Module 1 Flashcards
refers to a set of concepts,
resources, and tools that, when
combined, allow people and
organizations to create, access,
retrieve, send, process, share,
and exchange information
ICT originated from the __________________, which were
made to compute and solve
problems involving vast amounts
of data such as the census.
The creation of the first computers
“is a technology that goes wherever the user goes.”
Mobile Technology
It is portable and can do two-way
communication to another device using a network
Mobile Technology
Mobile technology is used in the following activities:
• Storing and sending of information using Bluetooth and WiFi
• E-commerce, buying and selling of products
• Improving health and fitness
using various fitness tracking
• Managing time and automating tasks using an intelligent virtual assistant (IVA).
This refers to websites and
software applications that allow
users to share information and
content such as photos, videos,
music, events, and opinions to a
virtual community in real time.
Social Media
These are virtual communities
where a user can interact with
another user or a group of users
that share common interests using
an online identity.
Social Networking Sites (SNS)
Examples of SNS:
• Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
YouTube, and Instagram
These sites provide users the
capability to search, organize, and
save web contents, such as articles,
photos, and videos, based on specific
areas of interest for sharing.
Social Bookmarking Sites
ex. Pinterest
Review sites are websites where people can post their reviews about businesses, products, or services.
These can also be used as marketing and sales tools, where positive reviews can be used as customer testimonials.
Social Review Sites
ex. TripAdvisor, Glassdoor, Consumer Reports
These are websites that can be used by people for storing and
sharing various types of media.
Media Sharing Platforms
a webpage that contains informational posts by one user
is a fused idea of blogging and instant
messaging allowing users to compose short messages to be
posted online
ex. Twitter
a software program or a product system that is intended to help
people with disabilities.
Assistive Technology
Examples of Assistive Technology:
• Text-To-Speech
• Speech to text
• Screen Zoom
• Display Enhancements
It is the ability of a computer or device to
speak based on a text for visually impaired people.
Text to Speech
Also known as dictation, it is the
capability to turn speech into text
Speech to Text
For visually impaired users, they can
magnify certain parts of the screen using keyboard shortcuts.
Screen Zoom
With this tool, inverting colors
and adjusting contrast are possible for users with limited or
impaired vision.
Display Enhancements
This refers to the simulation of
human intelligence that is
programmed to machines that
give them the capability to think
and act like humans.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
a vast database of information and composed of billions of
webpages created by people and companies all over the
World Wide Web
It is also known as a static or stationary
webpage. This type of webpage appears
exactly as they are stored on the web
Web 1.0
It is also called as a dynamic webpage.
The content of this webpage changes
every time even without reloading the
page. The information displayed to a user is different from others.
Web 2.0 or 3.0 (?)
These are programs designed to harm your computer and make it vulnerable to attack.
Malware or(f) Malicious Software
These are types of malware that
take advantage of software
vulnerabilities, also known as
glitches or flaws in software.
Unlike worms, they penetrate
an infected system. These
are commonly obtained from
executable files (.exe) and
those that are downloaded
from unknown sources.
Computer Viruses
These are types of malware that
appear to be beneficial to your
system, oftentimes in a form of
advertisement, but once they are
installed, they will harm your
Trojan Horses
This hides and restricts access to
your files, and your files can only
be reverted in exchange of a
payment, most of the times,
through cryptocurrency.
This is one of the most known
malware types.
It oftentimes appears as pop-ups
and contains an advertisement
that has no relevance.
These are commonly seen in
online games or in unsecured
It is a type of malware that is
commonly acquired through
unverified free applications.