Module 11 Flashcards
Paralleling technique is also known as ________, right-angle technique, or ________ technique
Extension Cone Paralleling (XCP)
Long cone
The purpose of _______ is to acquire ______ and bitewing x-rays
Periapical (PA)
In a PA you can see _______ beyond the apex of the tooth, to indicate _____ lesions, ________, tooth formation, ______, and eruption
2-3 mm
Bone conditions
Periodontal disease
The basic principles of paralleling is the receptor is placed _______ from the teeth, towards the _______ of the mouth, the central ray is _______ to the receptor, and the _______ must be used
Away Middle Long-axis Perpendicular Beam Alignment Device
The patient ______ hold the receptor
In order for PA to be diagnostic there must be no _______, show ______ crown, 2-3 mm beyond the ______ of the tooth, and have no _______
Root overlap
The easiest area to get root overlap is between the _____ and the ______
Paralleling requires use of a ________ instrument to position the receptor parallel to the ________
Beam Alignment
Long-axis of the tooth
Examples of beam alignment devices include ________, Rinn flip-ray, eezee grip (________), stable bite blocks, precision paralleling devices, or ________
Rinn XCP
What size film do you use for an anterior PA?
1 or sometimes 2
What size film do you used for a posterior PA?
To achieve parallelism between the _______ and the tooth, the receptor must be placed ______ from the tooth, toward the _______ of the oral cavity
The object-receptor distance may be _______ to keep the receptor _______ with the ______ of the tooth; this may cause slight _______ and ______ of definition result
Increased Parallel Long-axis Magnification Loss
Increased object-receptor distance = increased _______
Image magnification
How do you compensate for increased object-receptor distance?
Increase the target-receptor distance
The target-receptor distance ensures _______ rays will be directed at the tooth and receptor to avoid image magnification
What type of PID is recommended for Paralleling technique?
Long PID
What are the 5 rules for Paralleling technique?
- Receptor placement: place film to cover the entire area you want to capture; including 2-3 mm beyond the apices
- Receptor position: Film must be parallel to the long-axis of the tooth; usually have to place film closer to the midline
- Vertical angulation: Central ray must be perpendicular to the receptor and long-axis of the tooth
- Horizontal angulation: Central ray of the x-ray is directed through the contact areas between the teeth
- Film receptor exposure: The beam must be centered on the receptor encompass entire film and avoid cone cuts
List the advantages of Paralleling technique
Minimum image distortion Minimum superimposition Decreased exposure to thyroid and eye Smaller exit dose Standardization (especially when using film holding devices)
List the disadvantages of Paralleling technique
Placement can be challenging
Discomfort for the patient
Long PID is preferred which increases exposure time
What is the sequence for a FMX?
Anteriors first: Use size 1 film Right maxillary canine across to the left maxillary canine Left Mandibular canine across to the right mandibular canine Posteriors second: Use size 2 film Right maxillary pre molar then molar Left mandibular pre molar then molar Left maxillary pre molar then molar Right mandibular pre molar then molar
There are ______ films and _______ BWX in a FMX
On a PA the centrals/laterals should be ______ on the film
The canines in a PA should be ______ on the film with no ______
Root overlap
PAs of pre molars should capture the _______ half of the the DEJ of the _______ with an ______ root interface
On a PA of the molars the ______ half of the 2nd molar should be visible and the distal half of the 2nd ______
Pre molar
Think about the _____ in the ______ when assembling XCP holders
2 _______ may be added between the _____ and the _______ so the patient doesn’t have to bite down all the way
Cotton rolls
Film/image holding device
Opposing arch
________ may be placed at the corners of the film to improve discomfort
Use of two cotton rolls and increased vertical angulation (approx. 5-15 degrees) can help patients with a ________, but may get some image distortion
Shallow palate
Long roots may need to slightly ________ vertical angulation or sacrifice a portion of the _______
Sensitive or ‘tight’ mandibular anterior regions require use of _______ or _______ and advise patient that as they close, it _______ the floor of their mouth and will help a lot
Roll film
For Maxillary torus the receptor must be placed on the ______ side of the torus, not on the torus
For Mandibular torus the receptor must be placed between the ______ and the _______