Module 1 - TOG - Vulval Disorders in PAG Flashcards
What 3 factors make paediatric and adolescent patients prone to vulval disorders?
- Hypoestrogenic environment
- Neutral pH
- Exposed vulva
What proportion of PAG ED Gynae attendances are regarding vulval disorders?
What affects does a hypoestrogenic environment have on the vulval tissue?
Exposed vulval and vaginal tissues.
Thin, atrophic labia.
Neutral pH (lack of lactobacilli).
Close proximity to rectum (potential for faecal contamination).
What vulval changes occur at puberty that results in a lower chance of developing (or resolution) of vulval disorders?
Increased oestrogen.
Increased labial fat pads.
Increased lactobacilli (lowers pH, more acidic).
Androgen secretion causes pubic hair.
What vulval presentations can diabetic children present with?
(This might be their first presentation)
(60% due to candida).
How and when can IBD present in a PAG vulval clinic?
Vulval IBD can present with pain, oedema, ulcers, fistulae and abscesses.
Vulval IBD can proceed GI IBD.
When examining PAG patients, how should examination be carried out?
With a small wet swab on the perineum only.
Vaginal swabs should only be done under GA (hypersensitivity).
Examine underwear (discharge, PVB, hygiene).
What should be considered in PAG patients who present with recurrent PVB or persistent pain/discharge?
CSA (child sexual abuse).
Remember that trauma isn’t always seen due to rapid regeneration of the tissues.
Define vulvovaginitis
Inflammation of the vagina and vulva
What is the most common PAG vulval disorder?
Vulvovaginitis accounts for what percentage of:
- Attendances in ED
- Referrals to GOPD.
- 50% ED attendances.
- 20% GOPD Referrals.
What are the symptoms of vulvovaginitis?
Vulval erythema (82%).
Vaginal soreness (74%).
Discharge (60%).
Pruitis (60%).
What is the peak onset of vulvovaginitis?
3-7 years old.
What % of vulvovaginitis is infectious vs non infectious?
80% NON infectious
20% infectious.
What are the common causes of infectious vulvovaginitis?
Gut or resp tract organisms:
- E Coli
- H Influenzae
(Candida only in immunocompromised - think ?DM).
What investigations should be carried out to investigate vulvovaginitis?
None, these rarely change the management plan or outcome.
What is the treatment for vulvovaginitis? What proportion of patients will respond to this treatment?
Conservative treatment with strict hygiene, avoidance of irritants, barrier creams and treatment of contraception.
2/3 cases resolve with conservative management.
What proportion of Lichen Sclerosis occurs in the PAG population?