Module 08 - Customizing Views Flashcards
What is the definition of a view?
A list of records, including the columns that are shown, query used to select the records and the fields used to sort the records.
What is a System View?
Special views created by CRM and used in specific parts of the application. Can be customized, cannot be deleted and additional system views cannot be deleted. Not displayed in view selector, and cannot be used on form or as list on dashboard.
What are some examples of system views?
Advanced Find View, Associated View, Quick Find View, Lookup View
What is a public view?
When a user navigated to an entity the user is shown the default view for that entity. The view that is last selected for an entity is remembers up until user selects a different view or signs out.
Where do public views appear in the list of views displayed to the user?
Public views appear in the System Views section even though they differ from actual System Views.
In the list of views, what does System Views mean?
Views available system-wide to all users.
What are My Views in the list of views?
Views available only to the user who created the view and to the users to whom the views are shared.
What happens to views when you add a custom entity?
CRM creates a set of public views, and you can create more later.
What does the default public views created on a custom entity depend upon?
Whether or not the entity is an activity, whether it is owned by users or teams (My), whether it participates in Connections or is configured for activity feed follows.
Public views created automatically by CRM can be modified and deactivated but not?
What kinds of public views can be modified, deactivated and deleted?
Public views created by a system administrator, system customizer or a user with appropriate privileges, or by importing a Solution.
If a Solution is deleted, the views in that Solution are?
Also deleted.
If a user has rights to read a record of a particular type (to user level), then the user can access what?
All the public views for that entity. Access levels assigned to the User’s Security Roles control the records that are shown to the user, even if they can access the view.
How can a user create a personal view?
Create Personal View link at bottom of list, or performing an Advanced Find search and Saving it.
Who can view personal views?
User themselves, and other Users and Teams the view is shared with.
Does the view selector list differentiate between views created by user and views shared to other users?
No, it does not.
Can you convert a personal view to a public view or vice versa?
What is view filtering?
A view returning a subset of records based on a query / view filter for a single entity.
How does view filtering work?
Views use parameters in query to return records that depend on the context when a view is displayed or the value of the date field compare to current time.
What can view filters include?
Test that are on the fields in the entity, on the fields that are on the parent or child records associated through an N:N relationship.
What records shows in a view selected by a user?
Only records displayed are those which are included and to which the user has a minimum of read access according through the Security Roles or through record sharing.
In a view you can display a column for any field in the entity that the view is configured to display. Which includes what?
Can include primary/parent enttiy in 1:N relationship, cannot include columns in related child entities since you can’t select which of the child entities to show.
What should you ensure to remove in a view?
Redundant columns.
You can’t sort by what kind of columns?
Fields from a parent record.
What is the Advanced Find View?
Every entity has one, which can be used to create a personal view. Used to save time to ensure basic set of columns always included. Can override.
What is the Associated View for an entity?
It is displayed when a user navigates to a list of related records displayed in primary record form.
Most system entities and custom entities have how many Associated Views?
Just one. Can be modified. Can have more.
What is the Quick Find View?
Defines columns displayed for the records that match, and the fields in the entity that are searched for the text that is entered by the user.
Quick Find Views have two sets of columns, what are they?
View, Find.
When you enter text in the search, what happens?
Each find column is searched for records where the field value beings with the text entered by the user. You can only select find columns from the fields on the entity, and not from other associated entities.
What does the (*)asterisk do in a search?
Any find column of the entity that contains the text string, instead of begins with.
How does using the wildcard reduce performance?
Because indexes cannot be used.
How to modify the Find columns?
CRM > Settings > Solutions > relevant entity > views > quick find view > Common tasks > add find columns > Ok > Save and Close > Publish
When using Quick Find, user cannot control what?
The fields that are searched. The find columns defined in the Quick Find View for the entity will always be searched.
When you want a specific or complex search, what should you used?
Advanced Find .
What is the Lookup View?
When a user clicks the lookup icon displayed on the right side of a lookup field in a form. A list of possible parent records displayed that shows primary field of parent and first two columns of Lookup View below the primary field.
What do you do if the required record is not available in the list that is displayed or cannot determine the correct record from the information that is shown?
Click Look Up More Records to display the dialog box that shows all results.
Which field must always be the first column in the Lookup View?
Primary field.
What happens if a user types in a lookup field and presses Tab key or uses search control in the Look Up Record dialog box?
The search uses the find columns defined for the Quick Find view. The definition of the find columns is used for both the Quick Find and Lookup Views .
Where do custom views appear?
They appear with other public views in the view selector in alphabetical order and are shown to the users who have permissions to read records of that type.
What else can views do apart from displaying list of records of an entity?
Can also be embedded in forms as a sub-grid, or displayed as a list component on a Dashboard.
How can you create custom views?
You can create brand new ones or copy an existing view and then modifying the copy.
How do you modify properties of a view?
With the View Editor.
How do copy an existing view?
CRM > Settings > Solutions > Expand list of entities in solution explorer > expand entity you want to customize > Views > after you open the view Save As > Ok > Modify as required > Save and Close > Publish
How to create new view?
CRM > Setting > Solution > Expand list of entities > Expand Entity > Views > New > fill in required data > Add/Remove/Configure columns > Configure default sort> Save and Close > Publish
What is the shortcut to creating a new view?
From any view of entity > More Commands > New System View
By default, a view displays what?
All records a user is permitted to read based on user’s security roles.
What do filters do?
Specify a query made up of one or more criteria that describe the records you want the view to return. Similar to WHERE conditions in SQL queries.
In addition to querying fields in the current entity, filters can also?
Query fields in related records.
Adding multiple criteria, what happens?
Additive. All must equate to “True” (logical AND behaviour). Can be grouped and use OR as well.
How do you configure the filtering for a view?
CRM > Settings > Solutions > Expand list of entities > expand relevant entity > Views > Edit Filter Criteria > Configure as required > OK
How do you include a field to the selection criteria?
Select control > list of fields for view entity shown > will see related fields > select related entity > select fields displayed under related entity
Columns always use the what as the name shown in the view header?
Display name of the field.
How to add columns to a view?
Settings > Solutions > Entities > Views > common Tasks > Add columns > OK
To modify position or size of a column in a view?
Common Tasks > Change Properties > Change column properties > OK
By default, what kind of sorting does a view have?
Sorting by primary field for the relevant record type.
How to change default sort behaviour?
One or two sort columns can be specified.
Even if a view can display fields from a parent record, you cannot do what with them?
You can’t sort by them.
To modify a sort order of a column?
Configure Sorting under Common Tasks > Configure sort order > select primary sort field, sort order, secondary sort field, sort order > OK
How to set Default Public View on an entity?
CRM > Settings > Solutions > Entity > Views > More Actions > Set Default > Publish all customizations
How can you override the system default view for the entity?
By pinning a view as his or her own default view for an entity.
What can you do with unwanted views?
Deactivate or delete. Deactivated views can be enabled at a later date.
How do deactivate a view?
CRM > Settings > Solutions > Entities > Views > More Actions > Deactivate
How to enable a deactivated view?
CRM > Settings > Solutions > Views > Inactive Public Views > Select view > More Actions > Activate
How to delete a public view?
CRM > Settings > Solutions > Entities > Views > delete > X > confirm deletion > delete > Publish changes
When should you delete a pulic view?
Since the operation cannot be reversed, always consider deactivating view instead of deleting.
What happens when you delete a public view?
Any references to the view are removed from all Solutions.
What happens if you import a Solution to a CRM org where a public view you want deleted already exists?
The view is not deleted. You must manually delete the view from every target system where it already exists, before or after you import the updated Solution.
You created a personal view and then discovered view must be a public view. You have to modify the view so that it becomes a public view. What should you do?
You must re-create the view as a Public view, the type cannot be changed.
What is not a system view type?
Can a Quick Find search include fields in related records?
No, Quick Find can display columns from a primary entity in a N:1 relationship (parent records), only fields in the entity that are being searched can be defined as Find columns.
What is the restriction on how many entities can be included in a multi-entity search for CRM for Tablets?
No more than ten entities can be searched at one time. These are configured in System Settings.
You have created a public view for Contacts sorted by Contact Last Name and then by First Name. This includes columns from Parent customer Account. What is a correct description of the restriction that is applied to a user who wants to sort the view in a different way?
User can only sort on columns of the Contact entity that are visible in the view.
What is an example of an Associated view?
When viewing an Account form, you can use the navigation bar to view related records such as Activities or Contacts, which are displayed using the Associated View.
Which entities can have more than on Associated view?
Activities linked to a primary record through the Regarding lookup field are displayed in a list of mixed activities by using one of the Associated Views for the Activity entity, in which the user can select to show only Open or Closed activities.
What happens if an entity has a custom N:1 relationship directly to a primary entity?
The Associated View for the specific activity entity will be displayed when the activity is accessed through the related entities navigation.
Account, Contact and Lead entities have additional Associated view only used to view records in Marketing. But the view does not filter based on…?
It does not filter based on record status. Inactive records are included. You can modify columns and sorting of this List Members view, but cannot change filter used by view.
When a search is performed through the Quick Find view, what columns are displayed?
The columns displayed in the current view are not used to display the results. Fields that are configured as find columns in Quick Find view are used.
A view cannot display records from more than one?
View filters can include tests on what?
Tests on the fields in the entity, fields that are on the parent or child records, and records associated through a N:N relationship.