Models of Disabilities Flashcards
Which of the following is a prominent model of disability?
The psychological model
The charity model
The social functional model
The complex model
Which of the following is not a prominent model of disability?
The social model
The functional solutions model
The medicinal model
The cultural affiliation model
Which of the following is a prominent model of disability?
The economic model
The charity functional model
The social affiliation model
The medical social model
Which of the following is considered a strength of the medical model of disability?
1 - It defines disability in a way that facilitates treatment of the individual by the medical profession.
2 - It emphasizes the responsibility of society for creating enabling conditions for all people.
3 - It encourages individuals to view themselves as a class with common interests, so they can more effectively advocate for their rights.
4 - It encourages empathy for those with disabilities.
Which of the following is a weakness of the medical model of disability?
1 - It emphasizes the responsibility of society for creating enabling conditions for all people.
2 - It encourages empathy for those with disabilities.
3 - It causes innovators to ignore the most important aspects of the problem
4 - It overlooks the broader impact of inaccessible and unwelcoming environments
Which of the following is considered a strength of the social model of disability?
1 - It sees “disability” as a complex problem that is created by social environments
2 - It downplays the lived experience of those with disabilities
3 - It prioritizes inventiveness and entrepreneurship
4 - It takes pride in being associated with other people in a similar condition
Which of the following is considered a weakness of the social model of disability?
1 - It ignores that the sense of belonging stems from exclusion
2 - It results in innovative but not practical solutions
3 - Creates a legal definition of those who are “needy”
4 - It can treat disability as as unrelated to bodily characteristics
Which of the following is considered a strength of the economic model of disability?
It results in innovative but not practical solutions
It sees “disability” as a complex problem that is created by social environments
It recognizes the reality of bodily limitations and the need for accommodation support
It accepts a person’s disability completely and with pride
Which of the following is considered a weakness of the economic model of disability?
It treats disability as a problem of the individual
It creates socio-political strife between individuals
It creates short term gain without long term change
It places the burden of proving disability on the individual
Which of the following is considered a strength of the functional solutions model?
It ignores the environmental and systematic barriers to access.
It prioritizes and encourages inventiveness and entrepreneurship.
It downplays the lived experience.
It provides a treatable definition of disability
Which of the following is considered a weakness of the functional solutions model?
It focuses on the biology of the person and overlooks the impact of the environment.
It assigns labels and stigmatizes the person as “less than” the rest of the population.
It increases bureaucracy by requiring individuals to prove that they have a “disability”
It focuses on innovation to the point of ignoring the social aspects of the problem.
Which of the following is considered a strength of the social identity model of disability?
Individuals can use their collective political power to influence change in businesses
It inspires people to contribute resources for immediate needs.
It provides a strong legal definition of disability.
It encourages social/political inequalities and slows down progress as a whole.
Which of the following is a weakness of the social identity model?
The sense of belonging for many is withheld from those who do not meet the group’s expectations.
It inspires people to contribute time and resources where there is immediate need
It can address the biological sources of disabilities by curing or managing the conditions.
It creates a legally-defined category of people who are needy.
Which of the following is a strength of the charity model?
Explicitly acknowledges that there is a biological condition that places an individual at a disadvantage
Empowers people with disabilities by removing the stigma often associated with physical impairments.
Creates a sense of empathy in those without disabilities and inspires them to genuinely assist people with disabilities.
Situates disability in a context that can promote one’s emotional and social well-being
Which of the following is a weakness of the charity model?
It can de-emphasize the physical reality of a disability.
It can encourage a condescending attitude toward people with disabilities.
By emphasizing group identity, it can lead to a sense of social exclusion.
It can emphasize finding technical solutions that apply to only a few individuals.
Case Study Models:
Denis is a wheelchair user. He arrives at a mandatory employee training only to discover that the accessible parking will only give him access to the first floor of the building. Upon inquiry, his colleagues discover that there is a rear entrance that will give him access to the second floor where the training is being held. In this case, access is based on what model of disability?
Adaptive Model
Cultural Identity Model
Reactive Model
Medical Model
Case Study Models:
Denis is a wheelchair user. He arrives at a mandatory employee training only to discover that the accessible parking will only give him access to the first floor of the building. Upon inquiry, his colleagues discover that there is a rear entrance that will give him access to the second floor where the training is being held. In this case, access is based on what model of disability?
Adaptive Model
Cultural Identity Model
Reactive Model
Medical Model
Case Study Models:
Justine, who is blind and uses a white cane, is listening for traffic at an intersection. An unrecognized individual approaches and says, “here, let me help you cross.” The unknown individual then pulls Justine across the street. What view of disability might this individual have?
Social Model
Progressive Model
Charity Model
Cultural Model
Case Study Models:
Luiz, Martina and Desiree are usability engineers. They are currently testing the usability of a motion activated soap dispenser. They are testing a variety of sensors with different levels of proximity and motion. What model of disability supports this approach?
Medical Model
Functional Solutions Model
Biological Model
Compassion Model
Case Study Models:
Renee recently had hip replacement surgery, but has been released to resume her day job. In the process of working through her timeline to return to work, her employer agreed to provide her with a sit-stand desk as well as additional 15 minute breaks throughout her work day. The employer has demonstrated what model of disability?
Social Model
Forced Model
Compliance Model
Economic Model
Case Study Models:
A disability counselor meets with Katherine on a regular basis to check on the adequacy of her accommodations and her progress in class. During the initial interview with the student, Katherine provided doctor’s notes related to her Attention Deficit diagnosis. At that time the counselor used the documentation along with their personal observations and the student’s self-report to determine classroom accommodations. What model of disability may have informed the recommendation of the accommodations?
Interactive Model
Classroom Model
Cultural Identity Model
Medical Model
Case Study Models:
In the late Fall and throughout the winter months, Earnest uses a telework agreement with his employer to work from home. He has an immune deficiency that makes him susceptible to seasonal flu and other ailments. What model of disability is the employer utilizing to provide this accommodation?
Economic Model
Contingency Model
Social Model
Tragedy Model
Differentiate between models:
Which of the following best describes the difference between the social and medical models of disability?
The social model increases pity for the individual with the disability, while the medical model increases the potential for the individual to be cured
The social model leads to abuse of disability benefits, whereas the medical model leads to clear definitions of disability
The social model is highly apolitical and the medical model is highly political.
The social model increases cultural identification and the medical model decreases cultural identification
The social model focuses on disabling structures and the medical model focuses on biological definitions
Differentiate between models:
Which of the following models aligns most closely to universal design and technical accessibility?
Functional solutions