Module 2 (lec1) Flashcards
What are the 2 similarities of Medical & Psychiatric interviews
they are both SYSTEMATIC surveys of subjective and objective aspects of illness AND
They both gather concrete and factual data chronology of symptom formation
What are the 2 most important diagnostic tools to obtain information and make an accurate diagnosis?
History & Mental Status Exam
What is the major purpose of the physical interview?
establish a criteria-based diagnosis
A well-conducted interview is geared to achieve this kind of treatment plan
person-centered treatment plan
This is s based on the subjective report of the px & in some cases the report of collaterals including other health care providers, family & caregivers.
Patient History
This is the interviewers objective tool similar to the physical examination in other areas of medicine
Mental status
This is included because of its potential relevance in the psychiatric diagnosis & also because it usually is included as part of the psychiatric evaluation especially in the inpatient setting
Physical Examination
This part of the psychiatric database includes the brief px name, age, sex, marital status (or significant relationship),
race or ethnicity and occupation and the referral source is also included.
Identifying data
This part of the psychiatric database includes where tha information came from, especially if others have provided information or records reviewed, and the interviewer’s assessment of how reliable the data are
Source & Reliability
This is the px’s presenting complaint, ideally in his or her own words.
Examples include “I am depressed” or “I have lot of anxiety
Chief Complaint
this refers to the chronological description of the evolution of the symptoms of the
current episode
History of present illness
this includes an account of major medical illnesses and conditions as well as treatment, both past and present.
Past medical history
The past medical history is divided into 2. What are these 2 divisions?
Past Psychiatric History &
Substance Use, Abuse, & Addictions
This includes description of past symptoms, when they occurred,how long they lasted, and the frequency and severity of the episodes
Past Psychiatric history
This reviews the stages of the patient’s life and is an important tool in determining the context of psychiatric symptoms and illnesses and may, in fact, identify some of the major factors in the evolution of the disorder
Developmental & Social History
Because many psychiatric illnesses are familial and a significant number of those have a genetic predisposition, if not cause, a careful review of __________ is an essential part of the psychiatric assessment.
Family History
This attempts to capture any current physical or psychological signs and symptoms not already identified is the present illness
Review of Systems
It is the Psychiatric equivalent of the physical examination in the rest of medicine
Mental Status exam
What are the components of the mental status exam?
Appearance and Behavior,Motor Activity, Speech, Mood, Affect, Thought Content, Thought Process, Perceptual Disturbances, Cognition, Abstract Reasoning, Insight and Judgment
culmination of the data-gathering aspect of the psychiatric interview
Formulation & Diagnosis
This type of patient may have impaired motivation and may not spontaneously report their symptoms
Depressed Patients
This refers to patients who have thoughts of suicide
but do not have the intend to act on the thoughts or wish to be dead
Passive Suicidal Ideation
A 70-year old is brought for evaluation by his children. Since his wife’s death 8 months ago, he has lost 30 lbs. The children report that he has isolated himself, refusing to talk to anyone, to eat and to get out of his room.
How will you handle this patient?
Acknowledge what the patient is feeling
Be Patient
A 24-year old male with a history of alcohol dependence came in after a gimmick on “ice”. The ER MD was called after he assaulted the security guard. He was being restrained when the MD arrived. He started shouting, “They are coming to kill me. I have to get out.” He was trying to bite the hands of those retraining him.
How will you handle this patient?
Safe environment
Explain to the patient
Valid assessment