Module 1 (part 2) Flashcards
The knowledge that we have is based on a large body of work that has been put together.
Origins of life 4 step process
- Organic molecules
- Complex organics = macromolecules
- Isolate/coordinate functional macromolecules
- protobiont/protocell - LUCA
Is organic chemistry rare or spontaneous?
Organic chemistry is spontaneous
- it does require some input.
ex. light, lightning etc.
Miller-Urey experiment
- The experiment has demonstrated that Amino Acids can form without life.
Origins of Organic Molecules
- Deep-sea vent hypothesis
(heat and metal ions known to be catalysts)
Can small macromolecules form spontaneously?
yes, in certain conditions.
Can large macromolecules form spontaneously?
Large macromolecules can not form spontaneously.
Origins of macromolecules
Macromolecules occur from clay.
What function must macromolecules perform to lead to life?
Some kind of organization and barriers from cells.
Create a barrier from the environment. What are the candidates?
Polypeptides and cellulose
Enzymes/metabolic candidates
Proteins and ions
carry information candidates
An environmental barrier
Metal sulfides
- microscopic vent pores
A Macromolecule Barrier
- Microspheres with a lipid bilayer boundary
- can divide
Modern cells require _______ and _________ to maintain a __________ __________.
complex metabolism
Modern cells ________.
- they copy and transmit information.
- DNA to DNA, DNA to RNA, RNA to DNA
______________ contain reverse ____________
Retroviruses ; Transcriptase
- Takes its RNA geno and sticks it to our DNA
why proteins instead of RNA for enzymes?
more efficient
more specialized
Have more variety of proteins
Why DNA instead of RNA
It is more stable and is prone to mutation.
3 domains of life
Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya
How is Eukarya different from Bacteria and Archaea?
Eukarya has membrane-bound organelles.
How is Bacteria different from Eukarya and
Cell wall and RNA
How is Archaea different from Bacteria and
Archaea can survive in extreme environments.
Engulfing cells
A symbiotic relationship where one organism lives inside another.
All the DNA in our cells
Chloroplast Genome
Are much circular
_______________ and ___________ are key events in evolution of eukarya.
Phagocytosis and Endocytosis