Module 1: Intro to RTT Flashcards
Marisa’s Definition of Hypnosis
A way of directly accessing the subconscious mind so that clients can understand what is running their unwanted behaviors and then become free of them through a process of suggestion that bypasses the conscious mind that allows the mind to accept a suggestion that previously it would not have accepted
What are the four I’s?
Investigate, Interpret, Interrupt, Install
Why is it important to set your client up for success?
By discussing what your client can expect from the session, you are addressing the client’s fears and misconceptions
What are three main points to share as you are setting your client up for success?
- Don’t expect to feel hypnotized
- Do expect to feel relaxed
- You are always in control
What happens during the Consultation and Intake Form phase?
- Review the Intake Form
- Ask clarifying questions
- Ask for symptoms, triggers, habits
- Ask about the client’s childhood and family
- Magic Wand: what one thing do you want
- Demo and rehearse REM
- Assure the client that their REM is fantastic
What happens during Induction to Hypnosis?
- Tell the client to look up / close eyelids
- Tell client to lower head / looking down sensation
- Help the client to visualize 10 steps
- Guide the client to “walk” down the steps / go deeper
Name two suggestibility techniques.
- Bucket and balloon
2. Attracting magnets
What is the purpose of using deepening techniques?
- To achieve deep relaxation
2. To sideline the critical mind
Name five deepening techniques.
- Snapping fingers while saying “go deeper”
- “Your eyes are heavy and sealed shut”
- Gently lifting and shaking the client’s arms
- Gently rocking the client’s head
- Hypnotic surrender
Why is the Detective Work and Daisy Chaining phase important?
It’s how you get to the root cause of your client’s underlying belief. Clients need to be able to understand how a particular behavior became a part of their life in order to challenge that behavior and find a more appropriate response.
Summarize what happens during the Detective Work and Daisy Chaining phase.
- The client describes at least three scenes
- Identify a connection among the three scenes
- Tie the connection back to the presenting problem
What is an abreaction?
An abreaction is when a client is reliving a scene that may be distressing or uncomfortable for them.
What are some techniques to make a client feel safe while experiencing an abreaction?
- “You are simply viewing this scene, not reliving it”
- “You are here with me, in a safe space, and this event is from the past”
- “You are in control”
- “Breathe deeply and remain calm”
- “It’s OK to be upset or sad or angry - it’s ok to feel these things and to let them all go”
How should you proceed if you client cannot visualize anything?
- Complete a relaxation session
- Reassure the client that this is normal and that they can overcome it
- Provide an audio to the client and tell them to listen to it for seven days and then return for another session
- Do not charge them for the second session
What is RFPI?
Role, Function, Purpose, Intention