Absence or reduction in fantasies or erotic thoughts
■ Absence or decreased desire to initiate sexual encounters with partner and usually not receptive when the partner attempts to initiate encounters
■ Absent or reduced sense of excitement/pleasure during sex
■ Absent or reduced response to sexual cues - verbal, visual
■ Absent or reduced sensation in genitals or elsewhere during sex
○ Symptoms must persist for a minimum of 6 months
○ May be lifelong, acquired, situational, or general
○ Severity falls on a continuum
○ Must be no other mental health, physical, or substance-induced cause

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Describe the Management plan for the following condition: Female sexual interest/arousal disorder (Hypoactive sexual desire disorder)


★ Management plan
○ Depends on etiology
○ Relational or life problem - avoid suggesting medical tx and refer to counseling for the individual and/or couple
○ Some couples strategies include planning time, listing stress causes, placing it outside the door, honest communication, sex therapy
○ Treat underlying diagnosis, medical or mental health problems
○ Consider changing meds known to be associated with affecting sexual desire
○ If related to pain - identify and treat source of pain
○ Educate on normal lifespan alterations - pregnancy, lactation, menopause
○ Flibanserin - only approved medication
○ If it is a side effect from SSRIs consider Wellbutrin /bupropion SR 150mg BID or sildenafil 50-100mg prior to sexual activity
■ Also consider switching to antidepressant with fewer sexual side effects - mirtazapine/Remeron, nefazodone/Serzone or bupropion
■ Off label use of bupropion SR 150mg daily can improve desire and decrease distress
○ Transdermal estrogen therapy after menopause
○ If symptoms persist, other causes r/o - testosterone therapy can be considered off label

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Describe the assessment for the following condition: Sexual arousal disorder


○ Vaginal lubrication or feeling of genital engorgement with sex play
○ Adequate stimulation to achieve arousal
○ Physiologic conditions that might cause vascular or neurologic changes
■ Diabetes, hypertension, CAD
■ Physical activities that may compress the nerves and blood vessels leading to the genitals - Bicycle or horseback riding
○ Medications - SSRIs, MAOIs, TCAs, antihypertensives
○ Substances - smoking, alcohol, drugs

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Describe the Management plan for the following condition: Sexual arousal disorder


★ Management
○ Artificial lubricants
○ Clitoral stimulation vaginal moisturizers
○ Change medications if possible/indicated
○ Localized estrogen therapy
○ Sexual aids/toys
○ Complementary and alternative treatments
○ Compounds - usually topicals

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Describe the assessment for the following condition: Orgasmic disorder


★ Marked delay in and/or marked infrequency of or absence of orgasm or reduced intensity of orgasm sensations
★ Assessment
○ Duration and extent of the problem
○ Knowledge of achieving orgasm
○ Trauma, abuse, chronic illness, medications, and substance abuse along with cultural/religious beliefs
○ Communication between partners

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Describe the diagnosis criteria for the following condition: Orgasmic disorder


★ Diagnostic criteria
○ Lasting more than 6 months
○ Cannot be related to physical or mental health conditions or relationship problems
○ Can be lifelong or recent
○ Can be generalized to all types of sexual encounters

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Describe the Management plan for the following condition: Orgasmic disorder


★ Management
○ Address underlying causes such as chronic disease, medications, and mental health
○ Education - anatomy, vibrator, toys
○ CBT and sex therapy

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Describe the assessment for the following condition: Dyspareunia/pain with intercourse


★ Assessment
○ Location and experience
○ Timing of pain with menstrual cycle
○ Penetrative sex activity only or with all internal and external stimulation
○ Direct contact or if arousal/orgasm → pain
○ Life changes - perimenopausal/postmenopausal
○ Medications - tamoxifen, danazol, medroxyprogesterone acetate, GnRH agonist
○ Allergies - semen (rare), latex
★ Physical exam may see
○ Pale and dry vaginal walls
○ Decreased rugae
○ Vulvar fissures
○ Petechiae
○ Loss of vulvar architecture
○ pH>5.0

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Describe the diagnosis for the following condition: Dyspareunia/pain with intercourse


★ Difficulty with vaginal penetration during intercourse or attempted penetration
★ Vulvovaginal or pelvic pain during intercourse or attempted penetration
★ Fear or anxiety about pain before, during, or after vaginal penetration
★ Pelvic floor muscles tensing or tightening when vaginal penetration is attempted
★ Diagnostic criteria
○ Symptoms must be present for a minimum of 6 months
○ Must cause significant distress
○ Not explained by other physical or mental conditions

★ Possible contributors
○ Vaginal infections
○ Dermatologic disorders
○ Atrophic vaginitis - can be related to low estrogen levels d/t lactation
○ Trauma
○ Allergies
○ Vulvodynia - pain without an identifiable cause
○ Vaginismus
○ Vulvar vestibulitis
○ Endometriosis
○ Chronic vaginitis

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Describe the Management plan for the following condition: Dyspareunia/pain with intercourse


○ Treat vaginal infections and dermatologic disorders
○ Treat perimenopausal/menopausal or postpartum
○ Ospemifene - nonhormonal selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) for atrophic vaginitis
○ Monalisa touch - vaginal laser to stimulate healthy collagen production
○ Vulvodynia/vestibulodynia - cotton underwear and avoid common irritants
○ Avoid self-treatment for vaginal infections
○ Pelvic floor therapy
○ Cognitive-behavior therapy
○ Pharmacology - topical lidocaine, oral antidepressants, and oral anticonvulsants
○ Surgery to remove vestibule


Describe the assessment, characteristics, diagnosis, and management plan for the following condition: Vulvodynia


★ Vaginal pain without an identifiable cause, often one spot is painful during sex
★ Cotton underwear and avoid common irritants
★ Multidisciplinary care


Describe the assessment, characteristics, diagnosis, and management plan for the following condition: Vaginismus


★ Recurrent or persistent involuntary contraction of the perineal muscles surrounding the outer third of the vagina when vaginal penetration with penis, finger, tampon or speculum is attempted
★ Treatment
○ Combination of cognitive approaches to anxiety reduction, ensuring the woman feels she is in control of sex encounters, and physical therapy
○ Pelvic floor desensitization and relaxation
○ Graduated use of dilators to help with muscular control
○ Voluntary relaxation and stretching


Describe the assessment, characteristics, diagnosis, and management plan for the following condition: Vulvar vestibulitis/vestibulodynia


★ Persistent pain at the vaginal introitus or inability to achieve penetration
★ Diagnosis
○ Gently palpate the vestibule with moist cotton swab
○ Pain will usually be about the 6 o’clock region - described as a sharp or burning sensation with light touch
○ Erythema may or may not be present


Identify barriers to optimal health encountered by sexual or gender minority patients.


★ Financial - Lack of insurance
○ Employers may deny insurance benefits for same-sex partners who are not legally married
○ Medicaid may exclude women in same-sex partnerships
○ Inability to afford healthcare services
★ History of trauma
○ LGBQ/TGNC persons carry weight of their personal experiences of mistreatment within the healthcare system
○ Also, the cumulative pain and mistreatment experienced by their predecessors
○ Minority stress
★ Lack of clinician knowledge
★ Restrictive healthcare system, infrastructure, and policies


What health issues may occur with greater prevalence in these populations?


★ Asthma
★ Hepatitis
★ UTIs
★ Mental distress
★ Suicide and mental health concerns
★ Increased tendency toward substance use/abuse, tobacco illness, ETOH
★ Increased STI rates


How can clinicians provide support to overcome barriers and improve health outcomes for sexual and gender minority individuals?


★ Welcoming environment
★ Reading materials they could relate to
★ Nongender bathrooms
★ Intake forms that allow/have blanks for gender identity, pronouns, preferred name
★ Check for preferred name/pronoun before interacting
★ Clinicians and staff fully trained in LGBTQ care and appropriate attitude/communication
★ Be willing to research relevant care information
★ Good communication skills with a nonjudgmental approach
★ Encourage them to have support persons
★ Involve partner in care conversations
★ Know your community resources


Identify the history, diagnostic testing, and counseling to include at a preconception visit.


★ Reproductive, family and personal medical symptom history - attention to pelvic symptoms and complex medical conditions
★ Smoking, drugs, and ETOH use
★ Nutrition habits identifying excesses and inadequacies
★ Medications - does anything need to be changed?
★ Risks for STIs with either partner
★ Risk for preterm birth
★ Environmental hazards
★ Physical conditions of workplaces
★ Readiness for parenthood
★ Psych background
★ Financial issues
★ Support system
★ Offer STI screening
★ Vaginal wet mount if discharge present
★ Neoplasms - breast, cervical dysplasia, warts, etc
★ Immunity - rubella, tetanus, varicella, HBV, HPV
★ R - reproductive awareness -birth control and physiology of conception
★ E - environmental toxins and teratogens - occupational and home
★ F - folic acid and nutrition - screen for eating disorders, need for supplements, over/underweight
★ R - reviewed genetic history - including history of pregnancy problems
★ A - alcohol, tobacco, other substances - screen for second-hand exposure
★ M - medical conditions/meds
★ E - educate IZ and infectious diseases - STIs
★ D - domestic violence and psychosocial issues - childhood trauma, access to basic necessities, financial worries, knowledge of resources, social support

★ Substance abuse treatment referral if indicated
★ Provide genetic counseling for all women - refer if age 35+, significant history, poor pregnancy outcome history, partner of advanced age, high-risk ethnic background, seizure disorders, diabetes
★ Balanced diet
★ Minimizing risk for STIs
★ Weight loss that is gradual until conception
★ Moderate exercise
★ Avoid cat poop
★ Encourage breastfeeding
★ Early prenatal care when pregnancy occurs

What lifestyle changes or health promotion should you recommend for a couple planning a pregnancy?
★ Balanced diet ○ 2-3 servings of fish per week ■ Only 1 moderate mercury fish per week ■ Avoid high mercury fish - shark, swordfish, mackerel, tilefish, caught in local waters ★ Avoid STI risk factors ★ Weight loss if obese ★ Moderate exercise ★ Avoid cat poop ★ Avoid raw meat and unpasteurized dairy products ★ Avoid abdominal/pelvic xrays if possible ★ Avoid excesses in diet, vitamins, and exercise ★ Avoid non-food items to eat and unusual herbs ★ Use condoms if having sex with multiple partners
What are the doses of folic acid recommended for women at low risk and at high risk of having an infant with neural tube defects? Which women are in the high-risk group?
★ Low risk ~ 0.4mg/400mcg for all women planning pregnancy or at risk for unintended preg ★ High risk ~ 4mg daily ○ Previous pregnancy with a neural tube defect, insulin dependent diabetic, alcoholic, malabsorption, or on anticonvulsants
What lab work might you order for a healthy woman planning a pregnancy?
★ Offer STI screening ★ Vaginal wet mount if discharge present ★ Neoplasms - breast, cervical dysplasia, warts, etc ★ Immunity - rubella, tetanus, varicella, HBV, HPV
Identify aspects of complete preconception care which would be appropriate to include at episodic visits for other conditions.
★ Prenatal vitamins and folic acid ★ Personal childbearing goals and reproductive plans ★ Risk assessment based on history and current problems ★ Management of overall health and chronic conditions ○ Hypertension ○ Diabetes ○ Medication usage ○ Immunizations ○ Lifestyle risks - alcohol, tobacco, and substance use ★ Physical, sexual, and emotional abuse
What clinical "red flags" from history would alert you to a potential problem for a couple planning a pregnancy? Consider what might require consultation or referral, or other interventions to reduce risks.
★ Smoking, drug, and alcohol use that needs treatment referral ★ Genetic counseling if specialized needed - age 35+, poor pregnancy outcome, or partner of advanced age ★ Risk of preterm birth or negative birth outcomes ★ Financial and social support
Identify health risks posed to successful pregnancy outcomes by tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, and other drug use.
★ Preterm birth ★ Spermatogenesis ★ Alcohol - fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), range of effects that include physical problems and behavioral, and intellectual disabilities, can have lifelong implications ★ Tobacco smoking - spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, low birthweight, preterm birth, placenta previa, placental abruption, and cleft lip/palate, increased risk of SIDS
Identify strategies to support women experiencing domestic violence, or who are survivors of childhood abuse, who may be considering pregnancy.
★ Screen all women ★ Support and referral ★ Evaluation, counseling, and treatment for physical injuries and psychological trauma ★ Treatment for STIs, unintended pregnancy (including emergency contraception) ★ Counseling, legal advice, and other services - information about community agencies that specialize in cases of abuse
How do pregnancy tests work? When do they become positive? When do they return to negative after a pregnancy ends?
URINE TESTS ★ ELISA test ★ Uses antibody specific to placentally-produced HCG and another antibody to produce a color change ★ Commonly used in home pregnancy tests and in offices and clinics ★ Performed in 1-3 minutes using urine samples ★ Most tests positive at 25mIU/ml ★ This level can be detectable 7-10 days after conception ○ May require 5-7 days after implantation to detect all pregnancies ★ Test results positive for 98% of women 7 days after implantation\ ★ Tests can be positive as early as the day of first missed menses ★ Teach patients that no lab test is 100% accurate and false negatives usually occur when done too early in the pregnancy and are far more common than false positive tests SERUM TESTS ★ Blood is drawn - radioimmunoassay ★ Uses colorimetry - detects HCG levels as low as 5mIU/ml ★ Results available in 1-2 hours ★ Offers ability to quantify HCG levels and monitor over time when clinically indicated to assist in ectopic pregnancy diagnosis and treatment HCG QUICK FACTS ★ Beta-HCG can be detected as early as 7-10 days after conception thereby ruling in pregnancy, but pregnancy cannot be ruled out until 7 days after expected menses ★ If needed for evaluation of early pregnancy, serial HCG testing should be done every 2 days until levels reach discriminatory levels of 1800-2000 mIU/ml, when a gestational sac can be visualized reliably by vaginal ultrasounds ★ In normal gestations, the levels of HCG double about every 2 days ★ Average time for HCG levels to become non-detectable after first trimester surgical abortion ranges from 31-38 days MANAGEMENT TIPS ★ Home tests can be misused or misinterpreted ★ Any test can have false-negative results at low levels ○ If in doubt, repeat urine test in 1-2 days or obtain serum tests with quantitative HCG ★ Recommend folic acid every day
What is an appropriate way to report the results of a pregnancy test to a woman?
★ Neutral tone ★ Counseling based on her desired outcome
Identify history and physical examination needed for a woman presenting with infertility.
★ General medical, mental health, family health ○ History of birth defects, developmental delay, early menopause, or reproductive problems ○ Social - substance use ○ Occupational - exposure to environmental hazards ○ Person habits - exercise ★ Duration of infertility - must be 12 months, although if certain comorbidities such as maternal age or medical conditions that affect fertility than earlier assessment may be warranted ★ Detailed gynecologic history ○ Menstrual ○ Pregnancy ○ Abnormal paps and treatment ★ Previous procedures ○ Related symptoms ○ Type - open or laparoscopic ○ Indication ○ Complications ★ Contraception ○ Expected period of infertility post-contraception ○ Have there been other periods of unprotected sex without pregnancy? ★ Frequency of coitus ★ Sexual dysfunction ★ STIs ★ Obstetric history ○ Pregnancy with this or another partner ○ Mode of delivery - c/s can cause adhesions which contribute to difficulty of oocyte moving down fallopian tube ★ Review of systems ○ Nipple discharge ○ Hirsutism ○ Pelvic and abdominal pain ○ Dyspareunia ○ Symptoms of thyroid disorder - fatigue, heat/cold intolerance, hair loss, weight gain/loss PHYSICAL EXAM ★ Complete PE, especially specific to identifying issues ★ Special attention to ○ Weight, BMI, b/p, pulse ○ Presence of thyroid enlargement, nodules or tenderness ○ Acne ○ Hirsutism, male pattern baldness or alopecia - indicate a hyperandrogenic disorder ○ Nipple discharge or visual changes - indicate pituitary mass ○ Pelvic exam ■ Focus on identifying any abnormalities of the genitalia such as ● Enlarged clitoris ● Tenderness ● Masses and organ enlargement ● Uterine size and shape ● Evidence of gynecologic infections or STIs
Identify possible causes of female infertility. Which conditions might you be able to diagnose based only on history and examination?
★ Ovulatory dysfunction 20-40% ★ Total lack of ovulation or irregular ovulation ★ Anovulation may be evidenced by irregular cycles or amenorrhea ★ Numerous causes including interruption of the HPO axis ★ Ovarian dysfunction - can be caused by ○ Hyperandrogenic disorders ○ Physiological anovulation at either end of reproductive spectrum ○ Hyperprolactinemia ○ Pituitary tumors ○ Thyroid disorders ○ Eating disorders ○ Low or high BMI ○ Medications ○ Possibly stress ★ Short duration of luteal phase - <13 days between midcycle LH surge and onset of menses ★ Tubal and peritoneal pathology 30-40% ○ Two main tubal factors that → infertility include PID and endometriosis ★ Primary cause is pelvic inflammatory disease ★ Stage 3 or 4 endometriosis ★ Asherman syndrome - uterine adhesions as a result of trauma to the uterine cavity ○ Currettage, myomectomy, and endometrial ablation ○ Adhesions can be located within the uterus or go down inside the cervical canal ○ WBCs attach to adhesions and they thicken over time ★ Other uterine factors ★ Submucosal fibroids ★ Chronic endometritis
Identify possible causes of male infertility and the history and initial physical examination needed for the male partner. Which conditions might you be able to diagnose based only on history and/or examination?
★ General medical, Previous surgeries ★ Medications ★ Family genetic disorders that could interfere with conceiving ★ Duration of infertility ★ Frequency and timing of coitus ★ STI history ★ Any conception attempts and results with current or past partners ★ Environment or chemical toxin exposure - heat could raise scrotal temp ★ Substance history - amounts, including anabolic steroids PHYSICAL EXAM ★ Complete physical exam by male partner’s PCP or urologist ★ Attention to reproductive organs to rule out structural problems POSSIBLE CAUSES ★ Male factors cause of ⅓ of infertility situations overall ★ Primary gonadal disorders 30-40% ★ Gonadal failure ○ Chromosomal disorders -Klinefelter, Y chromosome deletions ○ Cryptorchidism ○ Varicoceles ○ Infections ○ Medications, radiations ○ Environmental exposure ○ Chronic illness ★ Disorders of sperm transport 10-20% ★ Mumps or infections resulting in orchitis ★ Hypothalamic pituitary disorders 1-2%
What is the purpose of each of the following? What are normal findings for each of these? (Remember, no need to memorize lab values!) BBT Charting LH Testing Semen Analysis TSH Serum Progesterone during luteal phase Hysterosalpingogram Laprascopy
★ Basal Body Temperature Charting ○ Confirming ovulation ○ Best to check before rising first thing in the morning ○ Increase of at least 0.4 degrees F expected after ovulation ★ Urine Testing For Luteinizing Hormone (Lh) ○ Identifies LH surge ○ Ovulation will likely occur within the next 24-36 hours ★ Semen Analysis ○ Detects most male factor infertility ○ Should be done at least 2 months apart ○ Normal findings are based on a chart that includes ■ Semen volume per mL ■ Total sperm and Concentration ■ Motility - total, progressive ■ Vitality - live spermatozoa ■ Sperm morphology ■ pH ★ Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (Tsh) ○ Evaluate for asymptomatic thyroid disease ○ High or low levels could be a problem ○ Thyroid disease needs to be treated before starting infertility treatments ★ Prolactin ○ Evaluate for hyperprolactinemia ○ Women - MRI for pituitary tumor ○ Needs treated before starting infertility treatments ★ Serum Progesterone Level Midway During The Luteal Phase ○ If basal body temp or LH urine testing doesn’t show biphasic curve - ovulation can’t be confirmed ○ Done on cycle day 21 to confirm ovulation ○ >3ng confirms ovulation ★ Hysterosalpingogram ○ Confirm shape of uterus ○ Measure endometrium thickness ○ Determine fallopian tube patency ○ Normally contrast medium moves freely through the uterus into the fallopian tubes when observed by x-ray ★ Laparoscopy ○ Look for structural abnormalities, endometriosis, pelvic adhesions ○ Consider when advanced stage endometriosis, tubal occlusive disease, or peritoneal factors strongly suspected ○ NOT first line for tubal patency or infertility
How will you decide which tests or procedures to use or order?
★ Patient and partner history ★ Least invasive to most invasive ★ If a woman is ovulatory - organize evaluation according to her menstrual cycle so that many tests can be performed without disturbing her ability to conceive
Briefly describe the initial management options for infertility for the non-specialist.
★ Documentation of ovulation detection ★ Obtain semen analysis from the male partner or donor
What education would a couple experiencing infertility need at the first visit for this concern?
★ Fertile time during menstrual cycle - 6-day window ending the day of ovulation ★ Have sex every 1-2 days during this time - at least 2-3x/week ★ Health promoting behaviors - \ ○ BMI 20-25 ○ Smoking cessation for both partners ○ ETOH <=4 drinks/week or less ○ Caffeine 250mg/day or less
What are some of the psychosocial and ethical issues related to infertility?
★ Psychosocial ○ Profoundly distressing - stress, anxiety, and depression can further impact fertility ○ Couple may feel or be viewed as not able to have a “family” and are therefore not a family ○ Family gatherings may be very hard ○ Family members may be negatively impacted - grandparents without grandchildren ○ Women may feel more “aberrant” than men ★ Ethical ○ Access - expense ○ Ability to conceive without a male partner ○ When several embryos are transferred ■ Selective reduction ■ High-risk pregnancy