MODULE 2: Nervous Systems Flashcards
Stages of Information Processing
- sensory input
- integration
3 motor output
Sensory Neuron
- detect light, sound, etc
- dendrites connect directly to axon
- cell body located in middle of axon
- central nervous system (spine & brain)
- collect info into cell body
axons take to more cells - one axon takes info into complex dendrite tree
Motor Neuron
- dendrites collect info into cell body
- no synapse
- one axon from nervous system to muscle tissue
- gila cells
- central nervous system
- provide support
- regulate extracellular concentration of ions and neurotransmitters
- formation of blood brain barrier
- compound must be VERY lipidphilic to enter brain
Oligodendrocytes and Schwann Cells
- oligodendrocytes = CNS
- schwann cells = PNS
- form myelin sheaths around axons
- node of ranvier (Exposed axon) causes action potential
- lipid membranes –> insulator
- defective insulator makes electrical signals stop before end of neuron
Resting Membrane Potential
resting potential is negative
-70 mV
Ion Gradient / ATPase Pump
- Na+/K+ Atpase pumps 3 Na+ out of cell and 2 K+ into cell
- results in neg charge inside cell
- against concentration –> uses transporter for energy
- electrogenic pump (neg charge inside cell)
5mM K+, 150mM Na+, 120mM Cl-
140mM K+, 15mM Na+, 100mM A-
- inside of membrane becomes more negative
- opening of VG K+ channels
- K+ out
- increase membrane potential
- slower
- closed open
- inside of membrane becomes more positive
- opening of coltage gated Na+ channels
- Na+ in
- decrease membrane potential
- fast
- closed –> open –> inactivated –> closed…
Action Potential Graph
- resting stage - VG ion channels closed
- Stimulus - causes a few Na+ channels to open, Na+ in
- Depolarisation - if threshold reached, lots of Na+ channels open
- Hyperpolarisation - K+ channels open & K+ out. Na+ channels inactivate
- Undershoot - small hyperpolarisation. Also need ATPase to restore ion concentrations
Refractory Period
- VG Na+ channels inactivated during repolarisation
- during absolute refractory period (peak), no AP can be generated
- during trlative refractory period (undershoot), AP only if large stimulus
- some Na+ channels closed again
- limits firing frequency of neuson
- local anaesthetics don’t allow channels to go from inactivated –> closed, no pain signals
Factors Affecting Conduction Speed
Axon diameter
- increase diameter –
> decrease resistance = faster
- chemical reactions occur faster at higher temps
- more kinetic energy
Degree of Myelination
- myelin insulates axon membrane = faster
- affected more by myelin than diameter
- AP only generated at nodes of ranvier (saltatory conduction)
Neurotransmitter Release at Chemical Synapse
- chemical stored in synaptic vesicle (not metabolised)
- exocytosis occurs
- axon signal passes through ligand gated ion channel
- allows Ca2+ to enter presynaptic neuron via VG Ca2+ channels
- Ca2+ causes fusion of vesicle and membrane –> release of neurotransmitters
- depolarisation —> excitatory post synaptic potential
- hyperpolarisation —> inhibitory post synaptic potential
Temporal Summation
- several EPSPs from same synapse just after each other
- can reach threshold at axon hillock —> axon potential
Spatial Summation
- two or more EPSPs from different synapses
- EPSP + IPSP = unlikely to reach AP
Potentials: Postsynaptic vs Action
- graded
- local
- at cell body or dendrites
- depolarisation
- “all or nothing”
- EPSPs add up to cause AP
- generated at axon hillock
Direct Synaptic Transmission
- fastest (ms)
- neurotransmitters open ion channels on postsynaptic membrane
- action via ligand gated ion channels (opened via neurotransmitter binding)
Indirect Synaptic Transmission
- neurotransmitter binds to receptor on postsynaptic membrane
- activates a signal transduction pathway
- involves a second messenger (GPCR)
- slower (s)
Removal of Neurotransmitters From Synaptic Cleft
- must be quick
- can be lost to diffusion or enzymes
- can be recycled by transporters back into neuron
Peripheral Nervous System
- 12 pairs of cranial nerves
- 31 pairs of spinal nerves
- both PNS and CNS contain sensory and motor neurons
- contains ganglia (segmentally arranged clusters of neurons)
- contains somatic nervours system (voluntary) and automatic nervous system (involuntary)
back of body
Automatic Nervous System
- sympathetic division
- parasympathetic division
- entric division (intestines)
Parasympathetic Division
- from cervical & sacral region
- long pre ganglionic fibre
- short post ganglionic fibre
- “rest & digest”
- calming
- often opposite response to sympathetic division
Sympathetic Division
- from thoracic and lumbar region
- short pre ganglionic fibre
- long post ganglionic fibre
- “fight or flight”
- bronchi dilate
- increase heart rate
- glycogen to glucose
- adrenaline secretion
- digestion inhibited
Central Nervous System
brain and spinal cord
The Brain
- Forebrain: cerebrum and diencephalon
- Midbrain: part of brainstem
- Hindbrain: part of brainstem and cerebellum
- grey matter outside, white matter inside
Cerebrospinal Fluid
- protects CNS
- clear fluid
- subarachnoid space (b/w skull and cortex)
- 4 ventricles and central canal
- supplies nutrients and horomones
- removes waste
- blocked flow in hydrocephalus
Spinal Cord
white matter outside
grey matter inside
- oldest part
- basic functions
- homeostasis, movement
- transfers info to rest of brain
- made of three parts: pons, midbrain, medulla oblongata
- reticular formation –> selectivity filter than determines arousal and sleep
- coordination
- motor function
- cognitive and perceptual function
- connects limbic system (emotional) to rest of brain
- pineal gland –> melatonin (sleep)
- input from sensory neurons
- output via motor neurons
- homeostasis regulation
- biological clock
- temp regulation
- survival (hunger, thirst, etc)
front of body
Cerebrum / Cerebral Cortex
- neocortex
- left and right hemisphere connected via corpus callosum
- basal nuclei: deep in tissue and important for movement
- four lobes
- frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital
Frontal Lobe
- prefrontal cortex = decision making, planning
- motor cortex = control of skeletal muscle
- Broca’s area = forming speech
Temporal Lobe
- auditory cortex = hearing
- Warnicke’s area = comprehending language
Parietal Lobe
- somasensory cortex (touch)
- sensory integration cortex (integration of sensory info)
Occipital Lobe
- visual cortex = processing visual stimuli, pattern recognition
- visual association cortex = combining images and object recognition
Limbic System
- thalamus
- hypothalamus
- olfactory bulb
- hippocampus (memory)
- amygdala (fear)
Long-term Potentiation
- high frequency transmission
- results in increase size of postsynaptic potentials at synapse
- fundamental process for storing memories —> learning