MODS Flashcards
What occurs in MODS with organ and metabolic dysfunction?
Hypotension, decreases perfusion, micro emboli, shunting of blood
What is the definition of MODS?
Multi system organ dysfunction syndrome: failure of 2 or more organ systems, the body cannot maintain homeostasis, and severe hypotension and hypoperfusion
What are some respiratory signs and symptoms related to MODS?
Alveolar edema, decreased surfactant, increased shunt, VQ mismatch, atelectasis
What are some signs of cardiovascular dysfunction in MODS?
Myocardial depression, angina, massive vasodilation, tachycardia
What are some signs of neurological dysfunction in MODS?
Hypoxemia, decreased perfusion, mental status changes, confusion, restlessness, agitation
What are some signs of renal dysfunction in MODS?
Decreased urine output, acute renal failure, hypoperfusion, RAAS activation, nephrotoxic drugs
What are some signs of GI dysfunction in MODS?
Decreased motility, distention, paralytic illeus, decreased perfusion, bleeding from mucous production, flora from GI may leak from vascular changes
What are some signs of integumentary failure with MODS?
Cool, clammy skin, cyanotic, ashen, gray skin, poor capillary refill
What are some signs of a hyper metabolic state in MODS?
Increased then decreased blood sugar, insulin resistance, catabolic state, liver dysfunction, lactic acidosis
What are some hematological signs of MODS?
Electrolyte imbalance- high Na and H2O, low K, catecholamines make K move into cells, metabolic acidosis, and DIC
What is disseminated intravascular coagulation?
A thrombo-hemmorrhagic vascular disorder
What happens during DIC?
FDP is released as clots break down, since body can’t maintain the clots, FDP interrupts the fibrinogens ability to convert fibrin so the patient is at high risk for bleeding
What is the diagnosis and treatment of DIC?
D-Dimer which shows clots, and FDP levels
Treat with heparin, blood products, treat the cause
How can sepsis be diagnosed?
Blood culture, urine culture, CSF and wound cultures, culture respiratory secretions, chest x-Ray, h&h, bmp, potassium levels, bun/cr levels, coagulation studies, abg’s, lactate levels
Once sepsis is diagnoses, when should antibiotics be given?
Within 45 minutes