Modern Warfare (1 Markers And Knowledge) Flashcards
What does the Bible teach on war? (5)
Any 3 from:
- OT - there are examples of God allowing war against unholy tribes
- OT - “an eye for an eye”
- NT - Matthew’s gospel - “blessed are the peacemakers”
- OT - Job - all life is in God’s hands, in other words we shouldn’t interfere
- OT - “thou shall not kill”
- Matthew - “all those who take the sword will die by the sword” - no good can come from war
Why might a nation go to war? (5)
- to gain land & resources
- defend an ally
- self defence
- remove a dictator
- stop injustice
What is the idea of Just War?
Who proposed it?
- A Catholic theory on war being allowed in certain circumstances
- St Thomas Acquinas
What is the criteria for a Just War?
Give 5
Any 5 from:
- last resort
- must be declared by a government
- for good against evil / to bring peace
- must be a good chance of success
- proportional use of force
- good intention
- without killing civilians
- peace must be restored
What is nuclear proliferation?
The spread of nuclear weapons to nations who don’t already possess them
What are the 2 forms of nuclear disarmament?
Explain them.
- Multilateral - all nations voluntarily decomission their nuclear weapons
- Unilateral - one nation gives up their weapons in the hope others follow suit
Which organisation calls for unilateral nuclear disarmament?
CND - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
What is nuclear deterrence?
What is term given to unanimous use of nuclear weapons?
- Where states have nuclear weapons to discourage other nations from attacking them
- Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)
What do the Christian churches teach on nuclear deterrence? (4)
- Catholics - abolish and reject further development
- Anglicans - abolish and would celebrate abolition
- Methodists - absolute NO
- Baptists - Abolish and dispose
What is an asylum seeker?
Someone fleeing a country and applying for refugee status
What is a refugee?
Someone who has been granted asylum in a nation after fleeing another
Describe 4 aspects of the human cost of war
Give 1 or 2 points for each
- military - deaths, life changing injuries, PTSD
- asylum seekers & refugees - can struggle to get work or education
- civilians - deaths as collateral damage, homelessness, no work or schools, PTSD
- child soldiers - loss of childhood, PTSD, deaths, abuse, family being threatened
Describe 4 aspects of the economic cost of war
- environmental damage - pollution of soil, air, water etc
- unemployment
- debt - reparations payments
- Lack of investment - public services and jobs
What are the three types of WMDs?
Describe each.
- Chemical - can cause burning, nervous damage etc.
- Biological - can cause sickness through the likes of waterways - e.g. anthrax
- Nuclear - indiscriminate explosive that also causes radiation posioning
What are the four types of pacifism?
Explain each.
- Absolute - it is never right to go to war, even in self defence
- conditional - against war generally but accepts war in extreme circumstances
- selective - only opposes a specific type of war e.g. nuclear
- Active - people who use non-violent methods to promote peace e.g. hunger strikes or marches
What is a Conscientious objector?
Someone who refuses to fight in wars, believing it is morally wrong
Name the Christian group against all violent acts
What roles did they generally take up in previous wars?
- Quakers
- medical roles e.g. field hospitals