MODULE 1 Flashcards
Saturated soils
voids are filled completely with water
Dry soil
voids are filled completely with air
Clay and Silt
0.06 - 2 mm
2 - 60 mm
60 - 200 mm
> 200mm
Coefficient of Angularity
Fu = 4πA/l^2
where A = cross-sectional area
and l = perimeter
Roundness Coefficient
R = r/x
Plastic Limit
wPL: water content below which fine soil behaves brittle and crumbly
To determine wPL
- roll out threads of clay (3mm diameter)
- wPL is defined as the moisture content w when threads become brittle
Liquid Limit
wLL: water content above which fine soil behaves as a liquid
To determine wLL
BS: standard fall-cone tests
- usually carry out several tests at different w and draw a straight line between w and fall distance
US: use a Casagrande apparatus, cut V-shape in soil - count number of standard taps to cause the cut to disappear
- test requires more “judgement” than the fall - cone
- have a plate-like structure
- the higher the wLL, wPL and PL, the more plastic the clay (i.e. the more it will shrink, swell and change volume)
Non-plastic silts
- are like extremely fine sand