Module 2: Fluid Mechanics Flashcards
Systolic pressure
Diastolic pressure
Mean Arterial Pressure formula
Total peripheral resistance relationships
Difference in arterial pressure formula
Mean Arterial Pressure relationships
S1 sound
S3 sound
S2 sound
S4 sound
S1, S2, S3, and S4 sounds associations and temporal aspect in relation to the cardiac cycle
Temporal aspects of heart sounds in the Wigger’s diagram
Korotkoff sounds during sphygmomanometry
Cardiac output (classical)
Cardiac output (Fick’s principle)
Poiseulle’s law formula
Resistance to flow, R formula
Reynold’s number formula and the laminar/turbulent threshold
Two types of flow in microfluidics
State the Navier-Stokes equation
During exercise, there is an apparent increase in cardiac output despite minimal increase in the MAP, systolic, and diastolic pressure. This is achieved via…
Reduction in pulmonary and systemic resistance by dilation of endothelial smooth muscles
Pulse pressure formula
During exercise, the pulse pressure tends to increase due to the increase in systolic pressure. This increase in systolic pressure is in turn due to…
increased stroke volume and heart rate
In patient with atherosclerosis, pulse pressure is abnormally high because…
atherosclerosis is the accumulation of plaque on the lining of the blood vessels –> reduces elasticity of the thereof –> increased systolic pressure
there may also be a decrease in diastolic pressure due to reduced blood flow in the sclerotized region furthering the systolic-diastolic pressure difference
In patient’s with aortic regurgitation associated with damaged aortic valve, the pulse pressure tends to increase due to the increase in systolic pressure. This increase in systolic pressure is in turn due to…
regurgitation abnormally increases volume of strokes increasing systolic pressure in the aorta and increasing pulse pressure