Modern America Flashcards
Great Railroad Strike
-worker’s wages were cut by 10%, workers went on strike because there were no labor unions
Homestead Strike
-purposely cut wages that could not be survived on, which led to a strike, which led to the government sending national guard to restrain strikers
Populist Party
-aka People’s Party (1891/1892) consisted of farmers going from democrats to populists
-wide range of demands, including graduated income tax, 8-hour workdays, immigration restrictions, government ownerships of railroads/telegraphs, and people-elected senators
William McKinley
-“safe, boring, conservative” Republican nominee in Election of 1896
Election of 1892
-candidates: Grover Cleveland (Democratic), Benjamin Harrison (Republican), James Weaver (Populist/People’s)
-Grover Cleveland won
Election of 1896
-candidates: William McKinley (Republican), William Jennings Bryan (Democratic/Populist)
-McKinley won
-Populist party is mostly gone
List the foundations of economic expansion in the US (advantages)
Identify the inventions/inventors and innovations/innovators that contributed to industrialization and the transformation of the economy
-lightbulb (Thomas Edison, 1870s), led to power source and larger factories
-telephone (Alexander Graham Bell)
-steel construction innovations
Explain the various ways the federal government financially subsidized private railroad companies, especially in the building of the transcontinental railroads, and the ways in which the federal government protected businesses against labor
-for each mile of the Transcontinental Railroad constructed, companies would receive 6,400 acres pf ;and and 48k in government bonds
-govt. provided military protection
Identify and explain the conflicts between management and labor in the late 19th century. Define and discuss the “new immigration” (origins of immigrants, expectations, push/pull factors, process of assimilation, and American response)
List the characteristics of Gilded Age politics
List the primary complaints of farmers
Describe the major themes, characteristics, and accomplishments of the Progressive movement
City Beautiful Movement
Playground Movement
Building Code Reform
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
Settlement House Movement