Module 2: Organizing and Classifying Personality Flashcards
Reliability is an indicator of how _____________ a personality measure is
What are the three main ways to assess reliability/consistency
- Assess consistency among items
- Assess consistency over time
- Assess consistency among raters
Consistency among items in a measure (i.e., questionnaire) is also called…
internal reliability
What are 2 ways that we can measure or assess internal reliability
- Parallel forms
- Split-half reliability
If participants complete two versions of a measure that are designed to be equivalent and they achieve very similar results, this measure would have…
good parallel forms reliability
Describe split-half reliability
Instead of having two full distinct versions of a measure (as in parallel forms), a single measure is divided (or split) into two halves.
i.e., all odd numbered questions compose one half and all even questions compose the other
Good internal consistency is achieved when the responses to one half are highly correlated to the other
If a measure completed at two different times yields roughly the same results we would say that this measure has…
good test-retest reliability
The more independent raters agree on the score of a participant’s behaviour/personality the higher the…
interrater reliabilty
__________ refers to the extent to which a measure captures what it is supposed to
The measure appears to assess or capture what it is supposed to.
This is called _______ validity
The measure is related to an outcome relevant to the construct it captures.
This is called _________ validity
The measure is associated with a separate measure of the same construct.
This is called _________ validity
The measure is not associated with construct with which it should NOT be associated.
This is called __________ validity
The Five Factor Model is a ________-based model of personality
The big five traits lie on a __________. This means that people’s scores on any of the big five traits fall somewhere along a…
continuum; normally distributed continuum
Kern et al., used MyPersonality to investigate what words/groups of words were associated with the big five traits. What did they find with regard to each trait?
- People high in extraversion used social words and phrases
- High extraversion was associated with use of positively valence words
- High extraversion was associated with using more sexuality words in posts
- People high in conscientiousness were more likely to use words like work, success, and busy
- High neuroticism was related to posting more expletives
- Also related to posting negative emotion words and phrases
- People high in agreeableness posted more words linked to contentedness, prosperity, and well-being as well as references to close relationships
- People high in openness used words like soul, dreams, and music
- Generally associated with using more “insight” words (i.e., believe, recall, become)
What is the dark triad of personality?
Classically thought of as 3 traits
Subclinical forms of psychopathy, narcissism, and machiavellianism
What are some common traits of (subclinical) psychopathy
- Impulsivity
- Risk-taking
- Low empathy
- Lying
- Superficial charm
- etc.
(subclinical) psychopathy is associated with…
criminality and antisocial behaviour
What are some common traits of narcissism?
- Attention-seeking
- Entitlement
- Grandiosity
- etc.
Is narcissism the same or separate from narcissistic personality disorder?
Narcissism has its roots in…
What are some common traits of machiavellianism?
- Manipulation
- Desire for power and control
- Deceptiveness
Machiavellianism is most separable from other “dark” traits because of…
its link to planning and strategy
The “dark” traits share a __________ and ____________ approach to relationships and are all moderately to strongly related
dishonest; self-focused
The overlap among dark triad traits is best explained by traits that fall under the umbrella of antagonism and specifically…
Arrogance (low modesty) and manipulativeness (low honest-humility)
Traits can also be called __________
What is meant when traits are described as “internal causal properties”
Traits are presumed to exists (like needs, drives, and desires) even in the absence of observable behavioural expressions
What is meant when traits are described as “purely descriptive summaries”
Traits describe a person’s observable behaviour
Some psychologists who endorse the descriptive summary formulation of traits have explored the “act frequency approach”. What is this approach?
The category of a trait includes specific acts.
A person high in a specific trait would perform a large number of the specific trait’s acts relative to others.
What are the 3 approaches that have been used to identify important traits? Briefly describe each.
- Lexical approach
- All traits listed and defined in the dictionary form the basis of describing differences among people - Statistical approach
- Uses factor analysis to identify major traits - Theoretical approach
- The theory determines which traits are important
The lexical approach yields two criteria for identifying important traits, what are they?
- Synonym frequency
- Cross-cultural universality
Eysenck’s hierarchical model of personality is most strongly rooted in _________ because…
biology; he developed a model of personality based on traits he believed were highly heritable
What were the 3 main traits (or super-traits) in Eysenck’s hierarchical model?
- Extraversion-introversion
- Neuroticism-emotional stability
- Psychoticism
Describe the hierarchical structure of neuroticism following Eysenck’s model
Super-trait: neuroticism
Narrow traits: anxious, depressed, tense
Habitual acts: getting frustrated over minor things
What are the supposed biological underpinnings of the 3 main traits in Eysenck’s model?
- CNS arousal and reactivity
Neuroticism-emotional stability
- ANS reactivity
- High testosterone and low MAO levels
Jerry Wiggins’ circumplex model of personalty
Provides an explicit definition of interpersonal behaviour and specifies the relationships between traits (i.e., adjacency, bipolarity, orthogonality)
What are the big five traits? List some narrow traits/specific facets of each.
- Extraversion
- talkative
- outspoken
- forward - Agreeableness
- sympathetic
- kind
- understanding - Conscientiousness
- organized
- practical - (low) neuroticism
- calm
- stable - Openness to experience
- creative
- imaginative
- intellectual
What is the factor in the five factor model or Big Five that there is uncertainty about pertaining to the content, naming, and replicability?
Openness to experience
What are some empirical correlates of extraversion?
- Extraverted men are more likely to the bold with potential partners
- Happier
- More involved in work organization
-More cooperative (compared to introverts) - Tend to be physically stronger
- Tend to get in more car accidents
- Less likely to save money
What are some empirical correlates of agreeableness?
- Tend to withdraw from conflict
- Prosocial and empathetic
- Helpful
- Judge those who exhibit antisocial behavior
- Children who are high in this trait tend to be victimized less by bullies
What are some empirical correlates of conscientiousness?
- Higher GPA
- Greater job satisfaction and security
- More positive and committed social relationships
- Tend to be perfectionists
- Set and achieve goals
- More likely to do volunteer work after retirement
- Less likely to break rules
What are some empirical correlates of neuroticism?
- Experience more fatigue
- Experience more grief and depression after death of loved one
- More likely to experience dissociative experiences
- Poorer physical health and fewer attempts to engage in good health behaviour
- Experience more sexual anxiety
- More likely to experience PTSD
- Engage in a lot of self-handicapping
What are some empirical correlates of openness to experience?
- Tend to remember dreams more, more vivid dream and have more dreams in general
- Experimentation for new foods
- Exhibit less prejudice
- Excel in the arts
List the traits that make up the HEXACO model
- Honesty-Humility
- Emotionality
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Conscientiousness
- Openness to experience
The low end of Honesty-Humility captures…
the cluster of traits associated with the Dark Triad