Modern Slavery Flashcards
What is modern slavery?
Describes various forms of slavery relevant to present times such as trafficking human beings
What was the transatlantic slavery trade?
Slave traders operated a triangle with ships leaving Europe to West Africa. African slaves were bought and then the shops went to the Americas and the Caribbean.
The journey was known as the middle passage and lasted 6-8 weeks.
Who were Barbary pirates?
They captured Europeans and turned them into slaves. Most of the pirates from North African countries . They captured white christians
Which country first acknowledged the abolition of slavery?
France- the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizens 1789
France officially abolished the slave trade in 1818.
When did Britain enact the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act
It prohibited slavery trade in the British colonies as well as making it illegal to carry slaves in British ships.
What happened in Somerset v Stewart 1772 98 ER 499?
After 2 years Somerset escaped his master Mr Stewart. Stewart arranged for Somerset to be captured but British abolitionists intervened on behalf of Somerset- filing a Habeus corpus writ.
It was held that Somerset was illegally detained.
When did Britain abolish slavery?
1833 through
Abolition of Slavery Act 1833
It granted freedom to all slaves in Britain and made slavery illegal.
When did America finalise the abolition of slavery
13th amendment of the US constitution
What did the League of Nations adopt ?
The Slavery Convention 1926
‘To prevent and suppress the slave trade’
Which key international HR instruments prohibit slavery?
Article 4 UDHR 1948
Article 8 ICCPR 1966
Article 6/7 ICESCR 1966
Which regional HR instruments prohibit slavery?
Article 4 ECHR 1950
Council of Europe convention on action against trafficking in human beings came into force 2008
Article 6 ACHR 1969
Article 5 ACHPR 1981
What is the ILO and when did it form?
International labour organisation 1919 as part of treaty of Versailles.
Became part of the UN specialised agency 1946
Its aim is to focus on labour issues such as minimum age,standard working conditions,health and safety at work, stop discrimination
What is THB?
Trafficking in human beings- it is a crime.
It involves recruiting victim and transporting them to another state/ within state for exploitation purposes.
What the purposes of THB?
Working in sweatshops Domestic labour Work in agriculture, mines, factories, fishing Forced marriage Organ transplants Sport( camel jockeys) Adoption Begging
What are the myths of trafficking?
That it is only women for sexual exploitation
Only happens in Eastern Europe or poor or third world countries and not western countries
That victims have consented.
Who are the victims of trafficking?
In Africa and Middle East 68 % are children
In Europe and Central Asia- only 16% children. With 84 % adults.
Why are women convicted of trafficking?
They are in low ranking positions that are more easily detected and therefore higher prosecution.
What is the main instrument directly addressing human trafficking?
The Palermo Protocol article 3
Full title
The protocol to prevent , suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children, supplementing the United Nations convention against transnational organised crime 2000
What are the three key elements of THB?
The act
The method
The purpose
Is THB a human rights issue?
Because THB is committed by private people or groups of individuals, they cannot be held liable for human rights violations. However, they can be held liable for breach of criminal law.
THB can amount to a HR violation
If it can be shown that the state was allowing it to happen either through corruption or not exercising due diligence.
Which case relates to the human rights obligations of states in respect to slavery and forced labour?
Rantsev v Cyprus and Russia 2010
Recruited as an artiste but trafficked to Cyprus for sex exploitation - she died suspiciously
Cypriot ombudsmen found that the state was aware of the situation and the risk the girls were at.
The father brought case to ECHR- they found that Cyprus had failed to protect trafficking victims and failed to investigate properly. Russia also failed to adequately investigate how Miss rantsev was trafficked from Russia
Name three different example of modern slavery linked to labour
Bonded labour( debt bondage) Forced labour( cotton and cocoa business) Magdalene laundries through Catholic Church
What is a definition of forced labour?
Found in ILO Forced labour convention 1930 ‘ all work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of a penalty and for which the said person has not offered themselves voluntarily ‘