Module 2 Common Labs (Pediatrics) Flashcards
Amylase (AML)
Used to dx pancreatitis
-rises acutely with pancreatitis
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
Detects biliary obstructing hepatic lesions 1. obstructed bile ducts (inc.)
Detect osteoblastic skeletal disease (Paget’s) 2. New born formation (Paget’s disease)
Alcohol ingestion (increases in pt with cirrhosis)
if low, used to evaluate edema, liver disease, suspected malnutrition
-if high, suspect dehydration
Protein-specific antigen (PSA)
Detects prostate diseases
-inc PSA = higher staging of CA
Aminotransferases: alanine or ALT, aspartate or AST
ALT: specific for liver
AST: cardiac or skeletal muscle injury
Diagnosing and monitoring liver disease; screens meds that produce liver damage
Thyroid stimulating hormone or thyroptopin
Diagnose hypothyroidism (high TSH)
Diagnose hyperthyroidism (low TSH)
Total protein
Suspected hepatic disease (as when jaundice is seen)
Suspected protein deficiency
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
Evaluate renal function
Assesses hydration status
High BUN = renal insufficiency; dehydration
Low BUN = overhydration
Serum Calcium
-level for adult
-level for child
-used for evaluation of what?
-Aid in dx of neuromuscular, skeletal, & endocrine disorders, arrhythmias, blood clotting problems, acid-base imbalance, assess muscle cramping/tetany
High Ca: hyperparathyroidism, paget’s disease
Low Ca: hypoparathyroidism, cushing disease
Serum creatinine
-level for adult male
-level for adult female
-used for evaluation of what?
-screening patients at risk for renal injury (HTN or diabetes)
High BUN: renal impairment; athletes
Low BUN: insignificant
-used for evaluation of what?
-Monitor renal fx, depletion from diuretics; arrhythmias, c/o weakness/muscle cramps/paresthesia, detect origin of arrhythmias
High K+: MI, DKA, Renal disorders, Burns
Low K+: Renal disorders, excessive licorice ingestion
Other thyroid tests
-Thyroxine (T4)
-Triiodothyronine (T3)
T4 is the principal hormone secreted by thyroid gland in response to TSH
Triiodothyronine (T3) is more potent than T4; derived from T4
-used for evaluation of what?
-Evaluate HF, liver disease, chronic renal failure, edematous states, acid-base balance, neuromuscular functions, use of lithium
-level for adult
-level for neonate
-Used for evaluation of what?
-1.1 or <
-Evaluate liver fx; monitor progress of jaundice
-Used for evaluation of what?
-controls renal secretions in the blood; CO2 dec as Cl inc.
High Cl-: Nephritis, eclampsia, anemia, cardiac disease, dehydration from diarrhea
Low Cl-: fever, diabetes, pneumonia, GI loss, CHF, thiazide diuretic
Interpretation of WBC differential
-first line defense against bacteria
-increase in chronic or viral infection
-second line defense against viral infections/chronic bacterial infections (live longer than neutrophils)
-Early stage neutrophils - body is launching response to infection
-elevated in allergies and parasite infections
-Similar to neutrophils; prevent blood blotting during healing/aid healing
WBC interpretation: shift to left; shift to right
Shift to left
-Increase in bands = acute infection
-Increase some leukemia and pernicious anemia
Shift to right
-Increase in mature neutrophils; seen in diseases of liver