Module 1 - Healthy Diet Flashcards
Explain the example of Coffee and the conflicting nutrition information.
Study 1: 4 cups of coffee/day increases risk of hip fracture
Study 2: 3-4 cups of coffee/day improves health
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Food Environment, Consumption Monitoring, Consumption Norms, Eating Environment
Food Environment
presentation of food (plate size, dish type, etc.)
Consumption Monitoring
how consumption is affected when someone pays attention to how much they are eating. Satiety cues such as an empty plate
Consumption Norms
what a person perceives as a normal serving (influenced by package size, how much people around you are eating etc.)
Eating Environment
environmental factors (home vs restaurant vs friends house) (while watching TV vs at the table)
Define Satiety:
feeling of fullness
Satiety Cue
cue to stop eating such as an empty plate or an empty serving dish
If you snack on a bag of chips while working at your computer, and you realize that you have consumed the entire bag of chips, what played a role in over-consumption?
Eating Environment
Factors that influence food consumption and choices:
Food Environment, Eating Environment, Consumption Norms, Consumption Monitoring
Define Nutrients:
something needed to nourish our body so it can function optimally
carbohydrates, proteins, fat,
vitamins and minerals
define centenarians:
people who have lived over 100 years
Blue Zones:
Ikaria, Greece; Okinawa, Japan; Ogliastra Region, Sardinia; Loma Linda, Calif.; and Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica.
Greece primary food:
Japan primary food:
bitter melon
Italy primary food:
sheep’s cheese
California primary food:
Costarica primary food: