Module 01 - Introduction to MSDynCRM2013 Flashcards
Give two examples of other methods you may have to use to accomplish customization that you cannot do with just “point and click”.
JavaScript to manage client side behaviour of forms, and creating .Net plugins for creating complex tasks.
Customization is used interchangeable with what term in this course?
“Point and click” customization is distinct from…?
Extending or development, which requires external software tools to create new components such as .net plugins or JavaScript functions.
What is a Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution?
Solutions let you package a set of custom components that work with one another to provide functionality that some or all users must have.
Why use Solutions?
A Solution is a way to organize customization that you make to the system to meet a specific set of business requirements. You can deliver a whole set of changes at the same time.
How does a Solution help you keep focus?
You can work on the components you must have without confusion from everything else in the system.
How does a Solution help you record changes?
You can detail each Solution separately and relate each Solution to the original requirements, instead of one large document.
How does a Solution make it easier to deliver?
When ready, it can be exported with necessary components packaged together for testing, or in production. Will only contain what you need, and is thus more manageable.
What else can you do with an exported solution package?
You can save it, to keep it as a part of your change control records.
Why would you want to save an exported Solution?
To help roll back certain unwanted changes in some circumstances.
What happens when an Organization is created in Microsoft Dynamics CRM?
The system creates a Solution named the Default Solution that contains all the components in the system.
Are you able to modify to components of the system directly in Default Solution?
Where else can you export the Default Solution?
It can be exported from the application and imported into another Microsoft Dynamics CRM Organization.
What can’t you export the Default Solution as?
You cannot export it as a Managed Solution. You cannot deploy a complete Default Solution from CRM on-premises to CRM Online or the other way around.
What can you deploy between two Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 systems that use either platform?
Custom Solutions can be deployed between either platform.
It is recommended that for each separate set of business requirements you are trying to meet, you should…?
Create a new Solution for each separate set instead of customizing the Default Solution directly.
How do you create a new Solution?
- Sign in with a System Customizer or System Admin Security Role > 2. Settings > 3. Solutions > 4. You will see list > 5. New > 6. Complete fields in New Solutions form and save
What is the Display Name on the New Solution Form?
What you will refer to the new Solution as.
Explain the meaning of the numbers separated by decimal points in the Version field.
It follows the form; – you can change it to suit your change management process and can choose
The Solution description field can hold how many characters before truncating?
2000 characters.
What is a best practice of the Solution description?
Should contain a summary of the functionality that the Solution provides. And short “change control” details, as well as adding information about new items or modifications that are made.
Where is the description included when you export your Solution?
In the XML of your solution package when you export.
What is the Publisher for the Solution in the New Solution form used for?
It shows the other customizers of your system who created the Solution and the customizations the Solution includes, and specifies a prefix for many new components you create.
Why is the prefix important when creating entities, fields or relationships in any Solution?
On creation of any entity, field or relationship in a Solution linked to a particular Publisher, the prefix you define is added before the schema name used internally in the system for that component. Ensures that the components remain unique even if two Publishers name the components the same.
What is the minimum and maximum character requirement for the Prefix?
Minimum of 2 characters, maximum of eight lowercase letters and numbers.
How should you define the prefix?
The prefix should describe who is doing the changes and on behalf of whom.
Why is the publisher especially important when exporting a solution?
Because only Solutions with the same publisher will be able to update those components.
How do you create a new Publisher for your Solution?
- Lookup in Publisher >2. If Publisher doesn’t currently exist >3. Lookup more Records and create new >4. Enter a display name>5.Add Description >6.Add a Prefix >8.Enter Contact Details >9.Save and Close >10. Add Publisher to solution
What happens when you tab or click away from the Prefix field?
Option Value Prefix is automatically generated.
What happens to the Display name when you navigate away?
The form will copy the Display Name to the Name field and remove and characters that are not letters or numbers, includes removing spaces. (Removes nonalphanumeric characters and spaces).
What is the Option Value Prefix?
When modifying an Option Set to add new items, the Option Value Prefix number provides the default integer values for these items to avoid conflicts between different customizers. Can be overridden.
What is recommended if you have more than one customizer working on different sets of requirements?
That you create one or more new Publishers and use these for solutions being created to separate customizations.
Should you have a different Publisher for every Solution?
No, only for solutions being modified by different people or for different purposes.
A Solution is a container for…
A set of components that work together to provide the functionality for which you are asked.
To modify components in a Solution…
You can create new ones or add existing components from the system into your solution.
What happens to the Default Solution even if you’re working on your own Solution?
Any components modified or created are changed in the Default Solution because your Solution contains references to these components, not copies.
If you delete the Solution you are customizing, what happens?
You remove the “wrapper” around the components. Component cores remain unchanged in the system.
What happens if two customizers work on the same item in two separate Solutions on the same system?
Each customizer will be able to view the other’s changes.
What is an advantage of the fact that multiple sets of changes can be present in a solution package that customizers export?
Interaction between the changes can be viewed and tested.
What is a disadvantage of the fact that multiple sets of changes can be present in a solution package that customizers export?
If one set of changes is incomplete and another set is deployed to another system. Will need process to handle such situation.
What state does a newly created/freshly modified Solution remain in?
An unmanaged state.
When does an unmanaged Solution become a managed Solution?
When it is exported and then imported into a target system.
What happens if you delete a Managed Solution?
It will delete all the components that a Solution includes, and any related data from custom entities in the Solution.
If changes are needed, when should you use an existing Solution and update the version?
When changes are minor, like changes that are a result in response to feedback received from user acceptance testing before deploying to production.
When should you create a whole new Solution?
When you receive a completely different set of requirements. And original Solution has many components that no longer need updates.
What is the problem with the approach where customizers work on separate systems and deploy to a single test system, then to live environment?
You may not see conflicts in the functionality until Solutions are brought together. And there may be duplication of effort.
How to add new/existing components to your Solution?
- Settings > Solutions. >2. Components >3. Dropdown arrow on New to select type >4. Form opens, add existing or select node from solution explorer tree to add new/existing components of x type.
How do you remove a component from a Solution?
Select it in the relevant node of solution explorer or main list. Select remove//delete.
What does Remove do?
Removes the reference to your Solution. Component remains in the Default solution.
What does Delete do?
It removes component from the whole system.
Which components cannot be deleted?
System entities (those built into the system). A component that depends on another component.
What cannot be added to a Solution?
Users, teams, business units, queues, goals, subject hierarchy and anything relating to the product catalog cannot be added to a Solution because they are data records.
If you need to use records that cannot be added to a solution, how to best manage?
Matching names in all systems, and rely on record names for queries and references. Or use GUIDs for the records in your import file.
What does the exported solution package typically consist of?
Solution package is a .zip file. It contains XMLs, .xaml, .dll, image files depending on components in Solution.
How to export a Solution?
- Select a top level component node in solution explorer or on Information / Components or navigate to Settings > Solutions. >2. Click Export Solution in the ribbon.
For internal changes being deployed from one system to another you should export your solution as ?
What are managed solutions used for?
To distribute customizations.Should always export an unmanaged copy in case original environment fails.
How to import a Solution?
Settings > Solutions > Import
Where can you find an accurate record of what is imported?
In the imported solution package compressed zip file.
You can’t uninstall an unmanaged solution, but you can …?
Delete it. It does not reverse the import process. Imported changes are incorporated completely into the system.
What happens if you delete an unmanaged Solution?
No components are deleted, regardless of whether Solution was created within system or Solution was imported.
What happens when several Solutions are imported?
The last one that is imported overwrites previous changes in the system. Order is important.
What happens when you import a managed Solution?
No changes are made to system components. The Solution keeps definitions of components separately.
What happens when you delete a managed Solution?
It deletes all components that are imported and leave system same as before Solution was imported.
Which version numbers are relevant when importing?
The major and minor version numbers (first two) as you cannot import a Solution that is exported from a Source environment that has a later major or minor version than the target.
What is the down leveling functionality?
To enable users to export a Solution intended to be imported on a system that has an earlier version. Users can remove non supported components or properties.
What is an entity?
It is a type of record, such as Account, Case, Product or Goal Metric.
What happens when you create an entity in CRM?
CRM creates a table in the SQL database to store records that users create and each record is stored in a row of that table.
Why do we call it an entity? Instead of a table?
Entity also includes other metadata that describes how records are displayed to users. When you expand an entity node in explorer; you’ll see other components such as ; fields, forms, views, charts
The Metadata components of an entity are presented as a part of the entity, but are not all parts of it. Explain.
Forms and Charts are store in the SystemForm entity while Views are stored in the SaveQuery entity. Components are stored and related differently depending on the situation.
What is a field?
A field stores one piece of information about a record. Each field is a column in the table for the entity in an SQL database.
Properties about how a field is displayed and users are stored as…?
XML metadata.
What are forms?
Forms define the UI for a single record for data entry and retrieval and the way users will input data and read detailed information about a single record.
What do forms describe?
Layout of fields, sub-grids, other components.
What controls the behaviour of scripts?
Event handlers.
What are views?
Lists of multiple records that are filtered to show only what the user wants to see.
A view that is created through customization is not related to what?
Not related to an SQL view.
What are charts?
Describe the layout of a visualization of some data. Always used with a view.
How are views and charts used together?
View filters the rows and chart displays data about those records.
Can you remove individual sub components from the solution directly?
No, only the whole entity.
When you add an entity to a Solution; what else is also added to the solution explorer?
The form, view, chart and field nodes.
If you delete a custom component like an unwanted field or view, what happens?
It is removed from the whole system. On export, the component is not mentioned anywhere in the XML since it no longer exists.
Why is good documentation and clear change management processes important with relation to deleting components?
Because when you import a solution that doesn’t include a component, the component isn’t deleted from target system. Meaning you must ensure that the deletion of components must be manually replicated in all environments.
What happens when you publish the changes to an entity?
All changes to forms, views, charts and fields for the entity will occur.
How to publish changes to an entity?
Select entity node, click Publish.
How to publish non-entity components?
Select node for that type of component and click Publish.
How do you publish all customizations at the same time?
You can select any item in the solution explorer except for an entity node and click Publish all Customizations in the ribbon.
In general, you should aim for publishing your items individually or all at once?
Individually, especially if you have more than one person making changes to the system.
What component has to be activated before they can be used?
What component is immediately updated and enforced as soon as they are saved?
Security Roles.
When you create a component or subcomponent, it is published when you first save it. You should pay attention to this when you create custom activity entities because…
It will be immediately visible to other users.
How to check dependencies of a component?
Select component in the solution explorer and click Show Dependencies.
What happens when you delete a custom entity?
Deletes all data records for that entity.
To delete one item, you might have to go through several layers of what to achieve your goal?
Required components will not what?
Will not prevent you from deleting the entity.
Required components list shows what?
Components required by the component that you select to show dependencies for.
Describe three advantages of working inside a new Solution instead of making changes to default Solution directly.
- Work on select components, document changes easily. 2. Using custom Publisher and prefix, changes you make are ‘tagged” permanently to show their origin. 3. Exported solution will only contain components you have selected to add to it. 4. Can save exported solution package as part of change control records.
You create a custom view for an entity and deploy this from development to production system, but later on, users no longer require this view, so you delete this view from the Solution in your development system. What else must you do to remove this view from the production environment?
Browse to entity in production system and delete view directly, then publish the entity.
What happens if you add the built-in Account entity to a Solution and then try to delete it?
You will receive an error message because you can’t delete system entities.
You open an existing view for the Contact entity, and use Save as to create a copy, make some changes to the columns and Save and Close the view editor. When you navigate to your Contacts to view your results, what will you find?
View appears in list, but has same columns as the view that you copied.
You have built a Solution and deployed it to a UAT environment. Stakeholders are happy, and you import unmanaged solution package into Production system. Everything is ok for a few days until users complain some of their forms have lost changes you’ve made. What is the most likely cause of this?
Someone has imported another Solution that contains an earlier definition of the forms.