Module 1.N Flashcards
This law took a while to be passed as legislators and various stakeholders need to understand the magnitude of cybercrime and wether the penalty provisions indicated in the E-Commerce Law (Republic Act 8792) is sufficient or not. What is this law that is also known as Cybercrime Prevention Act?
RA10175 cybercrime prevention act of 2012
It is envisioned to achieve and maintain highly professional, honest, efficient and competent law public respect and trust.
PNP Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Ethical Standard
PNP members shall commit themselves to the democratic way life and values and maintain the principle of public accountability
Commitment to Democracy
The effectiveness of law enforcement is reflective of the managerial capabilities and competent leadership of the men and women who run the PNP organization.
Police Management Leadership
There shall be judicious and equitable distribution of opportunity to prove one’s worth on the police service.
Equality in the Service
PNP members shall adhere to high standard of morality and decency and shall set good examples for others to follow
PNP members shall conduct themselves at all times in keeping with the rules and regulations of the organization
PNP members shall help in the development and conservation of our natural resources for ecological balance and posterity as these are the inalienable heritage of our people.
Conservation of National Reaources
It is the best self that you can be
Higher self
It is knowing from deep insight and experience and selects highest and best course of action for this situation guided by compassion.
It is knowing what the pain feels like without needing to have the experience of that pain in the present moment and wanting to help alleviate the other person’s suffering.
It refers on how the police (PNP) should deal and interact with members of the working press and how the media responds to them
Media Relations
In general, whose responsibility is it to provide information to the public through the media.
Unit Commander
A communication strategy adopted once police operation and investigation is done, has the best course of action and is much easy to manage. The media is fully informed while providing background information to put facts into perspective
Open Communication Strategy
This rule states that when a legal matter or controversy has come under the jurisdiction of a court, nobody, including the press and other media should interfere by publication or public clamor with the court’s proper handling of the proceeding.
Sub Judice Rule
Equanimity means
Inner and outer peace
According to Hans Selye when a person encounters a very stressful situation, our body reacts in three stages, which of them is NOT included in the list?
Alarm, Resistance, Control
It is the physical and psychological process of reacting to and coping with events or situations that place extra ordinary pressure upon a human being.
Refers to a deliberate and aggravated treatment or punishment not enumerated under Section 4 of the Anti-Torture Law inflicted by a person in authority or agent of a person in authority against a person under his/her custody, which attains a level of severity causing suffering, gross humiliation or debasement to the latter
Other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment
Other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment
The review courts are called ______ courts
Refers to any act by which severe pain or suffering, wether physical or mental, is intensionally inflicted on a person for such purpose as obtaining from him/her or any third person information or a confession
The overall measure of mental and emotional toughness has 4 components, these are the 4C
An effective tool that can be used by the investigator while doing research online which yields better results
Searching with Google
Known as the Anti-Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance Act of 2012
RA 10353
Known as the “Anti-Torture Act of 2009”
RA 9745
Refers to the specific ways of perceiving, interpreting and acting in the face of stressors that minimize their threats and lessen the degree of negative arousal evoked.
Coping Strategy
Not all stress is caused by external pressures and demands, stress can also be self ____
This pillar of the criminal justice system is executed chiefly by the PNP
Law Enforcement
Stress symptoms
Psychological, physical, behavioral
- Increased smoking
- Insomnia and sleep disturbance
- Irrational fear
- Excessive drinking liquor
- Worry, anxiety
- Behavioral
- Psychological
- Psychological
- Behavioral
- Psychological
Four reasons why crime should be investigated
- Future Deterrence of offenders
- Deterrence of others
- Community Safety
- Protection of innocent
Three Classifications of investigations
Preliminary Investigation
Follow-up Investigation
Special Subject Investigation
A complainant can appeal from the decision in an administrative case
Yes! Motion for Reconsideration
A decision that acquired finality becomes immutable
NAPOLCOMMC 2016-002 was signed on ___
March 9, 2016
The COP or its equivalent supervisor can impose penalty of 1 to 15 days suspension.
PNP members shall always uphold public interest over and above personal interest
NAPOLCOM Memorandum Circular No. 2016-002 is the Revised Rules of Procedure before the Administrative Disciplinary Authorities and the Internal Affairs Service of the PNP
On embedded media, the safety of media members must always be considered
PNP members shall help in the development and conservation of our natural resources for ecological balance and posterity as these are the inalienable heritage of our people
LOI Tamang Bihis is not always observed during Media Interviews
Below are list of cyber offense against confidentiality, integrity and availability … Accessibility according to cybercrime prevention act of 2012, except one
Illegal access
Illegal interception
Child pornography
Child pornography
If Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo mail are examples of web-based Mail User Agents (MUAs). What is the sample of Stand-alone Mail User Agent?
Mozilla Thunderbird
Aol Mail
Mozilla Thunderbird
What is the command you need to type in the address bar of the … Get mobile device view of Facebook on your computer for viewing and printing the page in PDF?
Identifying the owner of the IP address is usually done through domain registration lookup. Domain registration, if legitimate, … Investigator with the next step in the identification of a website … The name of the tool used based on the lecture
What is the procedure of a first Reaponder in seizing mobile phones…phones and/or cell phones if the power is OFF
Do not turn ON, place phone in a sealed envelope before placing inside the evidence bag to prevent from being turned ON and if possible, seized mobile phone charger.
It means any use of force or armed violence between States… Armed violence between governmental authorities and organized groups or between such groups within that state
Armed conflict
Should suspects (those without cases filed) be presented in a firing line mode to the media?
No, as it is against the PNP policy
A communication strategy adopted once police operation and investigation is done, has the best course of action and is much easy to manage. The media is fully informed while providing background information to put facts into perspective.
Open communication Strategy
In general, whose responsibility is to provide information to the public through media?
Unit Commander
It means the intentional infliction of conditions of life; inter Alia, the deprived …of access to food and medicine, calculated to bring about the destruction …part of a population.
It means refusing to spare the life of anybody, even of persons … Unable to defend themes elves or who clearly express their… Surrender
‘No quarter will be given’
Refers to a deliberate and aggravated treatment of … Enumerated under Section 4 of the Anti-Torture Law inflicted by person in authority or agent of a person in authority against a person under custody, which attains a level of severity causing suffering, … Or debasement to the latter
Other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment…
This pillar of the criminal justice system is responsible for the rehabilitation of convicted person in preparation for his eventual return to the society
This pillar of the criminal justice system gives the opportunity to an individual to lead a normal life as law-abiding citizen.
Under Section 2 of the Bill of Rights, who personally determines whether there is probable cause before the issuance of search warrant or warrant of arrest
Refers to any by which severe pain or suffering whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on person for …purposes as obtaining from him/her any third person information or … confession
Appellate Bodies pursuant to NMC 1016-002
Under Section 6 of the Bill of Rights, what are the exceptions on the non-impairment of the right to travel?
- Lawful order of the court
- In the interest of National Security
- Public safety
- Public health
Give at least three (3) goals of the criminal justice system
- Maintenance of peace and order
- Protect members of the society
- Prevention of crime
- The judicial determination of innocence
- Proper disposition of those who found guilty
- Rehabilitation of those found guilty
- Suppression of criminals
During Crisis Situation Media must be allowed to cover the event … They are far enough to be safe but near enough to be safe but near enough to get the stories
Three components of Crime Scene Investigation
First responder