Module 1 Flashcards
What is an ontogenetic explanation?
A description of how something develops.
Why females and males differ = evaluating behavior @ different stages
What is a physiological explanation?
An explanation in which it relates a behaviour to activity in the brain/other organs.
(e.g, hormones, how brain activity controls muscles)
What is an evolutionary explanation?
The “reconstruction” of a behaviour or structure.
E.g, porcupine quills are modified hairs, bat wings are modified arms.
What is a functional explanation?
Explaining why a structure/behavior evolved as it did.
What is monism?
The idea that the universe consists of one type of being/matter.
What is a neuron?
Neurons talk to eachother using “excitatory” and inhibitory signals; they then sum up these signals to respond accordingly. A simple “yes or no” type democracy.
A cell that both recieves and transmits information
What is a nucleus?
A structure inside a cell that contains chromosomes.
What is a ribosome?
A structure that synthesizes new protein molecules.
What is a mitochondrion?
Plural: Mitochondria
The “powerhouse” of the cell; responsible for metabolic activies inside the cell.
What is a sensory neuron?
A specific type of neuron, one responsible for recieving sensory information,
What are dendrites?
Dendric spines increase surface area availible for synapses.
The branching fibres at the end of a neuron, which recieve information.
I.e, the “input” side of a neuron.
What is a motor neuron?
A specific type of neuron, responsible for regulating muscle movement.
What is a soma?
Also known as the “cell body”.
The “fat” part of a neuron, which contains the nucleus, ribosomes, and mitochondria.
What is the axon?
An axon is the “spine” of the neuron, conveying impulses to other neurons.
What is a presynaptic terminal?
AKA the “terminal button”, “end bulb”, or “bouton”.
The “output’ side of the neuron, where information is sent to other cells.
What is a mylein sheath?
The glial coating that insulates neurons; it speeds of neural inpulses
see also: saltetory conduction