Module 2: Structural Framing Systems and Irregularities Flashcards
8 Structural Framing Systems
- Bearing Wall Systems
- Moment-Resisting Frames Systems
- Building Frame System with Shear Wall
- Building Frame System with Braced Frames
- Dual System
- Shear Wall Frame Interactive System
- Cantilever Column System
- Steel Systems not specifically detailed for Seismic Resistance
4 Types of Bracing Systems
- Special Steel Concentrically Braced Frames
- Ordinary Steel Concentrically Braced Frames
- Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames
- Steel Eccentrically Braced Frames
Structural Irregularities (Horizontal Irregularities)
- Torsional
- Re-entrant
- Diaphragm Discontinuity
- Out-of-plane Offset
- Non Parallel System
is used to transfer the lateral forces acting on the structure to the foundation
Lateral force-resisting system
are used to provide continuous load path
Vertical and Horizontal Components
It consists of frames, shear walls, or a combination of both
Structural Framing System
This resists all lateral forces and supports most of the gravity loads
Shear Wall
Structural framing system that has no shear wall
Moment-Resisting Frame System
2 Properties of Framing
Center of Mass
Center of Rigidity
measures a structure’s ability to withstand seismic forces.
Response modification coefficient (R)
Torsional deflections happen when ———
eccentricity exists
It is the twisting point of a floor level and what causes torsion on the building
Center of Rigidity
It is the strength of columns below story level
Story’s lateral strength
it is the maximum story drift at the building’s edge
it is the average of the story drift at the two opposing edges of the building
Torsional Irregularity exists when TIR is (greater than or less than?) ____
greater than 1.2
it is the total strength of all seismic-resisting elements sharing the story shear for the direction under consideration
story lateral strength
Formula of TIR
∆max/∆avg > 1.2
Re-entrant corner Irregularity exists when the cutout is greater than ____ of the plan dimension of the structure in the given direction
Diaphragm Discontinuity Irregularity exists when the cutout or open area is greater than ______ of the gross enclosed diaphragm area
Diaphragm Discontinuity Irregularity also exists when the change in effective diaphragm stiffness of more than ____ from one story to the next
This irregularity exists when there is a discontinuity in a lateral force-resistance path
Out of Plane Offset Irregularity
This irregularity exists when vertical lateral force-resisting elements are not parallel to the major orthogonal axes of the seismic force-resisting system
Non-Parallel System Irregularity
Structural Irregularities (Vertical Irregularities)
- Stiffness-Soft Story Irregularity
- Stiffness-Extreme Soft Story
- Vertical Geometric Irregularity
- In-Plane Discontinuity in Vertical Lateral Force-Resisting Element
- Discontinuity in Lateral Strength - Weak Story
- Discontinuity in Lateral Strength - Extreme Weak Story
This irregularity exists when the lateral stiffness is less than 70% of that in the story above.
Stiffness - Soft Story Irregularity
This irregularity exists when the effective mass (weight) of any story is more than 150% of the effective mass of an adjacent story.
Discontinuity in Lateral Strength - Extreme Weak Story