Module 2 Flashcards


Types of Rocks


Igneous rocks
They form under great heat and pressure, either intrusively or extrusively. Their formational environment does not contain water. Also they are crystalline, with complex mineral content.

Sedimentary rocks
These form from sediments near the earth’s surface, and in the presence of water. They occur as layers (strata) and may contain fossils. In addition, they have a relatively simple chemical and physical composition.

Metamorphic rocks
These maintain characteristics of the parent material

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What is Weathering?


Weathering is the decomposition (via chemical weathering) and disintegration (via mechanical/physical weathering) of rocks in situ. Weathering is important for landscape evolution as it breaks down rock and facilitates erosion and transport.

Weathering produces a layer of rock fragments overlying the solid bedrock and soil known as REGOLITH.

The processes of mechanical, chemical and biotic weathering breaks down rocks into smaller pieces in a number of ways:

   1. Shattering: this is when a rock breaks into irregular, angular fragments 
      (such as on a scree slope).It is mainly caused by mechanical weathering
      2. Granular Disintegration: this is when a rock breaks down into individual 
          grain particles (example, sandstone sometimes disintegrates into the 
          individual quartz crystal from which it is formed)
 3. Exfoliation: this is when surface layers of rocks become loose and ‘peel 
     off’. The result can be a rounded dome of rock that can look like a partly 
     peeled onion

Granular disintegration and exfoliation can be caused by either mechanical or chemical weathering (often it is a combination of both).

Mechanical weathering increases the surface area on which chemical weathering takes place. Chemical weathering in turn promotes further mechanical disintegration.

The balance between both processes depends to a large extent on the nature of the rock and the climatic conditions.

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Weathering vs Mass Movement vs Erosion

  • Weathering refers to the decomposition of rocks ‘in situ’.
  • Mass movement describes the process when gravity causes the downslope movement of the weathered material.
  • Erosion is the removal and transport of weathered material by agents of erosion, example wind, rivers, waves

The overall process of wearing down the land (by all three processes) is known as DENUDATION.

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Types of Mechanical Weathering

  1. Freeze-thaw (Ice Crystal Growth)
    When water freezes, it expands by approximately 9% in volume. If water collects in cracks and pore spaces in rocks and then freezes and thaws over many times, the effect is to cause ‘fatigue failure’ (the rock eventually cracks and shatters).

Freeze thaw action is most effective when there are frequent changes of temperature above and below freezing. Where there is a diurnal (daily) cycle of freezing at night and melting in the day, the weathering process is more active
than if there are only seasonal temperature changes.

The composition, structure and strength of rock affect how it resists frost shattering. Rocks like granite have a higher tensile strength (resistance to
being pulled apart) than rocks like sandstone. Therefore rocks like sandstone are more prone to freeze thaw weathering than granite.

The permeability of the rock is also an important factor. Water must penetrate into the rock and be trapped by initial surface freezing for maximum pressure to be exerted. Therefore freeze thaw is more effective in well jointed, sedimentary rocks (e.g. Limestone)

  1. Salt Crystal Growth
    This form of weathering occurs when salt accumulates (mostly occurs in arid and semi-arid regions). In hot, dry climatic conditions, evaporation and capillary
    action can draw the water which contains mineral salts upwards and deposit a layer of salt on the rock surface. They can also be deposits salt spray inland from coastal areas. When salt crystals form in surface rock pores, they exert
    pressure as they grow (sometimes up to three times their original size). The pressure exerted can weaken and eventually shatter rock.
  2. Exfoliation
    In hot desert regions, there can be a daily temperature range of more than 40°C, as skies are generally cloudless and daytime insolation is intense while at night the heat escapes into the atmosphere. This causes the surface layer of rocks to heat and expand in daytime and contract at night when it is cooler. As rock is a poor conductor of heat, stresses occur only in the outer layers and cause peeling or exfoliation to occur. Within the rock, there is also differential expansion and contraction because some crystals which have different colours and chemical compositions heat up and expand faster than others.
  3. Pressure Release (Sheeting)
    Rocks deep within the Earth’s crust are under massive pressure from the weight of overlying layers. If this overlying material is removed by erosion there is ‘pressure release’ and the buried rocks expand in volume. This can cause cracks to form parallel with the surface in a process called SHEETING. For example, granite is formed deep underground, under great pressure and is therefore particularly prone to sheeting. Once the layers of rocks and cracks are exposed to the atmosphere, other weathering processes (physical and chemical), start to work.
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Types of Chemical Weathering


During chemical weathering, rocks are decomposed. Their internal mineral structure is altered and new minerals are formed.

Water is important in the process, as it plays a direct part in some chemical reactions and in others it transports the elements that do the work. Therefore this process is least effective in deserts and polar regions where there is little
rainfall or where the water is frozen. In general, chemical reactions are faster in high temperatures than in low temperatures, and as such, chemical weathering is most active in equatorial zones that have hot, humid climates.

For most rocks, the potential for chemical weathering increases with acidity and acidity arises in three main ways:

 1. Rainwater combines with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to form dilute 
    carbonic acid

2. Where air pollutants such as sulphur dioxide or nitrogen oxides are present 
     the effect can be to create dilute sulphuric acid or nitric acid.

3. When rainwater washes into the soil, it combines with organic acids that are 
    formed by decomposing vegetation.

The main types of chemical weathering are:

  1. Hydrolysis
    This is a chemical reaction between water and a mineral. Wetting the mineral causes a chemical exchange to occur in which hydrogen ions from the water displace ions in the mineral. For example, granite consists of feldspar which when exposed to weakly acidic rainwater, decomposes.
  2. Hydration
    This process occurs when minerals absorb water. It causes a chemical change and also a physical change in that the mineral swells which weakens the rock.
    For example: when water comes into contact with anhydrite to form gypsum. The gypsum is relatively soluble in water and is washed away.
  3. Carbonation
    This process is a chemical reaction that occurs when rainwater (dilute carbonic acid) reacts with calcium carbonate to form calcium bicarbonate. This is soluble
    and is carried away by water. Carbonation (and solution) is most effective in areas consisting of limestone.
  4. Oxidation
    This process occurs when a mineral combines with oxygen which might come from the air or it might be dissolved in water. Iron is particularly prone to this type of weathering, as it readily oxidises and occurs in many rocks. Oxidation changes blue-grey ferrous iron compounds to ferric compounds that are rusty red. The process weakens the mineral structure and also makes the rock more vulnerable to other forms of weathering.
  5. Chelation
    This process occurs when rocks and soil weather through the action of organic acids. These acids, for example humic acid, are produced by bacterial action when vegetation decomposes. In the chelation process, rainwater mixes with organic acids and then combines with aluminium and iron in the rock . These metals are washed out of the soil as rainwater percolates through.
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Biotic Weathering


This is caused by the action of plants and animals (biota).It can be a mechanical process (via plants roots) or a chemical process (via organic acids from decaying

    Micro-organisms such as lichens, algae, fungi and bacteria grow directly on bare rock and can cause weathering to occur. They attach to the rock and extract nutrients in dissolved form. This produces holes in which the organisms can live,
    gaining protection from the elements and from predators. This ‘pitting’ of the rock surface increase the surface area exposed to attack from other forms of weathering.
    Some plants send roots deep below the ground surface that start as fine hairs penetrating pore spaces and joints and enlarge as the plant grows. This widens cracks and forces rock apart. Trees can exert massive force in this way. Sometimes when trees fall or blow down, huge amounts of rocks are loosened.
    Weathering by root systems is relatively important in areas where most plant biomass is below the ground surface.
    Animals can weather rocks directly or indirectly. For example, burrowing animals open up cracks and joints in soil and in weathered rock fragments. This exposes the rock to weathering and allows increased percolation of rain water. Animals also mix rotting plant material into the soil. As this material decomposes, organic
    acids are formed which can seep through the soil and chemically weather the bedrock.
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Factors Influencing the Weathering Process

  1. Characteristics of the bed rocks (rock type and structure)- hard or soft, soluble or insoluble. Joints increase the surface area of rock exposed to physical and
    chemical weathering
  2. Climatic elements (precipitation, temperature)
    - Dry, cold climate: physical weathering dominated
    - Wet and warm climate: chemical weathering
  3. Geographic orientation- slope face orientation (aspect) controls the slope’s exposure to Sun, wind, and precipitation
  4. Vegetation
  5. Ground water and water movement
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The term slope refers to an inclined surface or hillslope. Slopes can be seen as examples of open systems. Inputs include energy (insolation) and mass (water and sediments). Outputs include energy (re-radiated heat) and mass (water, regolith).

The profile of the slope creates a store of potential energy, due to the difference in height between the crest and the base of the slope. This potential energy is converted into kinetic energy through mass movement and erosion.

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Slope Development


There are some models to help explain slope development. One such model is one by A. Woods, which divided the slope into straight segments and curved segments. Woods suggested that slopes were made up of 3-4 units which contained a scree slope developing beneath a free face (cliff).In humid areas, an upper convexity and a lower concavity developed, caused by weathering at the crest and transport of fine material to the base of the slope.

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Factors controlling Slope Development

  1. Rock Type
    • Primary control of slope steepness because the angle that a particular rock
      can support depend on its shear strength
  2. Structure
    • This is dependent on whether the rock strata dips inwards (results in a stable
      slope) or if the strata dips downslope (results in slope instability as masses of
      rock can readily slide over the bedding planes)
  3. Earth Movements
    - This can influence the formation of fault scraps due to uplifting
  4. Climate
    - Influences the rate and type of weathering, which in turn, influences the
    thickness of the slope regolith. It will also influence the rate of slope
    transportation processes like rainwash and mass movement
  5. Vegetation
    - This can influence weathering and slope transport.
    More vegetation would stabilise regolith and maintain
    slope steepness; sparse vegetation will result in the
    dislodgement and transport of soil particles by rainfall
    and runoff
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What is Mass Movement


Mass movement is the downhill movement of regolith (weathered material), caused by gravity. The movement might be a slow creep or a fast landslide.
The material which moves might be rock, soil or mud (or a combination of all three). New material is added to a slope by the weathering of bedrock and by the downhill movement of material from further upslope. The material eventually accumulates at the foot of the slope or, more often, it is removed by the agents of erosion (waves, rivers or glaciers)

Downslope movement depends upon the balance between two
1. Shear stress: the downhill pull exerted by gravity and the weight of material. (slide)

  1. Shear strength: counterbalancing this is shear strength, which is the
    resistance to downhill movement. (stick). It depends upon friction and cohesion.
    Most rock and soil particles have rough surfaces that increase the friction between them. In addition, their shapes might help them interlock like jig-
    saw pieces. Also, particles of clay within slope material carry an electric
    charge that increase cohesion (the clay ‘glues’ material together and therefore increase shear strength)

If shear strength > shear stress, mass movement does not occur. If shear stress > shear strength, slope failure occurs and material starts to move downhill.

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Factors affecting Slope Failure

  1. Angle of slope (Steep vs. Gentle slope)
  2. The amount of water present (Dry vs Saturated areas)
  3. The vegetation cover (Presence of trees)
  4. Earthquakes
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Types of Mass Movement

  1. SLIDE
    A slide is a movement along a ‘slip plane’ (a line of weakness in the rock or
    soil structure).The moving material slides downslope along the slip plane, more or less intact, until it reaches the bottom of the slope where impact usually breaks it up. A slide of mixed rock and soil is called a debris slide while when a slab of solid rock break loose along a bedding plane or line of weakness it is known as a rock slide.

A stump (also known as a rotational slip or slide) is a type of slide that involves a rotational movement along a curved plane.

  1. FLOW
    A flow consists of mixtures of rock fragments, mud and water that move down slope as a viscous (thick) fluid. Speed of flow can range from very slow (1 cm per day) to very fast (100 metres per second).The greater the water content, the greater the velocity, as water decreases the friction between particles and
    increases the weight of the material. They cause a ‘scar’ where the flow starts and a ‘lobe’ of material that spreads out at the base of the slope. Mudflows consist of high percentage of fine silt and clay sized particles. They tend to occur when the ground is saturated after sudden thaws or heavy rain.

The high water content (up to 30%) causes clay and other soil materials to reach their ‘liquid limit’ (the point at which they act as a liquid).Mudflows are most common in areas with sparse vegetation cover and where torrential rainstorms occur. Lahars are a type of mudflow that occur when water washes away unconsolidated ash and dust on volcanic slopes. They create torrents of mud capable of washing bridges, vehicles and buildings away.

  1. CREEP
    This is a very slow, almost imperceptible downslope movement of soil and rock particles.

Signs include:

  1. Build up of soil behind walls
  2. Telegraph poles and fence posts on a slope start to tilt downwards as soil builds up behind them and is removed from in front
  3. Formation of step like features called terracettes

Soil creep is caused by expansion and contraction in the surface layer of regolith, mainly due to two processes: wetting and drying and freezing and
thawing. When soil particles become wet, they expand in volume. They push up from the slope at a perpendicular angle. Then, when they dry, they contract in volume and sink down vertically. The result is a zig-zag downhill motion for the soil particles. The same process occurs when soil moisture freezes and expands. Material is lifted and then moved downslope when the ice thaws.

  1. FALL
    It occurs after the rock has been loosened up then it acted on by gravity which carries the rock downslope which produces scree or talus (unconsolidated rock)

Freeze thaw is the main agent that is responsible, so falls are more common in areas which experience cold conditions at least some of the time.

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What is hydrology?


It is the study of the Earth’s water molecules and their movement through the
hydrological cycle.

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The hydrosphere


It is the “realm of water in all its forms and the flows of water among oceans, land and the atmosphere”. Water does not come into or leave planet earth as it is continuously transferred between the atmosphere and the oceans. This is known as the global hydrological cycle. This system is a closed system, as there are no inputs or outputs.

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The hydrological cycle


The hydrological cycle, also known as the water cycle describes the continuous
movement or circulation of water on, above and below the surface of the Earth.
Water can change states among liquid, vapour, and ice at various places in the water cycle.

This open system has a range of inputs, outputs, stores, transfers and flows.

Inputs include precipitation which are all forms of moisture (including rain and snow) that reach the Earth’s surface and solar energy for evaporation.

Interception: this is when precipitation lands on buildings, vegetation and concrete before it reaches the soil. Interception storage is only temporary as it is often quickly evaporated.

Vegetation storage: this is water taken up by vegetation. It is all the moisture in vegetation at any one time.

Surface storage: the total volume of water held on the Earth’s surface in lakes, ponds and puddles.

Groundwater storage: the storage of water underground in permeable rock strata.

Channel storage: the water held in a river or stream channel.

Interflow: water flowing downhill through permeable rock above the water table (within the zone of aeration).

Percolation: the flow of water within soil due to gravity

Stemflow: water running down a plant stem or tree trunk.

Surface Runoff: the movement of water over the surface of the land, usually when the ground is saturated or frozen or when precipitation is too intense
from infiltration to occur.

Throughflow: the movement of water downslope within the soil layer. Water also flows through the soil in percolines, which are lines of concentrated water flow between soil horizons.

Baseflow: water that reaches the channel largely through slow throughflow and from permeable rock below the water table (movement of water within the zone of saturation). This delayed flow will take a longer time to reach the stream, sometimes arriving days after a rainfall event and results in a flatter hydrograph

Channel flow: the movement of water within the river channel. This is also called a river’s discharge.

Groundwater flow: the deeper movement of water through underlying permeable rock strata below the water table. Limestone is highly permeable with lots of joints and can lead to faster groundwater flow.

Infiltration – the downward movement of water into the soil surface.


Evaporation: the transformation of water droplets into water vapour by heating.

Evapotranspiration: the loss of water from a drainage basin into the atmosphere from the leaves of plants + loss from evaporation.

Transpiration: evaporation from plant leaves.

River discharge: the amount of water that passes a given point of the river, in a given amount of time.

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The maximum rate at which rain can be absorbed by a soil in a given condition is known as the INFILTRATION CAPACITY.

The factors that affect the rate of infiltration include:
1. Duration of rainfall
2. Type of soil (Soil porosity)
3. Type of surface (pervious vs. impervious)
4. Amount of vegetation cover
5. Raindrop size
6. Angle of slope
7. Antecedent soil moisture (the amount of water
already existing in the soil)


  1. As infiltration decreases, surface runoff increases
  2. As the duration of rainfall increases, the rate of infiltration decreases while surface runoff increases
  3. The greater the porosity of the soil, the greater the amount of infiltration and less surface runoff
  4. More vegetation means that there is more interception thus more infiltration, therefore less surface runoff
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The factors that affect the rate of evaporation include:

  1. Temperature
  2. Humidity
  3. Amount of water available
  4. Vegetation cover

The evaporation plus transpiration from a vegetated surface with unlimited water supply is known as potential evaporation or potential evapotranspiration
(PE) and it constitutes the maximum possible rate due to the prevailing meteorological conditions. Thus PE is the maximum value of the actual
evaporation (Et)

PE = Et when water supply is unlimited

Actual evaporation is the amount of water which is evaporated a normal day. Example, if for instance, the soil runs out of water, the actual evaporation is
the amount of water which has been evaporated and not the amount of water which could have been evaporated if the soil had had an infinite amount of
water to evaporate.

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Factors that Influence Storage and Transfers

    The main characteristics of precipitation that affect the hydrology of a local area include:
         1. The total amount of precipitation
         2. Seasonality
         3. Intensity
         4. Type of precipitation (snow, rain, etc.)
         5. Geographic distribution
         6. Variability
    In cold temperatures, the ground is frozen as such water remains on the surface(no infiltration). Also, water turns to ice so water ‘flows’ become water
    ‘stores’. Plants are dormant therefore less interception and transpiration There is also a lack of heat thus slowing/preventing evaporation.

In warm temperature, there are more plants so there is more interception and higher rates of evaporation and transpiration. As such there is less lower infiltration and percolation rates

    Amount of Natural Vegetation
    • More forest cover = Higher interception rates
    • More deforestation = Increased surface runoff

Agricultural Land Use
- Permanent cultivation = Less water flows than annual crops (as land is left
bare for a period in the year)

Urban vs. Rural
- Urbans areas = more impermeable surfaces = less infiltration

    • Impermeable rocks & soils = no/less infiltration (clay,granite)
    • Gradient of area (steep areas = faster overland flow than low-lying areas)
    • High drainage density = faster water movement
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Groundwater refers to subsurface water.

The permanently saturated zone within solid rocks and sediments is known as the PHREATIC ZONE (ZONE OF SATURATION). It is here that nearly all the pore
spaces are filled with water.

The zone that is seasonally wetted and seasonally dries out is known as the AERATION ZONE or the VADOSE ZONE. This zone is above the zone of saturation.

The WATER TABLE divides one zone from the other. The water table varies seasonally.

An artesian well is an aquifer where the ground water is confined under high pressures thus the water level rise above the top of the confined aquifer. This well therefore does not need any pumping for the water to reach the surface. Such a well occurs in a depressed area of land known as a artesian basin

An aquifer is a water-bearing stratum underground that can store and transmit large quantities of groundwater.

Perched groundwater is an isolated body of groundwater that is perched above and separated from the main groundwater and water table by an impermeable layer of rock such as clay.

An aquiclude or aquifuge is a rock which will NOT hold water. These are impermeable rocks which prevent large-scale storage and transmission of water.


               ∆S=Qr – Qd 

∆S is the change in storage (+ or -)
Qr is the recharge to groundwater
Qd is discharge from groundwater


  1. Infiltration of part of the total precipitation at the ground surface
  2. Seepage through the banks and bed of surface water bodies such as ditches, rivers, lakes and oceans
  3. Groundwater leakage and inflow through adjacent aquicludes and from aquifers.
  4. Artificial recharge from irrigation, reservoirs, etc.


  1. Evapotranspiration particularly in low-lying areas where the water table is close to the ground surface
  2. Natural discharge by means of spring flow and seepage into surface water bodies
  3. Groundwater leakage and outflow through aquicludes and into adjacent aquifers
  4. Artificial abstraction (extracting water for consumption)
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The Water Balance


It examines the balance between inputs and outputs, from a global level
(hydrological cycle) or at a local level (drainage basin cycle)

At a global level, oceans tend to experience greater outputs (evaporation) than inputs (precipitation). This is because oceans are large unshaded bodies of water that have regular winds blowing saturated air on land, allowing greater evaporation. In addition, oceans do not tend to suffer from the same amount of relief and convectional rainfall as land does.

On land, inputs (precipitation) tend to be greater than outputs (evaporation).
This is because lands suffers from larger amounts of frontal, relief and convectional rainfall, as well as much of the lands water being protected underground or in shaded areas reducing evaporation.

At a global level there is an equilibrium between inputs and outputs. The excess precipitation on land is returned to the oceans by channel flow, surface run-off and to a lesser extent groundwater flow. The excess of evaporation is returned to the land from the sea by winds blowing saturated air on land.

At a more local level, the following formula is usually used to calculate the water balance:

          P = E + R ± S
P = Precipitation
E = Evapotranspiration
R = Surface runoff
S = Changes (gains/loss) in groundwater storage

(Over a period of many years, S may tend to be constant and for that reason, is
sometimes omitted from the equation)

Because drainage basins are open systems, there can be an imbalance in inputs and outputs.

This equation gives the volume of water that is in the system.

In wet seasons, precipitation is greater than evapotranspiration which creates a water surplus. Ground stores fill with water which results in increased surface runoff, higher discharge and higher river levels. This means there is a positive water balance.

In drier seasons, evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation. As plants absorb water, ground stores are depleted. There is a water deficit at the end of a dry
season (negative water balance).

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Storm Hydrographs


The rate and volume of flow of water in a river is known as RIVER DISCHARGE.
This volume is the total volume of water flowing through a channel at any given point and is measured in cubic metres per second (cumecs).The discharge from a drainage basin depends on precipitation, evapotranspiration and storage factors.

Drainage basin discharge = precipitation – evapotranspiration +/- changes in

  1. The starting and finishing level of the graph show the base flow of a river.
    The base flow is the water that reaches the channel through slow throughflow and permeable rock below the water table. (the normal level of the river, which is fed by groundwater)
  2. As storm water enters the drainage basin the discharge rates increase. This is shown in the rising limb.
  3. The highest flow in the channel is known as the peak discharge.
  4. The fall in discharge back to base level is shown in the receding limb.
  5. The lag time is the delay between the maximum rainfall amount and the peak discharge.

The shape of a hydrograph varies in each river basin and each individual storm event.

Rural areas with predominantly permeable rock increases infiltration and decreases surface runoff. This increases lag time. The peak discharge is also lower as it takes water longer to reach the river channel.

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Analyzing a Storm Hydrograph


It is generally drawn with two vertical axes. One is used to plot a line graph showing the discharge of a river in cumecs (cubic metres per second) at a given
point over a period of time. The second is used to plot a bar graph of the rainfall
event which precedes the changes in discharge.

The shape of the hydrograph varies according to a number of controlling factors in the drainage basin such as:

  1. The baseflow of the river represents the normal day to day discharge of the river and is the consequence of groundwater seeping into the river channel.
  2. The rising limb of the hydrograph represents the rapid increase in resulting from rainfall causing surface runoff and then later throughflow.
  3. Peak discharge occurs when the river reaches its highest level.
  4. The falling limb (or recession limb as it is sometimes known) is when discharge decreases and the river’s level falls. It has a gentler gradient than the rising limb as most overland flow has now been discharged and it is mainly
    throughflow which is making up the river water.
  5. Lag time
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Urban vs Rural Storm Hydrographs


Rural area storm hydrographs tend to have longer lag times and short peak discharge as there is greater vegetation thus more infiltration and interception. This reduces the speed at which water enters the river channel and increases the amount rainfall that is stored in the soil.

Urban area storm hydrographs tend to have short lag times and higher peak discharges as there is an increase in surface runoff due to urban development which reduces the amount of vegetation and increases the amount of impermeable surface (roads, pavements). Laying drains leads to the rapid transportation of water to river channels which reduces the lag time.

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Factors affecting Storm Hydrographs


There are a range of physical factors that affect the shape of a storm hydrograph. These include:

  1. Large drainage basins catch more precipitation so have a higher peak discharge compared to smaller basins. Smaller basins generally have shorter lag times because precipitation does not have as far to travel.
  2. The shape of the drainage basin also affects runoff and discharge. Drainage basins that are more circular in shape lead to shorter lag times and a higher peak discharge than those that are long and thin because water has a shorter distance to travel to reach a river.
  3. Drainage basins with steep sides tend to have shorter lag times than shallower basins. This is because water flows more quickly on the steep slopes down to the river.
  4. Basins that have high drainage densities drain more quickly so have a shorter lag time.
  5. If the drainage basin is already saturated then surface runoff increases due to the reduction in infiltration. Rainwater enters the river quicker, reducing lag times, as surface runoff is faster than baseflow or through flow.
  6. If the rock type within the river basin is impermeable surface runoff will be higher, throughflow and infiltration will also be reduced meaning a reduction in
    lag time and an increase in peak discharge.
  7. If a drainage basin has a significant amount of vegetation this will have a significant effect on a storm hydrograph. Vegetation intercepts precipitation and
    slows the movement of water into river channels. This increases lag time. Water is also lost due to evaporation and transpiration from the vegetation. This reduces the peak discharge of a river.
  8. The amount precipitation can have an affect on the storm hydrograph.
    - Heavy storms result in more water entering the drainage basin which results in a higher discharge.
  • The type of precipitation can also have an impact. The lag time is likely to be greater if the precipitation is snow rather than rain. This is because snow takes time to melt before the water enters the river channel. When there is rapid
    melting of snow the peak discharge could be high.
  1. In areas with high temperatures, high rates of evapotranspiration reduce amounts of discharge, and low temperatures can store water in the form of ice and snow.


There are a range of human factors that affect the shape of a storm hydrograph. These include:

  1. Drainage systems that have been created by humans lead to a short lag time and high peak discharge as water cannot evaporate or infiltrate into the soil.
  2. Areas that have been urbanised result in an increase in the use of impermeable building materials. This means infiltration levels decrease and surface runoff increases. This leads to a short lag time and an increase in peak discharge.
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What is River Regime?


The regime of a river is the pattern of its annual discharge (variation in flow over a period of a year). It is basically the annual hydrograph of a river. The annual pattern of discharge for a river is mainly affected by climate. In some large drainage basins, the main tributary rivers might have different discharge patterns and this will affect the regime of the main river.

The river regime depends on four factors:

i. Amount and intensity of rain (regulated by
ii. Infiltration capacity of soil (surface type) and rock
(porosity and permeability)
iii. Morphology (shape), area and slope of the basin
iv. Amount and type of vegetation

Simple regimes occur where a distinction can be made between one period of high water levels and run-off and one period of low water levels and run-off.

Complex regimes occur when some rives have different hydrological phases as the rivers flow through several distinctive relief regions and receive water from large tributaries that flow over varied terrain.

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Drainage Basin & Watershed


A drainage basin is an area of land drained by a river and its tributaries. It is a depressed area of variable shape surrounded by a watershed where the land is elevated. The watershed is marked by a ridge of high ground beyond which any precipitation will drain into adjacent river basins

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What are Sedimentary Rocks?


Sedimentary rocks are the product of the erosion of existing rocks. Eroded material accumulates as sediment, either in the sea or on land, and is then buried, compacted and cemented to produce sedimentary rock (a process known as diagenesis).

There are two major groupings of sedimentary rocks:

  1. Clastic sedimentary rocks:

The fragments of pre-existing rocks or minerals that make up a sedimentary rock are called clasts. Sedimentary rocks made up of clasts are called clastic (clastic indicates that particles have been broken and transported).

For example: Sandstone , Mudstone

Structures produced during deposition, e.g. bedding and cross- bedding, can give clues as to depositional environment. So can structures produced by re-working by tidal or storm-generated currents, e.g. ripple marks, rip-up clasts.

  1. Non-Clastic sedimentary rocks

These sedimentary rocks occur when minerals/mineraloids are precipitated directly from water, or are concentrated by organic matter. Components have not been transported prior to deposition. No clasts are present.
For example: Limestone

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What is Limestone?


There are many different types of limestone formed through a variety of processes.

  • Limestone can be precipitated from water (non-clastic, chemical or inorganic limestone), secreted by marine organisms such as algae and coral (biochemical limestone), or can form from the shells of dead, sea creatures (bioclastic limestone).
  • Some limestones form from the cementation of sand and/or mud by calcite (clastic limestone), and these often have the appearance of sandstone or mudstone.

Limestone is calcareous sedimentary rocks formed at the bottom of lakes and seas with the accumulation of shells, bones and other calcium rich goods.

It is composed of calcite (CaCO3) (rock consisting of more than 50% calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is considered limestone).

The organic matter upon which it settles in lakes or seas, are preserved as fossils. Over thousands and millions of years, layer after layer is built up adding weight. The heat and pressure causes chemical reaction at the bottom and the
sediments turn into solid stone, the limestone.

The rock which contains more than 95% of calcium carbonate is known as high-calcium limestone. Recrystallized limestone takes good polish and is usually used as decorative and building stone.

A part of calcium molecules if being replaced by magnesium, it is known as magnesium limestone or dolomite limestone.

Limestone that will take a polish are considered marbles by most people, but technically, if there are still shells visible or the structure is not crystalline, it is still a limestone.

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Properties of Limestone

  1. Texture - clastic or non-clastic
  2. Grain size - variable, can consist of clasts of all sizes.
  3. Hardness - generally hard.
  4. Colour - variable, but generally light coloured, grey through yellow.
  5. Clasts - if clastic/bioclastic then grains and / or broken or whole shell fragments visible; if non-clastic / chemical then crystalline and no clasts visible.
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Uses of Limestone

  1. Base for cement
  2. Dimension stone for decoration of walls and floors;
  3. Used in the production of lime fertilizer, paper, petrochemicals, pesticide, glass
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Varieties of Limestone

  1. Chalk
    A soft limestone with a very fine texture that is usually white or light grey in colour. It is formed mainly from the calcareous shell remains of microscopic marine organisms such as foraminifers or the calcareous remains from numerous types of marine algae.
  2. Coquina
    A poorly-cemented limestone that is composed mainly of broken shell debris.
    It often forms on beaches where wave action segregates shell fragments of similar size.
  3. Fossiliferous Limestone
    A limestone that contains obvious and abundant fossils. These are normally shell and skeletal fossils of the organisms that produced the limestone.
  4. Lithographic Limestone
    A dense limestone with a very fine and very uniform grain size that occurs in thin beds that separate easily to form a very smooth surface. In the late 1700’s a printing process (lithography) was developed to reproduce images by drawing them on the stone with an oil-based ink and then using that stone to press multiple copies of the image.
  5. Oolitic Limestone
    A limestone composed mainly of calcium carbonate “oolites”, small
    spheres formed by the concentric precipitation of calcium carbonate
    on a sand grain or shell fragment.
  6. Travertine
    A limestone that forms by evaporative precipitation, often in a cave, to produce formations such as stalactites, stalagmites and flowstone.
  7. Tufa
    A limestone produced by precipitation of calcium-laden waters at a hot spring, lake shore or other location.
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Characteristics of Limestone


Limestone scenery is distinctive because there is little surface drainage. Water drains down joints and along bedding planes. Because streams and rivers do not generally run across the limestone surface, there is less erosion by running water than on rocks where there is surface drainage.

  1. Rock Structure:
    It is a well-jointed rock, with a distinctive bedding plane since limestone is a sedimentary rock, it is laid down in layers. Each layer is separated by a BEDDING PLANE and at right-angles to the bedding planes are JOINTS.

The bedding planes and joints are the areas of weakness which are
dissolved and widened by chemical weathering.

  1. Permeability:
    Permeability is a measure of the ease with which a fluid, like water, can move through a porous rock. (Porosity is a measure of how much of a rock is open space). Limestone is permeable and porous and this allows rain to soak into it very easily.

Due to its permeability, limestone areas are often dry on the surface.

  1. Karst:
    In areas where the surface rock is limestone, a distinct type of landscape topography develops known as KARST features.

It is named from the Karst district of Yugoslavia where such topography is particularly well developed.


Weathering of Limestone (Carbonation and Solution )


When carbon dioxide is dissolved in rainwater, it makes a weak acid called carbonic acid.

                                            H2O + CO2 = H2CO3

Limestone is made of calcium carbonate. When carbonic acid comes into contact with limestone and passes through joints and bedding planes, it reacts with the rock to form calcium bicarbonate.

                         CaCO3 + H2CO3 = Ca(HCO3)2

The calcium bicarbonate is soluble and is carried away in solution, gradually
weathering the limestone.

Rate of Limestone Solution
The amount and rate of limestone solution is affected by the following factors:

  1. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, soil and groundwater- the
    more carbon dioxide, the greater the rate of solution.
  2. The amount of water in contact with the limestone- the greater the area of
    contact, the more solution that can occur.
  3. Water temperature- carbon dioxide is more soluble at low temperatures.
  4. The turbulence of the water- the greater the turbulence, the greater the rate
    of solution.
  5. The presence of organic acids from vegetation- this increases the acidity of
    the water and increases the rate of solution.

The amount and rate of limestone solution can also be affected by human activity:

  1. The burning of fossil fuels and deforestation has increased atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide, thereby increasing the likelihood of the weathering of limestone
  2. Increasing levels of the acidity of rainwater due to sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere (Acid Rain)

Limestone in the Caribbean


Limestone is found in several places in the Caribbean including:

     - Barbados (Harrison’s Cave)
     - Bahamas
     - Belize
     - Jamaica (well known for the Cockpit Country)

In the Caribbean, there are TWO main types of limestone:

  1. JURASSIC CORALLINE LIMESTONE- formed 120-150 million years ago and found in Cuba, Jamaica and Puerto Rico
  2. OOLITIC LIMESTONE- formed 70 million years to present day and found in the Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands.

Karst Landforms/Features

  1. Swallow hole
    Surface water passes over impermeable rock until it reaches permeable limestone. The water passes over the limestone and erodes vertical joints to form swallow holes. Over time the swallow hole increases in size as the result of erosion (often by solution when slightly acidic water chemically weathers the

Swallow holes also appear when caverns under the ground collapse.
Swallow holes are also known as sink holes.

  1. Resurgent Streams
    When water flows down a swallow hole, it flows underground along bedding planes and down joints. This continues until the water reaches an impermeable layer of rock. Water then flows over this until it re-emerges. This is known as a
    resurgent stream.
  2. Gorges
    These are created where the roof of a large underground cavern collapses, to create a steep sided gorge with a river running in the bottom.
  3. Dolines
    Dolines are indentations in the surface of the ground which are formed when the roof of a small underground cave falls in.
  4. Dry valleys
    Dry valleys were formed in periglacial times when the ground froze. As the land was frozen rivers ran over the surface of the limestone rather than flowing down through it. These rivers carved out steep-sided valleys. Once the climate had warmed again the rivers disappeared underground leaving a dry valley behind.

These also are common features of Chalk landscapes.

  1. Clints, Grykes & Limestone Pavements
    Rainwater flowing over an impermeable surface will, on reaching (permeable) limestone, be able to dissolve the joints into grooves called grykes, leaving blocks or clumps of limestone in between called clints.

Limestone pavements are exposed clints and grykes

  1. Caves
    River disappears underground, via swallow holes through passages to form large caverns, via carbonation. River erodes the rock of the cave by abrasion and hydraulic action. Carbonation and solution dissolve permeable rock (limestone)

Cave develops at or below zone of saturation

  1. Stalactites & Stalagmites
    Drops of water containing dissolved limestone seep down through cracks/fissures in the cave roof. Drops of water lose carbon dioxide and deposit calcite. Over time deposition of calcite forms the stalactites hanging down from
    the roof of the cave. Stalactites are hollow mineral tubes, like drinking straws.

Water droplets fall to the cave floor. Drops of water lose carbon dioxide and deposit calcite. Over time deposition of calcite form the stalagmites growing upward from the cave floor form directly below stalactites

  1. Pillars & Curtains
    Stalactites and stalagmites grow towards each other and eventually join to form a pillar or column

Rainwater drips from a long crack in a cave roof forms a continuous strip of calcite, known as a curtain.


Stages of Limestone features formation

  1. Youthful stage
    - Rivers flowing on the surface
    - Erosion of impermeable rock
    - Then erosion of permeable rock (limestone)
    - Chemical weathering (carbonation)
    - Formation of swallow holes
  2. Mature stage
    - Dry valleys on the surface
    - Swallow holes
  3. Old age stage
    - Weathering
    - Removal of limestone
    - Older more resistant rock left prominent – hums
    - Rivers once again flow over the surface

Factors affecting limestone landscapes

  1. Purity
  2. Solubility of Limestone - percent calcite
  3. Climate - Temperature and Moisture
  4. Structure and Lithology - joints, fractures, porosity
  5. Water
  6. Vegetation- acidity (pH) of groundwater
  7. Atmospheric CO2 -

affects solubility of Carbonates

 Time


Importance and Uses limestone areas


Importance of understanding karst systems
- Karst landscapes make up about 10% of the Earth’s surface

  • A quarter of the world’s population depend on water supplied from karst areas
    However, karst systems are vulnerable to groundwater pollution due to the relatively rapid water flow and the lack of a natural filtration system. Local drinking water supplies risk being contaminated as a result

Protecting karst resources in the Caribbean
The Caribbean has one of the world’s premier karst landscapes (which make up more than half of the total land area of the region).About 90% of the karst is in the Greater Antilles

Other significant areas are in the Bahamas, Anguilla, Antigua, the Cayman
Islands, the Virgin Islands, Guadeloupe, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Netherlands Antilles

Uses of a carboniferous limestone area
1. Poor, thin soils mean that the only type of farming possible in limestone areas is grazing.

  1. The tourist industry is a very important source of income to limestone areas. Most people come to walk in the hills and see the spectacular karst scenery. The local people are cashing in on this by opening café, guest houses and other tourist facilities.
  2. Limestone is an excellent building stone, and has been used in the construction of buildings.
  3. Limestone, whether crushed or used as lime, can be very useful in a number of areas. It is used as an industrial cleanser, farmers use it as fertiliser and it forms an important ingredient in cement making.
    - ——————————————————————————————————————–

Economic value of karst

  1. Agriculture
    • Some karst regions have rich and highly productive soils
    • The caves may be used for specialized agricultural activities such as fish breeding, mushroom growing and cheese production
    • In Southeast Asia, limestone caves are an important source of bird’s nest
  2. Industry
    • Limestone is an important raw material for steel-making and cement
    • It is also used to reduce some forms of industrial pollution,
    e.g. by removing sulphur dioxide from gases
  3. Tourism
    • Annually, about 20 million people worldwide visit limestone caves

• The Green Grotto Caves in Jamaica, Harrison’s Cave in Barbados and Gasparee Caves in Trinidad are tourist attractions

Scientific value of karst

  1. Karsts are a key source of information on landform evolution and climate change
  2. The caves contain important archaeological and paleontological material
  3. Karsts host various endangered plant and animal species, both underground and on the surface
    - ——————————————————————————————————————–

Recreational value of karst

  1. Karsts offer opportunities for caving, which has become a popular recreational activity
  2. This contributes to tourism.

Threats to karst systems

  1. Drawing of water within karst areas disturbs the hydrological system
  2. The water level and the water quality are threatened
  3. The plant and animal species in the caves are subsequently affected
  4. Quarrying for precious minerals such as bauxite destroys the caves
  5. Dumping of sewage and domestic and industrial waste can lead to
    groundwater pollution as there is little natural filtration in karst regions

River System


Rivers and streams are bodies of water that flow in open channels. Rivers have THREE main roles:

        i. To erode the river channel
        ii. To transport materials
       iii. To create new erosional and depositional landforms

Most rivers consist of 3 main zones:

      i. Zone of erosion (sediment production)
     ii. Zone of transport (transfer)
    iii. Zone of deposition

These zones are not separate. Erosion, transport and deposition occur in all the zones, but in any one zone, one process tends to be dominant. In large drainage basins, erosion dominates in upland areas while deposition occurs mainly in the lowland or coastal region.


Drainage Basin`


A drainage basin is an area of land drained by a river and its tributaries (river system).

Drainage basins are divided by a watershed (an imaginary line that separates adjacent basins) includes water found in the water table and surface run-off.


Channel Characteristics

  1. Water Flow
  2. Velocity
  3. Energy
  4. Channel Shape
  5. Channel Roughness

Water flow in rivers


Hydraulics is the study of water flow in a channel.

Water flow is subjected to two main forces:
i. Gravity (causes downstream flow)
ii. Frictional resistance (with the bed and bank, which opposes the flow

Water flow is not steady or uniform. There are two main types of flows:

    A smooth, straight channel with a low velocity is required for laminar flow to occur. This allows water to flow in sheets or laminae parallel to the channel bed.

It is rare in reality in rivers but can occur most commonly occurs in the bed in the lower course of a river. Due to its low velocity, if laminar flow was the only flow to occur in a river, all the sediment would remain on the bed.

The best conditions for laminar flow are:

  • Shallow channels
  • Smooth, straight channels
  • Low velocities

    Turbulent flow occurs where there are higher velocities and a complex channel morphology such as a meandering channel with alternating pools and riffles.

Turbulence provides the upward motion in the flow, allowing the lifting and support of fine particles.

Turbulence causes marked variations in pressure within the water. As the turbulent water swirls (eddies) against the bed or bank of the river, air is trapped in pores, cracks and crevices and put under great pressure. As the eddy swirls away, pressure is released, the air expands suddenly, creating a small explosion which weakens the bed or bank material. Thus turbulence is associated with hydraulic action (cavitation).

Vertical turbulence creates hollows in the channel bed. Hollows may trap pebbles which are then swirled by eddying, grinding at the bed. This is a form of vertical corrasion or abrasion and given time may create potholes.

Cavitation and vertical abrasion may help to deepen the channel, allowing the river to down-cut its valley. If the downcutting is dominant over the other forms of erosion (i.e. vertical erosion exceeds lateral erosion) then a gulley or gorge will develop.


Stream Velocity


Velocity is a measure of how fast the water moves over a specified distance.

Velocity = distance/ time

It generally increases with increasing distance downstream, as more water is added to rivers via tributary rivers. This means that less of the water is in contact with the bed of the river and the banks so there is less energy used to overcome friction. Hence, rivers flow progressively faster on their journey
This velocity and energy of a stream are controlled by:

  1. The gradient of the channel bed: gradient can have an impact on velocity but rivers tend to be very shallow and narrow in their upper steep courses, which increases the friction acting on the water and slows it down despite the steep gradient).
  2. The volume of water within the channel (controlled largely by precipitation in the drainage basin (‘bank-full’ gives rapid flow while low levels give lower flows))
  3. The shape of the channel: velocity is highly variable from location to location on a river, and velocity is highly influenced by channel shape or form). Wider shallow channels have larger wetted perimeters (so more friction) and hence flow slower than narrower deeper channels.
  4. Channel roughness, including friction: creates an uneven distribution of velocity in a stream.

Velocity profiles also differ between symmetric and asymmetric channels. The lowest velocities are found where the river is shallow and so friction is greatest.
The maximum velocity is found near the river’s surface where the channel is deep. At this point, friction with both the air and the channel is minimal. This point is often directly above the river’s thalweg.


River Energy


The erosive power of a river depends on how much ENERGY the river has and how much of this energy is used for erosion. This energy comes from the force of gravity that causes water to flow downhill.

Two types of energy exist:
i. Potential Energy (provided by the weight and elevation of the water)

  ii. Kinetic Energy (produced by gravity and downflow of the water)

Most erosion occurs when there are BANKFULL conditions (when the stream channel is full and there are high levels of discharge).

Around 95% of a river’s energy is used up by friction against the channel sides and river bed and by eddies and swirls in the current known as turbulence.

The remaining 5% of the river’s energy is used to transport the water and its load and to erode the river channel.


River Efficiency


The amount of friction that occurs within a river channel depends upon its efficiency. The more efficient the channel is, the more energy is available to move sediment, to erode and to create new landforms.

To measure the efficiency of a river channel, its Hydraulic Radius is calculated. The larger the value, the more efficient the channel.

        Hydraulic Radius = Cross-Sectional Area/Wetted Perimeter

  • The cross-sectional area is the width of the channel multiplied by the mean depth of the channel.
  • The wetted perimeter is the cross-sectional width of a channel, i.e. the distance across a channel bed and the height of the channel sides.

Generally, the maximum velocity in a straight section of a river channel occur midstream, a little below the surface. This is where the effect of friction and
turbulence is minimised.

While it might be expected that a river would flow faster in its upper course than its lower course (due to steeper gradient), this is not the case.

The upper, steep sections of rivers typically flow at the same or lower velocity than the downstream sections because shallow, upriver channels generally have a SMALL hydraulic radius and low efficiency (slower velocity).

Downstream channels (although the gradient is less) have greater hydraulic radius and efficiency (higher velocity).

A large hydraulic radius is more efficient because it means that a smaller proportion of the river’s water is in contact with the bed & banks so there is less friction.

The ideal channel shape for a large hydraulic radius would be a narrow and deep channel. Wide and shallow channels are less efficient and have a smaller hydraulic radius.


Channel Roughness


The roughness or smoothness of a river channel is another factor which affects a river’s efficiency. Turbulence increases with channel roughness and slows a river down. Channels are most rough or irregular in the upper parts of rivers.

The relationship between a river’s velocity and the shape of its channel is given by the Manning equation. This equation shows that velocity decreases as channel roughness increases and vice versa.

The proportion of a river’s energy available to erode material on the bed and on the sides of the river channel not only depends upon the overall amount of
energy generated by the flowing water, but also on the proportion that is used to transport material.

For example, if a river transports a big sediment load, it has less energy available to erode and vice versa.


River Discharge


The discharge of a river is the amount of water passing a certain point every second.

Discharge = The cross sectional area of the river x the velocity
Q = AV

The cross section is measured in metres^2 and the velocity is measured in metres per second.

So the discharge is measured in metres^3 per second. (These units are known as CUMECs (CUbic Metres per sECond).

The discharge should therefore INCREASE with increasing distance downstream, as tributaries swell the amount of water and velocity increases as channels become smoother and less rough.


Drainage Basin Morphometry


River systems can be analysed as a network which vary according to shape and geometry.

The shape includes:
i. Accordant networks: controlled by geology and topography
ii. Discordant networks: those not controlled by the geology and topography
of a basin

River geometry includes length, area, relief and frequency


Strahler Method of Stream Ordering

  • First order streams: original, single source tributaries.
  • Second-order streams: the joining of two first order streams.
  • Third order streams: the merging of two-second order streams.

Streams of different order may join together, for example a second and third order stream BUT THERE IS NO INCREASE IN ORDER NUMBER

It has been calculated that that the number of streams within each order DECREASES with regularity. This is known as the LAW OF STREAM NUMBERS.

The order given of a particular drainage basin is that of the highest order stream. An entire drainage basin is named after the highest order stream found within it, for example, a fourth order drainage basin.

This method provides an objective comparison between drainage basins, as well as provides a means of analysing the relationships between different variables, such as drainage basin area, stream length and the number of streams.


Stream Order


Stream order refers to stream hierarchy and is useful in describing and analysing drainage basins.

It allows for quantitative study of drainage basins and therefore comparison between different basins as streams or rivers, within a drainage basin can be
ranked in a hierarchy, from small to large.


Shreve Method of Stream Ordering


It involves adding the rank numbers of the two streams contributing to a junction to determine the rank number of the stream below the junction.

Therefore, at any point of a drainage basin, the order of a stream is given by a number which represents the total number of the first order streams which have
contributed to it.

This method is more useful for small basins than large basins.


Stream Order Characteristics

  1. There are MORE low order ( first and second order) streams than high order streams
  2. The length of high order streams is GREATER than low order streams
  3. The gradient of high order streams is LESS than lower order streams
  4. The higher the maximum stream order in a drainage basin, the BIGGER the area
  5. The stream channel becomes WIDER and DEEPER as the
    stream order increases.

Bifurcation Ratio


This is used in drainage basin morphometry (measurement of shape), in conjunction with stream order, to define drainage networks and assist in the
formulation of laws of drainage basin form.

The bifurcation ratio is the ratio between the number of stream segments in one order and the next, i.e. the relationship between the number of streams of one order and the number of the next higher order (e.g. first order to second order, second to third order, etc.).

To calculate the bifurcation ratio, divide the number of the lower order streams by the number of the next order streams.

The higher the bifurcation ratio, the shorter the lag time is likely to be and the higher the peak discharge is likely to be.


What is a Drainage Pattern & Drainage Network


A drainage pattern is the arrangement of rivers and tributaries within a drainage basin.

The number of surface streams is an important factor in determining how quickly water flows through the system.

Three main features of drainage patterns are:

  1. The drainage network
 2. The drainage density
 3. The stream order

The drainage network is the pattern of streams when seen from above. There are various ways of classifying drainage patterns. The most common ways are:

 i. By shape of river networks
 ii. Accordancy with geological and topographic structures
 iii. Morphometry (order and plan)

Stream Classification



  1. Consequent Streams- those whose course is determined by the original course of the land
  2. Obsequent Streams- those that flow opposite to the consequent stream
  3. Subsequent Streams: those controlled by structure (jointings, faulting, etc.)
  4. Resequent (Secondary consequent)- streams that flow in the same direction as the main stream but are of a lower order.

Accordant Drainage Patterns


They are formed in relation to the underlying geology and topography. Accordant drainage commonly occurs on folded structures, domed structures and faulted

They include patterns such as:

  1. Dendritic
    When the river channel follows the slope of the terrain often found in mountainous areas. It is the most common form of drainage pattern and looks like the branching pattern of a tree when joined by tributaries.
  2. Rectangular-
    The local rocks are varied and alternating bands of hard and soft rock lie at right angles to the general slope. The consequent stream will develop, flowing down the general slope of the land. Tributary streams will develop in the softer beds, creating wide vales which are called subsequent streams. This results in a rectangular drainage pattern emerging.
  3. Trellis
    Trellised drainage patterns tend to develop where there is strong structural control upon streams because of geology. In such situations, channels align themselves parallel to structures in the bedrock with minor tributaries coming
    in at right angles. This pattern is closely associated with river capture.
  4. Radial
    Where there is a central high point or dome structures, such as a volcanic peak or mountain area, consequent streams flow down from the dome centre in all directions.
  5. Centripetal
    This pattern occurs where a large number of streams converge from all directions into one main stream or a central depression like a lake.
  6. Parallel
    Comprises numerous rivers which are parallel to each other and follow the regional slope. This pattern is more frequently devel­oped on uniformly sloping and dipping rock beds such as cuestas or newly emerged coastal plains.

Discordant Drainage Patterns


This pattern type does not correlate to the topology and geology of the area. In a discordant drainage pattern, the river follows its initial path irrespective of the changes in topography.

They include patterns such as:

  1. Superimposed-
    This occurs when a river system, initiated on the surface of a younger geological formation, over a period of time, is lowered onto an underlying older geological formation
  2. Antecedent-
    These patterns are river systems which developed before a period of earth uplift. If the rate of uplift was slow enough, the river could maintain its course.

Drainage Density


Drainage density is the amount of stream channel length per unit area.

It is calculated by dividing the TOTAL LENGTH of streams by the BASIN AREA.

The drainage density is a numerical way of describing a drainage pattern rather than using subjective classifications such as ‘radial’ or ‘trellis’.

Drainage density can differ for different reasons, such as:

 i. Rock type
ii. Permeability of the surface    iii. Soil type    iv. Infiltration capacity
v. Vegetation    vi. Relief   vii. Rainfall intensity, duration and amount  viii. Antecedent rainfall conditions    ix. Human activities
x. Time

Characteristics of High and Low Drainage Densities


High density: Impermeable land surface,
Steep slopes
Limited vegetation cover
Large channel frequency (tributaries).

Low density: Permeable rock, for example, chalk
Much vegetation cover
Limited rainfall
Gentle slopes
Lower channel frequency.


River Erosion


This is the process by which water and sediment carried by a river deepens and widens the channel.

Erosion is the cumulative effect of a variety of processes. Four main processes of erosion are:

  1. Corrasion (Abrasion)
    - this occurs when transported materials such as sand and gravel rub against a river channel’s bed and sides
    - Rapid erosion occurs in mountainous streams at times of flood when large boulders are moved by the water, scraping the channel as they pass by
    - Small cavities or potholes can be made in the stream bed by these impacts
  2. Hydraulic Action
    - this is the force exerted by water alone
    - It puts pressure on the banks of a river and removes loose material
    - Below waterfalls, and in rapids, air becomes trapped in the turbulent water and
    be forced into cracks, so weakening the solid rock
    - Also, in turbulent water, a suction effect can dislodge material on the channel
  3. Attrition
    - this occurs when the particles being moved by a river become smaller in size, and more rounded, as they collide with each other
    - Angular boulders in the upper course of a river are eventually transformed into small rounded particles found downstream
  4. Solution (Corrosion)
    - this occurs where minerals in rock are dissolved in river water
    - Minerals that are most vulnerable to solution include calcium, magnesium and

Components of River Erosion


Vertical downcutting: occurs in fast flowing rivers which transport a large bed load comprising coarse, hard particles. These are used to abrade and ‘pot hole’ the
channel floor, which is thus lowered relatively rapidly.

Lateral erosion: occurs where a river swings to one side, resulting in bank erosion which widens the channel. Lateral erosion is more active where the river is transporting a large sediment load.

Headward erosion: This erosion takes place in a up-valley direction (towards the river’s source). It typically occurs at a waterfall as the waterfall retreats upstream


Factors affecting Erosion

  1. Load: the heavier and sharper the load, the GREATER the potential for erosion
  2. Velocity: the greater the velocity, the GREATER the potential for erosion
  3. Gradient: increased gradient INCREASES the rate of erosion
  4. Geology: soft, unconsolidated rocks such as sand and gravel are easily eroded
  5. pH: rates of solution are INCREASED when the water is more acidic
  6. Human impact: deforestation, dams and bridges interfere with the natural flow of a river and frequently end up increasing the rate of erosion

River Transportation


River transportation is the downstream movement of sediment or load obtained from the surrounding slopes as well as from the channel bed and sides.

The load can be transported via:
1. Solution- minerals such as calcium carbonate are dissolved in the water (solute load)

  1. Suspension- fine particles of material are carried along by rivers in the flowing water (suspended load)
  2. Traction- larger particles are dragged along the bed of a river (bed load or traction load).
  3. Saltation- when larger particles are bounced along the bed of a river
    - ——————————————————————————————————————–

The proportion of river’s load that is transported by the methods above depends upon several factors including the nature of the soil and rock within the drainage

For example, in a limestone region, more material will be transported in solution compared to a region of unconsolidated sandy material.

Another factor is human activity. Deforestation on hilly areas and lead in rapid soil erosion and this supplies a large amount of material which will be carried by rivers in suspension.


River Capacity and Competence


The maximum amount of debris that a stream could carry in a given set of conditions is referred to as the CAPACITY or transporting power.

The size (diameter) of the largest particle that a river can move is called its COMPETENCE. Competence is a river’s ability to erode and transport and is directly proportional to velocity.


The Hjulstrom Curve


A Hjulström curve is a graph that shows how a river’s velocity affects it competence and its ability to erode particles of different sizes. It shows the relationship between river velocity and sediment transport.

There are two curves on the Hjulström Curve:
1. The critical erosion curve shows the minimum velocity (threshold velocity) needed to transport and erode a particle.

  1. The mean settling velocity shows the minimum speed that particles of different sizes will be deposited by the river.


  1. Clay sized particles do not appear to have a mean settling velocity because these particles are so fine that a river would have to be almost perfectly
    stationary in order for them to fall out of solution.
  2. In addition, the small particles seem to have an erosive velocity that is the same as the velocity for larger particles. This is because smaller particles are cohesive, they stick together, making them harder to dislodge and erode without high velocities.

River deposition


Deposition of sediment occurs when the river becomes incompetent, either because there is a sudden input which in effect overloads the river or where there is a loss of energy.

A river can lose its energy where the river volume is reduced by percolation or where velocity is reduced, owing to a sharp change in gradient.

Settling of sediments can be triggered by water leaving the channel and flooding over on to a floodplain, thus reducing river discharge and velocity.

This sometimes has the effect of building up the bed and banks of the river, thereby creating levees (embankments).

Where rivers emerge from mountain areas onto flatter land, they experience a decrease in velocity relative to their load.

This results in rapid deposition of material in the channel bed.


The River Course


The course a river takes is split into three stages:

  1. The upper stage (Youthful)
  2. The middle stage (Mature)
  3. The lower stage (Old Age)

In the upper stage, the river is close to its source and high above its base level (the lowest point the river can erode up to).

In the lower stage the river is far away from its source, close to the mouth and not far above its base level.

The total energy that a river possesses varies from one stage to another because of changes in the river’s height, gradient and speed.

In the upper course, the gradient of the river is steep and the river is high above sea level giving it a large amount of gravitational potential energy that can be
converted to kinetic energy later on.

In the middle course, the river’s gravitational potential energy gets converted to kinetic energy and the gradient begins to level out resulting in the river’s
velocity increasing.

In the lower stage, the river has relatively no gravitational potential energy but lots of kinetic energy resulting in a high velocity.




The long profile shows how a river’s gradient changes as it flow from its source to its mouth.

The long profile shows how, in the upper stage of a river’s course, the river’s gradient is steep but it gradually flattens out as the river erodes towards its
base level.




Knickpoints appear in the long profile where the gradient of the river changes suddenly and can be caused by landforms like waterfalls or lakes, where the
lithology of the river changes and differential erosion takes place.

Knickpoints can also be the result of rejuvenation, where the base level of the river falls giving it some extra gravitational potential energy to erode vertically.




Throughout the long profile of a river, deposition and erosion are balanced meaning that, given enough time, the river’s long profile would become a smooth, concave, graded profile and all the knickpoints would be eliminated as they are either eroded or filled in by deposition.

It would take a long time for a river’s long profile to become a graded profile (the idea of a graded profile is, essentially, theoretical as it doesn’t really occur in




In the upper course, the river has a lot of gravitational potential energy so it has a lot of energy to erode vertically. The bed of the river is eroded greatly while the banks aren’t eroded as much.

The river mainly transports large pieces of angular rock and does so by traction because it doesn’t have enough kinetic energy to move the load in any other
way. This increases erosion of the bed by corrasion as a result of the load being dragged along the bed of the river.

Vertical erosion is further increased by the rough nature of the channel in the upper course which increases the water’s turbulence and its ability to




In the middle course, the river has less gravitational potential energy and more kinetic energy so erosion shifts from vertical to lateral erosion.

Corrasion is still the main erosive process as large particles are transported by saltation.

The average load size has decreased in the middle course, so more load is being transported in suspension.

In the middle course, the river can flood and in doing so, it deposits gravel and sand sized particles onto its flood plain.




In the lower course, the river has next to no gravitational potential energy so erosion is almost exclusively lateral.

There isn’t much erosion though because the channel is smoother resulting in less turbulent flow.

The main place where erosion takes place is where the river meanders.

The average particle size is very small now, another reason for the reduction in erosion.

The river’s load is mainly composed of silts and clays and it is transported in suspension or even solution.

Like in the middle course, when the river floods it deposits its load but deposition now also takes place at the mouth of the river where the river meets the sea or a stationary body of water.




River cross profiles show you a cross-section of a river’s channel and valley at certain points in the river’s course.

Upper Course
- The valley and channel are narrow and deep as a result of the large amount of
vertical erosion and little lateral erosion.

  • The sides of a river’s valley in the upper course are very steep earning these valleys the nickname “V- Shaped Valley”.

Middle Course
- In the middle course, the valley has increased in width due to the increase in lateral erosion but its depth hasn’t changed significantly because vertical erosion has slowed down.

-The land to either side of the channel in the valley is now the river’s floodplain and the valley’s sides are much more gentle.

Lower Course
- the valley is now very wide (often several kilometres) and the floodplain has
increased greatly in size.

  • The channel is a little wider but not much deeper.



Decreases from Source to Mouth

  • Channel roughness
  • Friction
  • Turbulence
  • Gradient
  • Load Size

Increases from Source to Mouth

  • Velocity
  • Load (Amount)
  • Efficiency (Hydraulic radius)
  • Discharge
  • Cross-sectional area

River Landforms- Potholes


Potholes are cylindrical holes drilled into the bed of a river.

They are found in the upper course of a river where it has enough potential energy to erode vertically and its flow is turbulent. In the upper course of a river, its load is large and mainly transported by traction along the river bed.

When flowing water encounters bedload, it is forced over it and downcuts behind the bedload in swirling eddie currents. These currents erode the river’s bed and create small depressions in it.

As these depressions deepen, pebbles (which must be of a stronger rock) can become trapped in them. As a result of the eddie currents, the pebbles drill into the depressions making them more circular, wider & deeper.


River Landforms- V-Shaped Valleys


V-Shaped valleys are deep river valleys with steep sides that look like a letter V when a cross section of them is taken, hence the name.

They are found in the upper course because this is where the river has the greatest gravitational potential energy and so the greatest potential to erode vertically. It does so during periods of high discharge.

When the river’s discharge is high, it is able to transport its large bedload by traction eroding the river’s bed and valley by corrasion, deepening it. Not much lateral erosion takes place so the channel and valley remains relatively narrow.

As the channel and valley deepens the sides of the valley are exposed and become susceptible to weathering. The valley’s sides also undergo mass movements resulting in large volumes of material falling into the river’s channel, adding to its erosive power and causing the valley sides to take up a V shape.

The steepness of the valley sides and whether the valley actually looks like a V is dependent on the climate, vegetation and rock structure among things.

  • In cold, wet climates, freeze thaw weathering is abundant and rainwater can act as a lubricant, aiding mass movements.
  • Vegetation can impede mass movements because it will help bind the soil. If the valley is composed of hard rock the valley sides will be very steep because they won’t be weathered easily.

River Landforms- Waterfalls


Waterfalls develop when a change of lithology (rock type) takes place along the river’s course resulting in differential erosion.

When the rock type of the river’s channel changes from a resistant rock to a less resistant one (e.g. granite to limestone), the river erodes the less resistant rock faster producing a sudden drop in the gradient of the river with the resistant rock being higher up than the less resistant rock. This height difference between the two rock types, creates the waterfall.

When water flows over the waterfall it creates a plunge pool at its base and the splashback from the falling water undercuts the resistant rock.

The unsupported rock is known as the cap rock and it eventually collapses into the plunge pool causing the waterfall to retreat upstream.

Over thousands of years, the repeated collapse of the cap rock and retreat of the waterfall produces a gorge of recession.