Module 16 - Early Pregnancy Care Flashcards
You have been talking to a patient about her diagnosis of tubal ectopic pregnancy. She has opted for treatment with IM methotrexate. What would you advise her is the percentage of women who require a second methotrexate injection?
14% of women who have medical management of ectopic pregnancy will require two or more doses of methotrexate
What are the maternal Mortality rates for ectopic pregnancy in the UK?
2 in 1,000
What proportion of women who have medical management of ectopic with methotrexate will require surgery?
At what gestation is the fetus most sensitive to fetal growth restriction as a side effect of radiation?
3-10 weeks
What is the incidence of ectopic pregnancy in the UK?
11 in 1,000 pregnancies are ectopic in the UK
What is the incidence of gestational trophoblastic disease (molar pregnancy) in the UK?
1 in 1,000 pregnancies
A 28 year old patient is referred to see you in clinic. She wishes to conceive but is concerned as her only previous pregnancy was a molar pregnancy 4 years ago. What is her risk of a further molar pregnancy if she were to become pregnant?
1 in 80
Women with one previous molar pregnancy have a 1 in 80 chance of the subsequent pregnancy being molar
A 27 year old patient consults you as you fitted her with a copper intrauterine device (IUCD) 3 months ago and she has just done a positive pregnancy test. She is concerned about ectopic pregnancy.
If the patient with an IUCD becomes pregnant what is the incidence of ectopic pregnancy?
1 in 20
It is rare for patients with an IUCD in place to become pregnant.
If a patient with an IUCD in situ does become pregnant the risk of it being ectopic is around 1 in 20
A 28 year old patient requests a laparoscopic salpingotomy for her right tubal ectopic pregnancy, due to having a previous left salpgingectomy.
What should you inform this patient is the risk of requiring further treatment which may include methotrexate and/or salpingectomy?
1 in 5
Women should be advised that following salpingotomy there is a 1 in 5 risk of requiring further treatment
What is the risk of further miscarriage after 3 subsequent reccurent miscarriages?
A woman undergoes ERPC for delayed miscarriage. Histopathology shows a complete mole. What is the risk of developing an invasive mole?
1 in 6
A woman is admitted with severe hyperemesis gradvidarum at 12/40. Her LFTs are markedly deranged. How common is abnormal LFTs among patients with HG?
A woman attends the TOP centre. She is 20 weeks gestation. Her TOP is under grounds C.
What is the percentage of patients who have had surgical TOP at this stage?
A woman undergoes ERPC for delayed miscarriage. Histopathology shows a partial mole. What is the risk of developing choriocarcinoma?
What is the risk of infection with ERPC?
What is the risk of uterine perforation with ERPC?
1 in 1,000
What is the risk of cervical trauma with ERPC?
<1 in 1,000
What is the risk of retained placenta/fetal tissue with ERPC?
What is the risk of intrauterine adhesions with ERPC?
What is the most common cause of 1st trimester miscarriage, and what proportion does it make?
Chromosomal abnormalities cause 70% of 1st trimester miscarriages
What proportion of 2nd trimester miscarriages are caused by chromosomal abnormalities?
What is the normal range for crown rump length?
45 - 84mm
What proportion of miscarriages do first trimester miscarriages constitute?
What is the risk of miscarriage for ages 12 -19?
What is the risk of miscarriage for ages 20-24?
What is the risk of miscarriage for ages 25-29%
What is the risk of miscarriage for ages 30-34?
What is the risk of miscarriage for ages 35-39?
What is the risk of miscarriage for ages 40-44?
What is the risk of miscarriage for ages >45?
In the Abortion Act 1967 which clause is most commonly used?
Clause C
98% of cases
Usually C-E
What is the definition of Clause A of the Termination of Pregnancy Act?
Continuing the pregnancy would risk the LIFE of the woman
What is the definition of Clause B of the Termination of Pregnancy Act?
Continuing the pregnancy would risk GRAVE PERMANENT INJURY to the PHYSICAL or MENTAL HEALTH of the woman
What is the definition of Clause C of the Termination of Pregnancy Act?
<24/40 and continuing would cause PHYSICAL or MENTAL HARM to the woman
What is the definition of Clause D of the Termination of Pregnancy Act?
<24/40 and continuing would cause PHYSICAL or MENTAL HARM to any EXISTING CHILDREN
What is the definition of Clause E of the Termination of Pregnancy Act?
Child would likely be DISABLED
(Physical and mental abnormalities as to be severely handicapped)
What is the definition of Clause F of the Termination of Pregnancy Act?
To save the life of the pregnant woman
Only 1 doctor needed to grant this
What is the definition of Clause G of the Termination of Pregnancy Act?
To prevent grave permanent injury to the physical or mental health of the woman