MODULE 1 | Part 1 Flashcards
Derived from the Latin _____, means things made from letters
Acquaintance with Letter
Elements of Literature
Widespread/Lasting Interest
Importance of Literature
“Literature helps us grow, both personally and intellectually”
With these, meaning is so widely understood within a society that authors can expect their audiences to accept.
Literary Conventions
A group of works generally agreed upon by critics to be masterpieces; appears again and again in anthologies of literature and course syllabi
Literary Canons
Descriptions, analyses, interpretations and evaluation of works of literature using different (philosophical or ideological) theories or viewpoints.
Literary Criticism
Latin Word of Literature, means an acquaintance with letters
is a language in use that provides insights and intellectual stimulation to the reader
The medium of translation, the written and spoken word
is a product of a particular culture that concretizes man’s array of values, emotions, actions, and ideas.
is an art that reflects the works of imagination, aesthetics, and creative writing which distinguished for the beauty of style or expression as in fiction, poetry, essay or drama.
“A Concrete Artifact – a story, a poem, or a play”
Literary Standards
Literature appeals to everyone, regardless of culture, race, sex, and time, which are all considered significant.
Literary Standards
Literature has an aesthetic appeal and thus possesses a sense of beauty.
Literary Standards
Literature stimulates critical thinking that enriches mental processes of abstract and reasoning, making man realize the fundamental truths of life and its nature.
Intellectual Value
Literary Standards
Literature unravels and conjures man’s emotional power to define symbolisms, nuances, implied meanings, images and messages, giving and evoking visions above and beyond the plane of ordinary life and experience.
Literary Standards
Literature elevates the spirit and the soul and thus has the power to motivate and inspire, drawn from the suggested morals or lessons of the different literary genres.
Spiritual Value
Literary Standards
Literature endures across time and draws out the time factor:
(1) timeliness,
(2) occurring at a particular time, and
(3) timelessness,
remaining invariable throughout time
Literature presents peculiar way/s on how man sees life as
evidenced by the formation of his ideas, forms, structures, and
expressions which are marked by their memorable substance.
Literary Models
Literature aims to understand and appreciate cultures and ideologies different from one’s own in time and space.
Cultural Model
Literary Models
Literature aims to promote language development like vocabulary and structure.
Language Model
Literary Models
Literature aims to help one achieve lasting pleasure and deep satisfaction in reading.
Personal Growth Model
Classifications of Literature
a literary work of imaginative narration, either oral or written, fashioned to entertain and to make the readers think and more so, to feel.
Classifications of Literature
is a literary work of “real life” narration or exposition based on history and facts whose main thrust is intellectual appeal to convey facts, theories, generalizations, or concepts about a particular topic
Classifications of Literature
Based on FORM:
is a literary work that is spoken or written within the common flow of language in sentences and paragraphs which give information, relate events, express ideas, or present opinions.
It is a literary medium that corresponds closely to everyday speech patterns and is used to provide detailed descriptions of ideas, objects or situations.
Examples include essays, novels, and articles.
Classifications of Literature
Based on FORM:
a literary work expressed in verse, measure, rhythm, sound and imaginative language and creates an emotional response to an experience, feeling, or fact.
A form of literary expression that emphasizes the aesthetic qualities of language and often employs meter, rhyme, and imagery.
Classifications of Literature
What are the 4 Genres?
- Fiction
- Poetry
- Essay
- Drama
Classifications of Literature
Based on GENRE:
is a narrative in prose that shows an imaginative recreation and reconstruction of life and presents human life in two levels:
(1) the world of objective reality made up of human actions and experiences, and
(2) the world of subjective reality dealing with human apprehension and comprehension categorized either as novel or short story.
Fiction is a narrative in prose that shows an imaginative recreation and reconstruction of life and presents human life in two levels:
What are those 2?
(1) the world of objective reality made up of human actions and experiences, and
(2) the world of subjective reality dealing with human apprehension and comprehension
Classifications of Literature
Based on GENRE:
is a patterned form of verbal or written expression of ideas in concentrated, imaginative, and rhythmical terms that often contain the elements of sense, sound, and structure
Classifications of Literature
Based on GENRE:
is a prose composition in moderate length that presents a tentative or evaluation of a subject and thus explains a viewpoint or anything that can be said on a particular subject.
Classifications of Literature
Based on GENRE:
is a composition in prose form that presents story told entirely in dialogue and action, and written with the intention of its eventual performance before an audience.