Module 12 What Causes Emotional and Motivated Behavior? Flashcards
-Cognitive interpretation of subjective experience that can influence thought and behavior
-hormones related to masculine characteristics and that play a role in levels of sexual interest
Innate releasing Mechanism (IRM)
-Hypothetical mechanism that detects specific sensory stimuli and directs an organism to take a particular action
Evolution Psychology
-Discipline that seek to apply principles of natural selection to understand the causes of human behavior
-In operant conditioning, any event that strengthens that behavior it follows
Learned Taste aversion
-Acquired association between a specific taste or odor and illness; leads to an aversion to food that have the taste or odor
-Predisposition to respond to certain stimuli differently from other stimuli
Orbitofrontal Cortex (OFC (Orbital frontal cortex))
-Prefrontal cortex behind the eye socket (the orbits); receives projections from the dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus; central to a variety of emotional and social behaviors, including eating
-Odorant biochemical released by one animal that acts as a chemosignal and can affect the physiology or behavior of another animal
Regulatory Behavior
-Behavior motivated to meet an animal’s sutvival needs
Homeostatic Machanism
-Process that maintains critical body functions within a narrow, fixed range
Nonregulatory Behavior
-Behavior unnecessary to animal’s basic survival needs
Pitutary Glands
-Endocrine gland attached to the bottom of the hypothalamus; its secretions control that activities of many other endocrine glands; associated with biological rhythms
Medial Forebrain Bundle (MFB)
-Tract that connects brainstem structures with various parts of the limbic system forms the activating projections that run from the brainstem to the basal ganglia and frontal cortex
Releasing Hormone
-Peptide released by the hypothalamus that increases or decreases hormone release from the anterior pituitary
Anorexia Nervosa
-Exaggerated concern with being over weight that leads to inadequate food intake and often exercising; can lead to severe weight loss and even starvation
-Failure to eat; may be due to an unwillingness to eat of to motor difficulties, especially with swallowing
-Overeating that leads to significant weight gain
Osmotic Thirst
-Thirst that results from a high concentration of dissolved chemicals, or solutes in body fluids
Hypovolemic Thirst
-Thirst produced by a loss overall fluid volume from the body
Activating Effects
-Hormonal actions that influence in the adult brain
Organizing Effects
-Hormonal actions that influence the organizational development of the fetal brain
Sexual Dimorphism
-Differential development of brain areas in the two sexes
Sexual Orientation
-A person’s pattern of sexual attraction-to the opposite sex or to the same sex or to both sexes
Gender Identity
-The degree to which a person feels male or female
-Possessing personal characteristics that transcend traditional gender boundaries and corresponding sexual norms; a person’s belief that he or she was born the worng sex
-Distinctive allocortices structure lying in the medial temporal lobe; participates in species-typical behaviors, memory, and spatial navigation and is vulnerable to the effects of stress
Amygdala (Greek word for Almond)
-The part of the brain that participates in species-typical behaviors, emotion, and emotional memory, reflecting the general shape in the medical temporal lobe
Kluver-Bucy Syndrome
-Behavioral syndrome, characterized especially by hypersexuality, that result from bilateral injury to the temporal lobe
-Any neurosurgical technique intended to alter behavior
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
-Persistently high levels of anxiety often accompanied by maladaptive behavior to reduce anxiety; thought to be caused by chronic stress
-Fear of a clearly defined object or situation
Panic Disorder
-Recurrent attacks of intense terror that come on without warning and without any apparent relationship to external circumstances
What Causes Emotional and Motivated Behavior?
- Identifying the Causes of Behavior
- Chemical Senses
- Evolution, Environment and Behavior
- Neuroanatomy of Motivated and Emotional Behavior
- Control of Regulatory and Nonregulatory Behavior
- Reward