Module 1: Key Terms Flashcards
What is an amorphous?

Amorphous materials are characterised by certain areas of short-range order. An amorphous solid does not have a definite geometric or crystalline shape. Amorphous and the terms non-crystalline and glossy are interchangeable.
Define Austenite

Austenite is the face centred cubic (FCC) phase of iron-containing some dissolved carbon.
What is a vector?

Any measure that has a magnitude and direction.
Define toughness

Toughness is the ability of a material to resist propagation of cracks. It is often identified as the area under a stress-strain graph.
Define thermoset

A polymer can be set by heating but cannot be softened by reheating.
Define thermoplastic

A polymer that can be softened by heating
What is timber?

Timber(or wood) is an organic material consisting of thin-walled tubes made of cullulose. These cellulose ‘tubes’ are bound together with weak glue called lignin.
Define stiffness

Stiffness is the resistance of an elastic body to deflection by an applied force.
What is steel?

Steel is alloy of iron and up to 2% carbon, often with addition of other alloying elements such as magnanese, silicon, chronium, nickel and molybdenum.
What is Atomic bonding?

An electrostatic attractive force within and between atoms that allows the formation of materials containing two or more atoms.
Define screw
A screw is form of simple machine used to translate rotary motion into linear motion.
What is brass?
Brass is an alloy of copper made up of inc 43% and Zinc