Module 1 (section 2) Flashcards
Communicative Approach
Based on the idea that learning language successfully comes through having to communicate real meaning.
Some teaching methods and approaches
The grammar- translation method
The audiolingual method
The communicative approach
The grammar-translation method
Started 1800
Initially teach Latin and Greek for purpose to teach reading and writing.
Principles of grammar translation method
- Studying of foreign language to be able to read its literature.
- Emphasis in class on reading and writing NOT listening and speaking.
- The foreign language is explained and discussed in the students native language.
- Vocabulary is taught by translation
- The grammar is taught the teachers explains rules, the practiced through mainly writing, grammar and translating exercises.
- Most lesson time is spent translating written sentences and text.
Audiolingual method
1950s launching by the USSR of the first Sputnik
Audiolingual method
Relied heavily on the theories of behaviorist psychologist, claimed to turn language teaching from an art into an exact science.
Principles of Audiolingual
- Language learning is a matter of habit formation by using series of mechanical and repetitive oral drills.
- Consist largely of the accurate imitation and memorization by students of sentences or dialogues modeled by the teacher.
- Language is habit formed, priority is to avoid students making mistakes because mistakes become habitual.
- Experimentation or creativity by students must be discouraged.
- Language in the classroom concentrates on speaking.
- Little to no grammatical explanation are provided. Grammar taught inductively.
- Skills are sequenced: listening, speaking, reading and writing in order.
- Vocabulary is strictly limited to be learned in context
- Reading and writing are comparatively unimportant. Only introduced when students have a good grasp of the oral language.
Order of skills for Audiolingual
Listening, speaking, reading and writing in order
The communicative Approach Also known as
Communicative Language Teaching CLT
CLT (Communicative Language Teaching) definition
A set of principles teaching including where the focus is on meaningful communication not structure and grammar.
Principles of communicative language teaching .
- Teachers should use variety of approaches to language learning based on fairly sound theory, and which are flexible rather than strict.
- Communication main goal to help students have effective standard of communication outside to classroom.
- Accuracy in grammar, pronunciation ect is important but less important than the ability to communicate in real life.
- Main goal of CLT is to enable students to communicate knowledge and opinions surrounding a topic in the target language. *Communication is encouraged starting the very first lesson.
Meaning and use for language learning is mainly about learning to
Communicate effectively
Emphasis on meaning and use of language items
New language items are presented and practiced in realistic contexts which shows their meaning and use. It is the context which gives language meaning.
The ability to communicated effectively in a language will results from combination of formal learning of rules and holistic acquisition.
Language learning and acquisition are creative processes and they involve trial and error on the part of the student.
Encourage to try out language items in a supportive classroom environment and with help from the teacher.
Students need to be able to go beyond learning of the grammatical structure of the language into functions (ex: opening bank account, applying for job)
Students must be able to choose the most appropriate form for a situation. (Ex: when to use “could you” or “should you” register or politeness
Register is a
- Variety of a language or a level of usage, determined by the degree of formality and choice of vocabulary, pronunciation and syntax (grammar) according to the communicative purpose, social context, and how the user means to use it.
- Learners must learn the variety of forms can be used to achieve the same end or function such as: It may rain or perhaps it will rain. Both achieve the same thing.
Teacher role
Always to emphasis on communication in the target language.
Teachers role
Facilitator, helper, advisor and language resources. We can not “teach” but can help students to learn or acquire.
Classroom is
Student-centered with many activities taking place in pairs or groups monitored in an unobtrusive way by the teacher.
Individual learning styles
Every student learns differently
Real English
Some parts the student will be exposed to fine tuned input (language at the students level). In other parts, they will be exposed to rough tuned input (a little above the students level).
Occasional structured drills:
Oral drilling and classroom type exercises small proportion of time. Helping students with pronunciation, grammar, pattern etc.
Structured drills:
- Situation/context
- functions
- form
- meaning and use
- Grammar
- notions
Situation/context drills
The situations one encounters in life. Ex: meeting a new friend, going to the doctor
Function drills are
Speech acts that students are likely to face
Ex: seeking advice, requesting information, expressing gratitude complimenting someone, expressing requests, seeking permission, complaining.
Form sociolinguistic language drill
Used in a social setting, social niceties, social situations, formal vs informal expressions.
Teachers teaches sociolinguistic competence such as acceptable and unacceptable ways to complain as well as strategies and ways to overcome communication breakdown when it happens
Meaning and use drill these are linked
To form
Grammar drill
Always taught in context. Linked to materials related to conversation, reading, listening and writing. Never taught alone.
Notions drills
Days of the weeks, dates, months, should be introducing in context
Notion example in lesson planning the teacher determines how to adopt these competence to students needs by
- Choose a situation like a bank
- Use the language functions such as formal greetings, requesting info, advice giving and gratitude.
- Use the form related to the situation and its meaning and usage.
- Choose the necessary grammar and vocabulary to complete the exercise.
- Construct and choose communicative activities for the students to practice and produce.
In lessons include
Speaking, listening, writing and reading.
All times communicative competence.