Module 1: Basic Concept of Disaster and Disaster Risk Flashcards
“sudden, calamitous occurrence that causes great harm, injury, destruction, and devastation to life and property.”
It disrupts the usual course of life, causing both physical and emotional distress such an intense feeling of helplessness and hopelessness.
According to the _________________, disaster is “a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources.”
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 2008)
Disasters can be divided into 2 large categories:
Natural Disasters and Man-made Disasters
A natural phenomenon is caused by natural forces, such as earthquakes typhoon, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, fires, tornados, and extreme temperatures.
These events, usually sudden, can have tremendous effects.
Natural Disasters
Disasters caused by man are those in which major direct causes are identifiable intentional or non-intentional human actions.
Man-made disaster is subdivided into three (3) categories:
- Technological/Industrial
- Terrorism/Violence
- Complex Humanitarian Emergencies
Unregulated industrialization and inadequate safety standards increase the risk for industrial disasters.
Give examples of Technological/Industrial
leaks of hazardous materials, accidental explosions, bridge or road collapses, or vehicle collisions; power cuts.
Give examples of Terrorism/Violence
bombs or explosions; release of chemical materials; release of biological agents, release of radioactive agents; multiple or massive shootings; mutinies.
The threat of terrorism has also increased due to the spread of technologies involving nuclear, biological, and chemical agents used to develop weapons of mass destruction
In such situations, large numbers of people are displaced from their homes due to the lack of personal safety and the disruption of basic infrastructure including food distribution, water, electricity, and sanitation, or communities are left stranded and isolated in their own homes unable to access assistance.
Complex Humanitarian Emergencies
The term _______________ is usually used to describe the humanitarian emergency resulting from an international or civil war.
complex emergency
has a various connotations within different disciplines. In general, _________ is defined as “the combination of the probability of an event and its negative consequences”
Refers to the potential (not actual and realized) disaster losses, in lives, health status, livelihoods, assets, and services which could occur in a community or society over some specified future time period.
Disaster Risk