Modes of Acquisition Basics Flashcards
What are the eight topics under modes of acquisition?
- Discovery
- Conquest
- Capture
- Creation
- The Body
- Finding
- Adverse Possession
- Gift and Sale
What is discovery?
In finding unclaimed or uninhabited land, the first to find is owner. Follows the principle of “first in time, first in right.”
*Gives undeveloped title that must be perfected by settling in and making effective occupation
What is conquest?
Taking possession of enemy territory by force followed by annexation
Generally should honor local claims, but didn’t happen: Johnson v. M’Intosh
What is capture?
Capturing of wild animals and fugitive resources
What is creation?
1) Accession
2) Copyright
3) Patent
4) Trademark
What is the property rule for the body?
You can’t sell organs for transplant or therapy and you can’t sell cells, but you can sell other body parts - hair, sperm, etc.
What is the basic common law system for finding?
Need to analyze whether the item was:
1 - Lost
2 - Mislaid or
3 - Abandoned
What is adverse possession?
When the interest in property is transferred without prior owner’s consent:
For property to be "adversely possessed," it must be: 1 - Actual and exclusive 2 - Open and Notorious 3 - Adverse 4 - Continuous 5 - for the Statutory Period
When is there a gift?
A gift is created when there is:
1 - Intent
2- Deliverance
3 - Accepetance
Why is title important in a sale?
Need to analyze if title is void or voidable.
Void title: if title is void, anyone who purchases property can’t receive better title than void title, even if BFP
Voidable title: if title is voidable, a BFP can receive good title and win against OG owner