Module 06: Principle of Ethics Flashcards
In this principle, it is morally okay to do an act that causes both positive and negative effects.
Principle of Double Effects
What are the conditions of the principle of double effects?
(1) The act itself must not be morally wrong
(2) The good effect must be greater to or equal to the bad
(3) The bad effect must never be intended
(4) There is no other way to bring about the good effect
This principle states that the part exists for the whole.
Principle of Totality
What does the principle of totality state about the part?
(1) The good of the part is subordinate to the good of the
(2) A part that endangers the whole may be eradicated
What does the principle of totality state about the whole?
(1) The whole is more important than the part
(2) The whole has primacy over the part
What example is the surgical removal of affected or diseased
part based on the principle of totality?
Physical Body
What example is the imprisonment of criminals based on the principle of totality?
Social Body