Module 2 - Sociological Perspective on Aging Flashcards
“A sociological perspective understands aging and
age-related problems as…
more than private, personal
troubles faced by individuals, but as public,
political issues faced by many and shaped by the
socio-historical context.”
Sociological Perspective on Aging: Macro-Micro Connection (Individual Society)
• Applying a sociological perspective to aging also involves making the connection between…
micro-level individual aging experiences and macro-level social structures, social processes, and social forces.
What are the 3 main concepts sociologists use to study aging?
Social structure, Social stratification, time and social context
The “ways in which a society is organized at a given point in history, including its distribution of wealth, political, and economic system, cultural patterns, dominant social roles, and power relations between groups”
is the definition of what key concept sociologists use to study aging?
Social structure
Concepts that refer to the societal expectations and perceptions toward the timing of age events and transitions as well as concepts that focus on changes that occur in successive groups of aging individuals.
Is the definition of what key concept sociologists use to study aging?
Concepts Related to Time & Social Context
The “structured, patterned differences in access to power and resources …” that affect our opportunities and experiences as we age. Structured inequality across groups of individuals (e.g., classes, gender, ethnicities).
Is the definition of what key concept sociologists use to study aging?
Social stratification
Which sociological concept in the study of aging do the following concepts belong to?
1) Inequality, Exclusion
2) Generation, Cohort, Age Norms
3) Social Institutions, Status, Roles
Social structure - Social Institutions, Status, Roles
Social stratification - Inequality, Exclusion
Time and social context - Generation, Cohort, Age Norms
The following theories fit under what major sociological theoretical paradigm? Disengagement, modernization, age stratification, life course
The following theories fit under what major sociological theoretical paradigm?
Social constructionism, social phenomenology, exchange
The following theories fit under what major sociological theoretical paradigm?
Political economy, feminist theory