Modern History Flashcards
1913 - what happened with Ireland
Home Rule Bill - having a self governing state but be part of UK
Ireland resisted and the Easter Rising on 1916
1921 - peace treaty
1922 - Ireland became two country
Northern Ireland - Protestant
Rest of Ireland - Irish free state - became a Republic on 1949
Conflict in Northern Ireland referred as the Troubles
Started radio broadcast 1922
Regular TV service in 1936
Graham Greene
English writer Catholic novels Thrillers The Man Within - Debut book The Captain and the enemy - last book
Evelyn Waugh
English writer Decline and Fall Handful of Dust Brideshead Revisited Sword of Honour
John Maynard Keynes
new theories of economics
Macroeconomics and economic policies of government
Keynesian Revolution
Dunkirk spirit
Evacuation of French and British soldiers from France
300000 men
Battle of Britain
Summer 1940
Spitfire and Hurricane
Victory over Germany
Winston Churchill
Conservative MP in 1900 Soldier and journalist May 1940 - Prime Minister Lost in GE 1945 Win in GE 1951
” I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat”
“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few”
“We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”
Alexander Fleming
Born in Scotland
Became a doctor and discovered penicillin
Nobel prize in 1945
Clement Attlee
1833-1967 Leader of Labour in 1945 introduced Beveridge Report Barrister Nationalisation of major industries
In 1948
Aneurin (Nye) Bevan, Minister of Health
Social Security
Independence of colonies
1947 - India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
20yrs - Africa, Caribbean, Pacific
Harold Macmillan
Prime Minister
Wind of change - decolonisation and independence of Empire
William Beveridge
Lord Beveridge
British economist, social reformer
Liveral MP
Social insurance and allied service - 1942
Five Giant Evils of Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness
R A Butler
Conservative MP in 1923
Education Act 1941 - free secondary education
Dylan Thomas
Welsh poet and author
Under Milk Wood
Do Not Go Gentle into that good night
Who invented - Television
John Logie Baird in 1920s
First TV broadcast from London to Glasgow
Who invented - Radar
Sir Bernard Lovell
Astronomy discovery
Jodrell Bank in Cheshire
Who invented - Turing machine
Alan Turing
Theoretical mathematical machine in 1930s
Who invented - Insulin
John MacLeod, Scottish
Who discovered the structure of DNA
Francis Crick
Nobel Prize
Who invented - Jet Engine
Sir Frank Whittle
Bristish Royal Air Force Engineer
Who invented - Hovercraft
Sir Christopher Cockerell in 1950s
Who invented - Harrier Jump jet
vertical take off jet