Modernity and the Environment Flashcards
Basic characteristics of modernity (6 key words/phrases)
Capitalism, nation-states, liberal democracy, unequal wealth, belief in progress through human agency and reason, environmental degradation
Definition: Ecomodernism
Industralization is to blame for environmental degradation, but modernity can be greened and made sustainable through innovation
Definition: Green Keynesianism
Capitalism is to blame for environmental degradation, but capitalism can be greened by interventions by the state
Ecomodernism and Green Keynesianism have in common that they think
Modernity is simultanously the problem and the solution of environmental degradation
What is ecomodernism?
Environmental harm has been caused by industrialization which is integral to modernity -> we must green the industry via technological innovation to avoid leaving the path of modernity
Ecomodernism: “super-industrialization”
A new and higher state of human development, drawing on technological power to make life better for people and stabilize the environment, creating a “great Anthropocene”
Ecomodernism: risk society
A new phase in modernization with a break with traditional social arrangements and a quest to dominate nature
Ecomodernism: why is the transition to a risk society not guaranteed (Beck)?
Because a risk society allocates bads and manages internal, self-generated threats, it can provoke anti-modern reactions and people can see less reason to organize society around modernity
When did ecomodernism emerge?
In the 1980s with a recognition of the structural character of environmental concerns, but the belief that existing institutions could internalize the environmental challenges, and the pursuit of economic growth could be compatible with the solution of environmental problems
What was dominant before ecomodernism?
A legislative-bureaucratic approach to environmental harm with a basic set of rules for emissions divided into small categories (water, air, soil), and pollution was not yet a structural problem but could be contained
What happened after the 1980s?
Ecological modernization became dominant in
Environmental policy (polluter pays principle, cost-benefit analysis)
Macroeconomics (managing scarce resources, stopping externalization of economic costs onto environment)
3 reasons why ecomodernism is dominant/an easy sell?
- It frames environmental crisis as a win-win business opportunity, where pollution is an inefficiency problem that requires new technological innovation, opening new markets and demands
- Doesn’t require structural change, but merely advocates for a techno-institutional fix in the existing social order
- Neutralizes more radical environmentalisms, rejecting the need to reimagine society and deviating from modernity; no extreme solutions or break with the system
What is Green Keynesianism?
Environmental harm integral to modernity because it is integral to capitalism, so the state must step in and lead greening of capitalism and stopping the externalization of costs of economy onto people and the environment
The role of the state in Green Keynesianism (4 points)
Greening capitalism via massive public investments, creating new jobs, and taking active role in social provision, prioritizing public goals over private interests and profits
Keynesian economics
Consumptive demand of economy must be artificially stimulated during crises via fiscal and monetary policy
What are Faux Green Deal Projects?
Advocating for carbon-taxes, research and development funding, small-scale subsidies. Problem is that they do not go far enough and is not democratic enough
How is environmental harm a collective action problem/market failure/tragedy of the commons?
Markets can’t or don’t mediate resource allocation optimally because of asymmetric information, opportunism, and resources that are hard to privatize
How can the state solve the collective action problem/market failure of environmental harm - 2 views:
- State ITSELF acts as a resource coordinator, managing resource use toward societal and environmental long-term interest = Green New Deal
- The state builds markets to coordinate resource use, making actors responsible for their actions via pricing and privatization, internalizing externalities, e.g. taxes on emissions and degradation till force marekts to a sustainable equilibrium price that reduces demand = Faux Green New Deal
3 reasons why Green Keynesianism is attractive
- Taps into post-2008 interest in returning the state to the economy
- Doesn’t require structural change, capitalism can be greened
- Can appeal to many ideological camps, for those advocating for environmental concerns and those advocating for economic growth
Is Keynesianism still viable, according to Mann & Wainwright in Climate Leviathan?
The state is no longer able to shape the movement of capital as effectively as it once did because of:
- Neoliberalism (chipping away at their autonomy)
- International finance (decoupled capital accumulation from domestic affairs)
Thus, a global sovereign is needed to pull Kenynesian levers of a globalized economy, but this is politically unlikely, and genuine green capitalism is beyond the state’s abilities today
3 challenges to Green Keynesianism
- Still environmentally taxing, no matter how efficient
- Purpose of green energy is not to enjoy it for its own sake, but to reap profits and producing endlessly, and this has environmental consequences
- Even a switch to immaterial services (in service economy), the provision of services can be just as environmentally taxing as material goods -> no job can really be green in an over-consumptive economy
3 challenges to ecomodernism
- Efficiency gains may just be funnelled into more production and consumption, producing more and more, which taxes the environment
- If what is economically profitable does not equal what is environmentally beneficial, the first always takes priority
- Technological improvements that help the environment may have socially regressive impacts, coming at a social cost
Major issues with ecomodernism and Green Keynesianism: modern ethos
Greening modernity merely means reinscribing human hubris of wanting to dominate, exploit and get nature to serve us, and they authorize us to destroy the non-human environment for our own purposes
Both EM and GK miss the root cause of the problem
Modernity and the centering of humanity - 2 points
- Knowledge becomes infinitely open to human inquiry and nature’s secrets can be extracted and used for human benefit
- Time becomes linear and reflective of human-generated progress, instead of following the ebb and flow of nature cycles; no end to human improvement
Why can’t modernity be the solution to environmental harm? What is the solution instead?
Because human hubris (the thought of being able to control everything and that the non-human environment is thought to exist for humanity’s enjoyment and taking) is too integral to it and caused environmental harm in the first place
The solution instead is a humbler ethos that acknowledges reliance on and debt to non-human nature