Modren Era & minor scale Flashcards
What does Neoclassical mean?
Modern music that is written using styles characteristics of Classical era
What does Chance mean?
Music that contains degree of randomness
What does Serialsm mean?
Music that is based on set of numbers; sometimes called “ set theory”
What does Neo Romantic mean?
Modern music that is written with characteristic of the Romantic era
What is 12- Tone Theory?
orders all 12 pitches in a row and shows all the different variations of that row
what is Minimalism?
material that is changed slightly throughout the piece
Name 2 minimalism composers?
Reich, Glass
Name a Neoromantic composer?
Name a Serialism composer?
Name a 12 tone composer?
Name 2 chance music composers?
John Cage, Henry Cowell
uses the key signature of the relative major scale without any accidentales.
What is it?
scales raises the natural scale degree of a natural minor scale 7th step.
What is it?
apply the minor key signature & raise 6 and 7 ascending, natural minor descending
what is it?
The modern era is?
The Modern Era in art music includes a wide variety of styles, and is not always easily categorized
What is The key tone?
is a minor 3 steps below the key tone of its relative major scale.
Who is Steve Riche?
is also well-known for his contribution to the minimalist movement of the 1960s.
Who is Philip GLass?
is the most famous composer of the minimalist movement
who is Samuel Barber?
as an American composer who was heavily influenced by Romantic Era music.
Who is Sergei Prokofiev?
was a Russian composer heavily influclen by the classical era
Who is Aaron Copland?
was heavily influenced by Romantic Era music.
Who is Anton von Webern:?
develop music based on a completely different system than all styles that came before it.
Who is Henry Cowel?
whose music often sounded as if it contained elements of chance
who is John cage?
took chance music to the extreme with his piece Four Minutes and Thirty-Three Seconds.
What year does this era span?